Publications 2007


Abbasi A-R, Hajirezaei M-R, Hofius D, Sonnewald U, Voll L M:

Specific roles of a- and g-tocopherol in abiotic stress responses of transgenic tobacco1[W][OA]. Plant Physiol. 143 (2007) 1720-1738.

Adoukonou-Sagbadja H, Schubert V, Dansi A, Jovtchev G, Meister A, Pistrick K, Akpagana K, Friedt W:

Flow cytometric analysis reveals different nuclear DNA contents in cultivated Fonio (Digitaria spp.) and some wild relatives from West-Africa. Plant Syst. Evol. 267 (2007) 163-176.

Al Khanjari S, Hammer K, Buerkert A, Röder M S:

Molecular diversity of Omani wheat revealed by microsatellites: I. Tetraploid landraces. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1291-1300.

Al Khanjari S, Hammer K, Buerkert A, Röder M S:

Molecular diversity of Omani wheat revealed by microsatellites: II. Hexaploid landraces. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1407-1417.

Altmann T, Strompen G, Gottwald S, Stein N, Hohmann U, Jung C, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B, Lunn J, Stitt M:

GABI-TILL: Zentrale Plattform zur funktionalen Untersuchung von Leitgenen in Feldfrüchten mit Hilfe der TILLING-Technologie. GenomXPress Sonderausgabe März (2007) 15.

Ante M:

Datenanalyse von cDNA-Array-Experimenten zur Identifikation möglicher regulatorischer Zielgene des epigenetischen Seneszenz-Kontrollfaktors SUVH2 und der stressabhängigen HIPP-Kernproteine. (Diploma Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007) 74 pp.

Bálint A F, Röder M S, Hell R, Galiba G, Börner A:

Mapping of QTLs affecting copper tolerance and the Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn contents in the shoots of wheat seedlings. Biol. Plant. 51 (2007) 129-134.

Barcaccia G, Bäumlein H, Sharbel T F:

Apomixis in St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum L.): an overview and glimpse towards the future. In: Hörandl E, Grossniklaus U, van Dijk P J, Sharbel T F (Eds.): Apomixis: evolution, mechanisms and perspectives. (Series: Regnum vegetabile, Vol. 147) Rugell, Liechtenstein: Gantner (2007) ISBN 978-3-906166-60-5, 259-280.

Baroux C, Pecinka A, Fuchs J, Schubert I, Grossniklaus U:

The triploid endosperm genome of Arabidopsis adopts a peculiar, parental-dosage-dependent chromatin organization. Plant Cell 19 (2007) 1782-1794.

Barow M, Jovtchev G:

Endopolyploidy in plants and its analysis by flow cytometry. In: Doležel J, Greilhuber J, Suda J (Eds.): Flow cytometry with plant cells: analysis of genes, chromosomes and genomes. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag (2007) ISBN 978-3-527-31487-4, 349-372.

Bartels A, Mock H-P, Papenbrock J:

Differential expression of Arabidopsis sulfurtransferases under various growth conditions. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 45 (2007) 178-187.

Berr A, Schubert I:

Interphase chromosome arrangement in Arabidopsis thaliana is similar in differentiated and meristematic tissues and shows a transient mirror symmetry after nuclear division. Genetics 176 (2007) 853-863.

Biemelt S, Senning M, Sonnewald U, Scholz U, Steuernagel B, Theres K, Schmitz G, Prat S, Navarro C, Cubas P, Traas J, Nikovics K, Laufs P:

GABI-GENOSOME: Ertrag und Lagerfähigkeit von Kartoffeln und Tomaten verbessern. GenomXPress Sonderausgabe März (2007) 21.

Böer E, Steinborn G, Kunze G, Gellissen G:

Yeast expression platforms. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 77 (2007) 513-523.

Böer E, Steinborn G, Matros A, Mock H-P, Gellissen G, Kunze G:

Production of interleukin-6 in Arxula adeninivorans, Hansenula polymorpha and Saccharomyces cerevisiae by applying the wide-range yeast vector (CoMedTM) system to simultaneous comparative assessment. FEMS Yeast Res. 7 (2007) 1181-1187.

Borchert T, Fuchs J, Winkelmann T, Hohe A:

Variable DNA content of Cyclamen persicum regenerated via somatic embryogenesis: rethinking the concept of long-term callus and suspension cultures. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. 90 (2007) 255-263.

Borisjuk L, Macherel D, Benamar A, Wobus U, Rolletschek H:

Low oxygen sensing and balancing in plant seeds: a role for nitric oxide. New Phytol. 176 (2007) 813-823.

Börner A, Iqbal N, Khlestkina E K, Landjeva S, Lohwasser U, Navakode S, Neumann K, Pestsova E G, Röder M S, Simon M R, Weidner A, Zaynali Nezhad K:

Rht dwarfing genes specific markers – Stripe rust adult plant resistance – Leaf rust resistance originated form Ae. markgrafii – Detection of septoria tritici blotch resistance genes employing wheat – Ae. tauschii introgressions – Osmotic stress response in wheat seedlings – Salt tolerance – Aluminium tolerance – Pre-harvest sprouting/Dormancy. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 53 (2007) 21-26.

Börner A, Korzun V:

Rye as a candidate for gene tagging in the Triticeae - a review. Vortr. Pflanzenzücht. 71 (2007) 194-204.

Brüß C, Seiffert U:

Automatic generation of 3-D and 4-D models. (2007).

Carchilan M, Delgado M, Ribeiro T, Costa-Nunes P, Caperta A, Morais-Cecílio L, Jones R N, Viegas W, Houben A:

Transcriptionally active heterochromatin in rye B chromosomes. Plant Cell 19 (2007) 1738-1749.

Chesnokov Y V, Pochepnya N V, Verzhuk V G, Kozlenko L V, Goncharova E A, Kapeshinskiy A M, Tyryshkin L G, Börner A:

Identification of adaptively important quantitative trait loci in hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum L. at different ecological zones. In: VIth Congress of the Russian Society of Plant Physiologists, International Conference Modern plant physiology: from molecules to ecosystem, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation, 18-24 June 2007, proceedings. (2007) 420-422.

Daniel I O:

Longevity of maize (Zea mays L.) seeds during low input storage under ambient conditions in South Western Nigeria. J. Trop. Agric. 45 (2007) 42-48.

Ding L, Hofius D, Hajirezaei M-R, Fernie A R, Börnke F, Sonnewald U:

Functional analysis of the essential bifunctional tobacco enzyme 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase/shikimate dehydrogenase in transgenic tobacco plants. J. Exp. Bot. 58 (2007) 2053-2067.

Dobeš C, Sharbel T F, Koch M:

Towards understanding the dynamics of hybridization and apomixis in the evolution of genus Boechera (Brassicaceae). Syst. Biodivers. 5 (2007) 321-331.

Dobrovolskaya O, Pshenichnikova T A, Arbuzova V S, Lohwasser U, Röder M S, Börner A:

Molecular mapping of genes determining hairy leaf character in common wheat with respect to other species of the Triticeae. Euphytica 155 (2007) 285-293.

El Fiki A, Metabteb G E, Bellebna C, Wartmann T, Bode R, Gellissen G, Kunze G:

The Arxula adeninivorans ATAL gene encoding transaldolase-gene characterization and biotechnological exploitation. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 74 (2007) 1292-1299.

Fehrer J, Gemeinholzer B, Chrtek J, Bräutigam S:

Incongruent plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies reveal ancient intergeneric hybridization in Pilosella hawkweeds (Hieracium, Cichorieae, Asteraceae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 42 (2007) 347-361.

Filatenko A A, Hammer K:

A new gross morphological variation in the genus Triticum L. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 231-232.

Fischer A, Lenhard A, Tronecker H, Lorat Y, Kraenzle M, Sorgenfrei O, Zeppenfeld T, Haushalter M, Vogt G, Gruene U, Meyer A, Handlbichler U, Schweizer P, Gaelweiler L:

iGentifier: indexing and large-scale profiling of unknown transcriptomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 35 (2007) 4640-4648.

Floss D M, Falkenburg D, Conrad U:

Production of vaccines and therapeutic antibodies for veterinary applications in transgenic plants: an overview. Transgenic Res. 16 (2007) 315-332.

Fritsch R M, Graichen M-L, Zanke C, Keller E R J:

Allium genetic resources in Germany: crop and wild species, maintenance and research projects. In: Astley, D. et al. (eds.) Report of a vegetative network, 2nd Meeting 26.-28.06. 2007 in Olomouc. (2007).

Ganal M W, Röder M S:

Microsatellite and SNP markers in wheat breeding. In: Varshney R K, Tuberosa R (Eds.): Genomics-assisted crop improvement: Vol. 2: Genomics applications in crops Dordrecht: Springer (2007) ISBN 978-1-4020-6296-4, 1-24.

Gernand D, Golczyk H, Rutten T, Ilnicki T, Houben A, Joachimiak A J:

Tissue culture triggers chromosome alterations, amplification, and transposition of repeat sequences in Allium fistulosum. Genome 50 (2007) 435-442.

Giang V T H:

Towards map based cloning of the Gibberellin-insensitive dwarfing gene sdw3 of barley. (PhD Thesis) Greifswald, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität (2007) 88 pp.

Gigolashvili T, Berger B, Mock H-P, Müller C, Weisshaar B, Flügge U I:

The transcription factor HIG1/MYB51 regulates indolic glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 50 (2007) 886-901.

Gils M, Kempe K, Rubtsova M, Schachschneider R:

Der „Split Gene Approach“ für Pflanzen: Mit geteilten Genen zum vollen Ertrag. GABI-FUTURE-Brückenprojekt Hybridweizen: Die Etablierung eines neuartigen transgenen Systems zur Erzeugung von Hybridweizensaatgut. GenomXPress 4 (2007) 7-10.

Gjetting T, Hagedorn P H, Schweizer P, Thordal-Christensen H, Carver T L W, Lyngkjaer M F:

Single-cell transcript profiling of barley attacked by the powdery mildew fungus. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 20 (2007) 235-246.

Goedeke S, Hensel G, Kapusi E, Gahrtz M, Kumlehn J:

Transgenic barley in fundamental research and biotechnology. Transgenic Plant J. 1 (2007) 104-117.

Gottwald E, Giselbrecht S, Augspurger C, Lahni B, Dambrowsky N, Truckenmüller R, Piotter V, Gietzelt T, Wendt O, Pfleging W, Welle A, Rolletschek A, Wobus A M, Weibezahn K F:

A chip-based platform for the in vitro generation of tissues in three-dimensional organization. Lab Chip 7 (2007) 777-785.

Götz K P, Staroske N, Radchuk R, Emery R J, Wutzke K D, Herzog H, Weber H:

Uptake and allocation of carbon and nitrogen in Vicia narbonensis plants with increased seed sink strength achieved by seed-specific expression of an amino acid permease. J. Exp. Bot. 58 (2007) 3183-3195.

Grafahrend-Belau E, Weise S, Koschützki D, Scholz U, Junker B H, Schreiber F:

MetaCrop – A detailed database of crop plant metabolism. (2007).

Grau J, Keilwagen J, Grosse I, Posch S:

On the relevance of model orders to discriminative learning of Markov models. In: Hinneburg A (Ed.): LWA 2007 : Lernen, Wissen, Adaption, Halle, September 2007; workshop proceedings. Halle/S.: Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Inst. for Informatics, Databases and Information Systems (2007) ISBN 978-3-86010-907-6, 61-66.

Grau J, Keilwagen J, Kel A, Grosse I, Posch S:

Supervised posteriors for DNA-motif classification. In: Falter C, Schliep A, Selbig J, Vingron M, Walther D (Eds.): German Conference on Bioinformatics, GCB 2007: 26.-28.09.2007 in Potsdam, Germany, proceedings (Series: Lecture notes in informatics, Vol. 115) Bonn: Ges. für Informatik (2007) ISBN 978-3-88579-209-3, 123-134.

Gubatz S, Dercksen V J, Brüß C, Weschke W, Wobus U:

Analysis of barley (Hordeum vulgare) grain development using three-dimensional digital models. Plant J. 52 (2007) 779-790.

Gurushidze M, Mashayekhi S, Blattner F R, Friesen N, Fritsch R M:

Phylogenetic relationships of wild and cultivated species of Allium section Cepa inferred by nuclear rDNA ITS sequence analysis. Plant Syst. Evol. 269 (2007) 259-269.

Hammer B, Hasenfuss A, Rossi F, Strickert M:

Topographic processing of relational data. In: WSOM 2007: 6th International workshop on self-organizing maps; Bielefeld, Germany, September 3-6th 2007; proceedings. (2007)

Hammer B, Hasenfuss A, Schleif F-M, Villmann T, Strickert M:

Intuitive clustering of biological data. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2007: IJCNN 2007, 12 - 17 Aug. 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA, proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Operations Center (2007) ISBN 978-1-4244-1379-9, 1877-1882.

Hartung F, Wurz-Wildersinn R, Fuchs J, Schubert I, Suer S, Puchta H:

The catalytically active tyrosine residues of both SPO11-1 and SPO11-2 are required for meiotic double-strand break induction in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19 (2007) 3090-3099.

Hedtmann C:

Charakterisierung von einem Stress-induzierten Protein aus Nicotiana tabacum mit Homologie zum Gen At1g62740. (Master Thesis) Hannover, Universität Hannover (2007) 71 pp.

Heide K:

Etablierung und Validierung eines online-Analysators zur Erfassung östrogen-wirksamer Substanzen mittels Hefezellen-Dickschichtsensors. (Diploma Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt (FH) (2007) 76 pp.

Heiß S:

Entwicklung eines Data-Warehouses für pflanzengenetische Diversitätsstudien. (Diploma Thesis) Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (2007)

Heistinger A, Pistrick K:

Altreier Kaffee: Lupinus pilosus L. cultivated as coffee substitute in Northern Italy (Alto Adige/Sudtirol). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1623-1630.

Hensel G, Valkov V, Marthe C, Kumlehn J:

Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of various barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes. In: Xu Z, Li J, Xue Y, Yang W (Eds.): Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture 2006 and beyond. proceedings of the 11th IAPTC&B congress, August 13-18, 2006 Beijing,China. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands (2007) ISBN 978-1-402-06634-4, 143-145.

Himmelbach A, Zierold U, Hensel G, Riechen J, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Kumlehn J:

A set of modular binary vectors for transformation of cereals. Plant Physiol. 145 (2007) 1192-1200.

Hörandl E, Grossniklaus U, Sharbel T F (Eds.):

Apomixis: evolution, mechanisms and perspectives. (Series: Regnum vegetabile, Vol. 147) Rugell, Liechtenstein: Gantner (2007) ISBN 978-3-906166-60-5, 424 pp.

Houben A, Demidov D, Caperta A D, Karimi R, Agueci F, Vlasenko L:

Phosphorylation of histone H3 in plants-A dynamic affair. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1769 (2007) 308-315.

Houben A, Schroeder-Reiter E, Nagaki K, Nasuda S, Wanner G, Murata M, Endo T R:

CENH3 interacts with the centromeric retrotransposon cereba and GC-rich satellites and locates to centromeric substructures in barley. Chromosoma 116 (2007) 275-283.

Houben A, Schubert I:

The cytogenetics and genomics of crop plants - Foreword. Chromosome Res. 15 (2007) 1-2.

Houben A, Schubert I (Eds.):

Special Issue: The cytogenetics and genomics of crop plants. No. 1. (Series: Chromosome Res., Vol. 15) (2007) 121 pp.

Houben A, Schubert I:

Engineered plant minichromosomes: a resurrection of B chromosomes? Plant Cell 19 (2007) 2323-2327.

Huang X-Q, Wolf M, Ganal M W, Orford S, Koebner R M D, Röder M S:

Did modern plant breeding lead to genetic erosion in European winter wheat varieties? Crop Sci. 47 (2007) 343-349.

Iqbal N, Eticha F, Khlestkina E K, Weidner A, Röder M S, Börner A:

The use of SSR markers to identify and map alien segments carrying genes for effective resistance to leaf rust in bread wheat. Plant Genet. Resour. 5 (2007) 100-103.

Islam M A, Meister A, Schubert V, Kloppstech K, Esch E:

Genetic diversity and cytogenetic analyses in Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe from Bangladesh. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 149-156.

Jakob S S, Ihlow A, Blattner F R:

Combined ecological niche modelling and molecular phylogeography revealed the evolutionary history of Hordeum marinum (Poaceae) – niche differentiation, loss of genetic diversity, and speciation in Mediterranean Quaternary refugia. Mol. Ecol. 16 (2007) 1713-1727.

Jovtchev G, Barow M, Meister A, Schubert I:

Impact of environmental and endogenous factors on endopolyploidization in angiosperms. Environ. Exp. Bot. 60 (2007) 404-411.

Junker B H, Lonien J, Heady L E, Rogers A, Schwender J:

Parallel determination of enzyme activities and in vivo fluxes in Brassica napus embryos grown on organic or inorganic nitrogen source. Phytochemistry 68 (2007) 2232-2242.

Kaczmarczyk A, Grübe M, Keller E R J:

Cryopreservation of potato: New results from the IPK Gatersleben, Germany. Mem. Int. Congr. Plant Biotechnol. & Agricult. (BioVeg2007), Centro de Bioplantas, Ciego de Avila, Cuba (2007) CD-ROM, 8 pp.

Kaczmarczyk A, Keller E R J, Shvachko N A, Lupysheva Y V:

Optimization of cryopreservation conditions for two potato accessions (Solanum tuberosum ‘Desiree’ and S. acaule). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Vavilov Conference Crop genetic resources in the 21st century: current status, problems and prospects, 26.-30.11.2007. St. Petersburg/Russia (2007) 195-197.

Kantama L, Sharbel T F, Schranz M E, Mitchell-Olds T, de Vries S, de Jong H:

Diploid apomicts of the Boechera holboellii complex display large-scale chromosome substitutions and aberrant chromosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104 (2007) 14026-14031.

Kaur P, Kunze G, Satyanarayana T:

Yeast phytases: present scenario and future perspectives. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 27 (2007) 93-109.

Kaur P, Lingner A, Singh B, Böer E, Polajeva J, Steinborn G, Bode R, Gellissen G, Satyanarayana T, Kunze G:

APHO1 from the yeast Arxula adeninivorans encodes an acid phosphatase of broad substrate specificity. Anton. Leeuw. Int. J. G. 91 (2007) 45-55.

Keilwagen J, Grau J, Posch S, Grosse I:

Recognition of splice sites using maximum conditional likelihood. In: Hinneburg A (Ed.): LWA 2007: Lernen, Wissen, Adaption, Halle, September 2007; workshop proceedings. Halle/S.: Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Inst. for Informatics, Databases and Information Systems (2007) ISBN 978-3-86010-907-6, 67-72.

Kell S P, Jury S L, Knüpffer H, Ford-Lloyd B V, Maxted N:

PGR Forum: serving the crop wild relative user community. Bocconea 21 (2007) 413-421.

Keller E R J:

Cryopreservation for maintenance of plant germplasm in Germany. Adv. Horticult. Sci. 21 (2007) 228-231.

Keller E R J, Funke T:

Die Knoblauch-Kernkollektion des IPK - IPK’s Core Collection of Garlic. (2007).

Keller E R J, Zanke C:

EURALLIVEG Project: “Vegetative Allium, Europe’s Core Collection, safe & sound”. Bioversity Newsl. Europe 34 (2007) 17.

Keller E R J, Zanke C, Scholz U:

EURALLIVEG - Vegetative Allium, Europe’s Core Collection, Safe and Sound (2007).

Khlestkina E K, Röder M S, Unger O, Meinel A, Börner A:

More precise map position and origin of a durable non-specific adult plant disease resistance against stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) in wheat. Euphytica 153 (2007) 1-10.

Khoshbakht K, Hammer K, Pistrick K:

Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 445-448.

Kim Y-M:

Untersuchungen zur Schwesterchromatidenkohäsion mittels Fluoreszens in situ Hybridisierung bei Angiospermen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Arabidopsis thaliana. (Diploma Thesis) Kassel, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich 18 - Naturwissenschaften (2007) 45 pp.

Klapperstück M:

Konzeption und Umsetzung einer Graphanfragesprache zur nicht-materialisierten Integration biologischer Datenbanken. (Diploma Thesis) Halle, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Informatik (2007) 98 pp.

Kleger A, Busch T, Liebau S, Prelle K, Paschke S, Beil M, Rolletschek A, Wobus A, Wolf E, Adler G, Seufferlein T:

The bioactive lipid sphingosylphosphorylcholine induces differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and human promyelocytic leukaemia cells. Cell. Signalling 19 (2007) 367-377.

Kleijer G, Häner R, Knüpffer H:

Triticale and Rye Genetic Resources in Europe: Ad hoc Meeting, 28 September 2006, Nyon, Switzerland. (2007).

Klukas C:

VANTED - visualization and analysis of networks containing experimental data. (2007).

Klukas C, Schreiber F:

Dynamic exploration and editing of KEGG pathway diagrams. Bioinformatics 23 (2007) 344-350.

Knüpffer H:

Anbindung des Genbankinformationssystems (GBIS) als Data Provider für die Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), mit Hilfe der BioCASE-Provider-Software. (2007).

Komatsuda T, Pourkheirandish M, He C F, Azhaguvel P, Kanamori H, Perovic D, Stein N, Graner A, Wicker T, Tagiri A, Lundqvist U, Fujimura T, Matsuoka M, Matsumoto T, Yano M:

Six-rowed barley originated from a mutation in a homeodomain-leucine zipper I-class homeobox gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104 (2007) 1424-1429.

Koopmann J H:

Integrierte plattformübergreifende Normalisierung von Expressionsdaten. (Diploma Thesis) Halle, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007)

Koschützki D, Schwöbbermeyer H, Schreiber F:

Ranking of network elements based on functional substructures. J. Theor. Biol. 248 (2007) 471-479.

Kotak S, Vierling E, Bäumlein H, von Koskull-Döring P:

A novel transcriptional cascade regulating expression of heat stress proteins during seed development of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19 (2007) 182-195.

Kronberg K, Vogel F, Rutten T, Hajirezaei M-R, Sonnewald U, Hofius D:

The silver lining of a viral agent: increasing seed yield and harvest index in Arabidopsis by ectopic expression of the potato leaf roll virus movement protein. Plant Physiol. 145 (2007) 905-918.

Kuenne C, Grosse I, Matthies I, Scholz U, Sretenovic-Rajicic T, Stein N, Stephanik A, Steuernagel B, Weise S:

Using data warehouse technology in crop plant bioinformatics. J. Integr. Bioinform. 4 (2007) 88.

Kumlehn J, Schweizer P, Langen G, Bieri S, Wetjen T:

PRO-GABI: Pflanzliche Abwehrmechanismen gegen Pilzbefall gezielt einschalten. GenomXPress Sonderausgabe März (2007) 24.

Landjeva S, Korzun V, Börner A:

Molecular markers – actual and potential contributions to wheat genome characterization and breeding. Euphytica 156 (2007) 271-296.

Lange M, Himmelbach A, Schweizer P, Scholz U:

Data Linkage Graph: computation, querying and knowledge discovery of life science database networks. J. Integr. Bioinform. 4 (2007) 68.

Lange M, Scholz U:

Datenverarbeitung in der Biologie. Erbe Information. iX 3 (2007) 106-109.

Laurent V, Devaux P, Thiel T, Viard F, Mielordt S, Touzet P, Quillet M C:

Comparative effectiveness of sugar beet microsatellite markers isolated from genomic libraries and GenBank ESTs to map the sugar beet genome. Theor. Appl. Genet. 115 (2007) 793-805.

Lebeda A, Doležalová I, Křístková E, Dehmer K J, Astley D, van de Wiel C C M, van Treuren T:

Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L. germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 555-562.

Leonova I N, Laikova L I, Popova O M, Unger O, Börner A, Röder M S:

Detection of quantitative trait loci for leaf rust resistance in wheat–T-timopheevii/T-tauschii introgression lines. Euphytica 155 (2007) 79-86.

Lermontova I, Fuchs J, Schubert V, Schubert I:

Loading time of the centromeric histone H3 variant differs between plants and animals. Chromosoma 116 (2007) 507-510.

Lermontova I, Schubert V, Börnke F, Macas J, Schubert I:

Arabidopsis CBF5 interacts with the H/ACA snoRNP assembly factor NAF1. Plant Mol. Biol. 65 (2007) 615-625.

Logozzo G, Donnoli R, Macaluso L, Papa R, Knüpffer H, Zeuli P S:

Analysis of the contribution of Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools to European common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm and strategies to establish a core collection. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1763-1779.

Löser P, Wobus A M:

Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Forschung mit humanen embryonalen Stammzellen. Naturwiss. Rdsch. 60 (2007) 229-237.

Lynch P, Souch G, Trigwell S, Keller E R J, Harding K:

Plant cryopreservation: from laboratory to genebank. Book of Abstracts of the Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Cultures and Agrobiotechnology. 17.-21.06.2007, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia. (2007)

Malysheva-Otto L, Ganal M W, Law J R, Reeves J C, Röder M S:

Temporal trends of genetic diversity in European barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.). Mol. Breed. 20 (2007) 309-322.

Marcel T C, Varshney R K, Barbieri M, Jafary H, de Kock M J D, Graner A, Niks R E:

A high-density consensus map of barley to compare the distribution of QTLs for partial resistance to Puccinia hordei and of defence gene homologues. Theor. Appl. Genet. 114 (2007) 487-500.

Marschner S:

Ursprung, Zusammensetzung und Transkriptionsaktivität der B-Chromosomen von Brachycome dichromosomatica. (PhD Thesis) Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2007) 91 pp.

Marschner S, Kumke K, Houben A:

B chromosomes of B. dichromosomatica show a reduced level of euchromatic histone H3 methylation marks. Chromosome Res. 15 (2007) 215-222.

Marschner S, Meister A, Blattner F R, Houben A:

Evolution and function of B chromosome 45S rDNA sequences in Brachycome dichromosomatica. Genome 50 (2007) 638-644.

Matthies I E, Röder M S:

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