Publications 2020


Abbai R, Singh V K, Snowdon R J, Kumar A, Schnurbusch T:

Seeking crops with balanced parts for the ideal whole. Trends Plant Sci. 25 (2020) 1189-1193.

Adamusová K, Khosravi S, Fujimoto S, Houben A, Matsunaga S, Fajkus J, Fojtová M:

Two combinatorial patterns of telomere histone marks in plants with canonical and non-canonical telomere repeats. Plant J. 102 (2020) 678-687.

Adeboye K, Börner A:

Delayed luminescence of seeds: do shining seeds indicate viability? Seed Sci. Technol. 48 (2020) 167-177.

Adeboye K A, Oyedeji O E, Alqudah A M, Börner A, Oduwaye O, Adebambo O, Daniel I O:

Genetic structure and diversity of upland rice germplasm using diversity array technology (DArT)-based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Plant Genet. Resour. 18 (2020) 343-350.

Aguirre-Araya A:

Quantification of the impact of enhanced urea uptake in cereal grain crops on growth, nitrogen metabolism, yield formation and grain quality. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2020) 153 pp.

Ahn Y-J, Cuacos M, Ayoub M A, Kappermann J, Houben A, Heckmann S:

In planta delivery of chemical compounds into barley meiocytes – EdU as compound example. In: Pradillo M, Heckmann S (Eds.): Plant Meiosis: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2061) New York, NY: Humana Press (2020) 978-1-4939-9817-3, 381-402.

Aizouq M, Peisker H, Gutbrod K, Melzer M, Hölzl G, Dörmann P:

Triacylglycerol and phytyl ester synthesis in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117 (2020) 6216-6222.

Albrecht S, Otto L-G:

Matricaria recutita L.: True chamomile. In: Novak J, Blüthner W-D (Eds.): Medicinal, aromatic and stimulant plants. (Series: Handbook of plant breeding, Vol. 12) Cham: Springer (2020) ISBN 978-3-030-38791-4, 313-331.

Alcântara A, Seitner D, Navarrete F, Djamei A:

A high-throughput screening method to identify proteins involved in unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum in plants. Plant Methods 16 (2020) 4.

Alqudah A M, Haile J K, Alomari D Z, Pozniak C J, Kobiljski B, Börner A:

Genome-wide and SNP network analyses reveal genetic control of spikelet sterility and yield-related traits in wheat. Sci. Rep. 10 (2020) 2098.

Alqudah A M, Sallam A, Baenziger P S, Börner A:

GWAS: Fast-forwarding gene identification in temperate cereals: barley as a case study – a review. J. Adv. Res. 22 (2020) 119-135.

Antonova E, Fuchs J, Röder M S:

Influence of chronic man-made pollution on Bromus inermis genome size. Russ. J. Ecol. 51 (2020) 337-344.

Anu, Kumar A, Rapoport A, Kunze G, Kumar S, Singh D, Singh B:

Multifarious pretreatment strategies for the lignocellulosic substrates for the generation of renewable and sustainable biofuels: A review. Renewable Energy 160 (2020) 1228-1252.

Arend D, König P, Junker A, Scholz U, Lange M:

The on-premise data sharing infrastructure e!DAL: Foster FAIR data for faster data acquisition. GigaScience 9 (2020) giaa107.

Ayoub M A, Heckmann S:

Hordeum vulgare. Poaceae (Calender Page). In: Houben A (Ed.): Plant Cytogenetics 2020. 3th Edition. Gatersleben, Germany: IPK (2020) 1.

Bachmann-Pfabe S, Dehmer K J:

Evaluation of wild potato germplasm for tuber starch content and nitrogen utilization efficiency. Plants 9 (2020) 833.

Badr A, El-Shazly H H, Tarawneh R A, Börner A:

Screening for drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm using germination and seedling traits under simulated drought conditions. Plants 9 (2020) 565.

Baez M, Kuo Y T, Dias Y, Souza T, Boudichevskaia A, Fuchs J, Schubert V, Vanzela A L L, Pedrosa-Harand A, Houben A:

Analysis of the small chromosomal Prionium serratum (Cyperid) demonstrates the importance of reliable methods to differentiate between mono- and holocentricity. Chromosoma 129 (2020) 285-297.

Bagheri A, Abbasi S, Mahmoodi M, Akhavan A, Blattner F R:

Genetic structure and conservation status of Astragalus subrecognitus (Fabaceae): a very rare and narrow endemic species. Plant Ecol. Evol. 153 (2020) 101-107.

Bagheri A, Blattner F R, Fritsch R M:

Allium gilanense, a new species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum (Amaryllidaceae) from Iran: evidence from morphological and molecular data. Phytotaxa 474 (2020) 283-293.

Bajerski F, Bürger A, Glasmacher B, Keller E R J, Müller K, Mühldorfer K, Nagel M, Rüdel H, Müller T, Schenkel J, Overmann J:

Factors determining microbial colonization of liquid nitrogen storage tanks used for archiving biological samples. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 104 (2020) 131-144.

Bär A, Bennert H W, Czichowski H-J, Fuchs J, Gausmann P, Ivanova D, Jäger W, Neuroth R, Thiel H, Thiemann R, Zenner G:

Der Dryopteris affinis-Komplex (Dryopteridaceae) im Harz – Identifizierung, Verbreitung, Ökologie. Tuexenia 40 (2020) 345-371.

Bauer B, von Wirén N:

Modulating tiller formation in cereal crops by the signalling function of fertilizer nitrogen forms. Sci. Rep. 10 (2020) 20504.

Beier S, Ulpinnis C, Schwalbe M, Münch T, Hoffie R, Koeppel I, Hertig C, Budhagatapalli N, Hiekel S, Pathi K M, Hensel G, Grosse M, Chamas S, Gerasimova S, Kumlehn J, Scholz U, Schmutzer T:

Kmasker plants – a tool for assessing complex sequence space in plant species. Plant J. 102 (2020) 631-642.

Bernhardt N, Brassac J, Dong X, Willing E M, Poskar C H, Kilian B, Blattner F R:

Genome-wide sequence information reveals recurrent hybridization among diploid wheat wild relatives. Plant J. 102 (2020) 493-506.

Beseda T, Cápal P, Kubalová I, Schubert V, Doležel J, Šimková H:

Mitotic chromosome organization: General rules meet species-specific variability. Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 18 (2020) 1311-1319.

Betsiashvili M, Samadashvili T, Simonishvili N, Silagava N, Lohwasser U:

Agro-morphological and biochemical characterization of Georgian common wheat (T. aestivum) – „Dolis puri” sub-varieties. Ann. Agrar. Sci. 18 (2020) 448–458.

Beukert U, Liu G, Thorwarth P, Boeven P H G, Longin C F H, Zhao Y, Ganal M, Serfling A, Ordon F, Reif J C:

The potential of hybrid breeding to enhance leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 133 (2020) 2171-2181.

Beukert U, Thorwarth P, Zhao Y, Longin C F H, Serfling A, Ordon F, Reif J C:

Comparing the potential of marker-assisted selection and genomic prediction for improving rust resistance in hybrid wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 594113.

Beying N, Schmidt C, Pacher M, Houben A, Puchta H:

CRISPR-Cas9-mediated induction of heritable chromosomal translocations in Arabidopsis. Nat. Plants 6 (2020) 638–645.

Boeven P H G, Zhao Y, Thorwarth P, Liu F, Maurer H P, Gils M, Schachschneider R, Schacht J, Ebmeyer E, Kazman E, Mirdita V, Dörnte J, Kontowski S, Horbach R, Cöster H, Holzapfel J, Jacobi A, Ramgraber L, Reinbrecht C, Starck N, Varenne P, Starke A, Schürmann F, Ganal M, Polley A, Hartung J, Beier S, Scholz U, Longin C F H, Reif J C, Jiang Y, Würschum T:

Negative dominance and dominance-by-dominance epistatic effects reduce grain-yield heterosis in wide crosses in wheat. Sci. Adv. 6 (2020) eaay4897.

Bog M, Sree K S, Fuchs J, Hoang P T N, Schubert I, Kuever J, Rabenstein A, Paolacci S, Jansen M A K, Appenroth K-J:

A taxonomic revision of Lemna sect. Uninerves (Lemnaceae). Taxon 69 (2020) 56-66.

Bog M, Xu S, Himmelbach A, Brandt R, Wagner F, Appenroth K J, Sree K S:

Genotyping-by-sequencing for species delimitation in Lemna section Uninerves Hegelm. (Lemnaceae). In: Cao X H, Fourounjian P, Wang W (Eds.): The duckweed genomes. (Series: Compendium of plant genomes) Cham: Springer (2020) 115-123.

Boller B, Harper J, Willner E, Fuchs J, Glombik M, Majka J, Mahelka V, Zhao C, Kopecký D:

Spontaneous natural formation of interspecific hybrids within the Festuca-Lolium complex. Biol. Plant. 64 (2020) 679-691.

Borisjuk L, Rolletschek H, Radchuk V:

Advances in understanding of barley plant physiology: factors determining grain development and composition/chemistry. In: Fox G, Li C (Eds.): Achieving sustainable cultivation of barley. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, Vol. 74) Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds (2020) ISBN 978-1-78676-308-2, 53-96.

Börner A, Alqudah A M, Alomari D Z, Brassac J, Cardelli M, Esquisabel E, Impe D, Koppolu R, Lohwasser U, Muqaddasi Q H, Nagel M, Rehman Arif M A, Röder M S, Schierenbeck M, Simón M R, Tarawneh R, Uranga J P, Zaynali Nezhad K:

Items from Germany. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 66 (2020) 12-23.

Borsch T, Stevens A-D, Häffner E, Güntsch A, Berendsohn W G, Appelhans M S, Barilaro C, Beszteri B, Blattner F R, Bossdorf O, Dalitz H, Dressler S, Duque-Thüs R, Esser H-J, Franzke A, Goetze D, Grein M, Grünert U, Hellwig F, Hentschel J, Hörandl E, Janßen T, Jürgens N, Kadereit G, Karisch T, Koch M A, Müller F, Müller J, Ober D, Porembski S, Poschlod P, Printzen C, Röser M, Sack P, Schlüter P, Schmidt M, Schnittler M, Scholler M, Schultz M, Seeber E, Simmel J, Stiller M, Thiv M, Thüs H, Tkach N, Triebel D, Warnke U, Weibulat T, Wesche K, Yurkov A, Zizka G:

A complete digitization of German herbaria is possible, sensible and should be started now. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6 (2020) e50675.

Boudichevskaia A, Kumar G, Sharma Y, Kapoor R, Singh K:

Challenges and strategies for developing climate-smart apple varieties through genomic approaches. In: Kole C (Ed.): Genomic Designing of Climate - Smart Fruit Crops. : Springer International Publishing (2020) ISBN 978-3-319-97945-8, 23-71.

Boudichevskaia A, Ruban A, Thiel J, Fiebig A, Houben A:

Tissue-specific transcriptome analysis reveals candidate genes associated with the process of programmed chromosome limination in Aegilops speltoides. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (2020) 7596.

Bretani G, Rossini L, Ferrandi C, Russell J, Waugh R, Kilian B, Bagnaresi P, Cattivelli L, Fricano A:

Segmental duplications are hot spots of copy number variants affecting barley gene content. Plant J. 103 (2020) 1073-1088.

Budhagatapalli N, Halbach T, Hiekel S, Büchner H, Müller A E, Kumlehn J:

Site-directed mutagenesis in bread and durum wheat via pollination by cas9/guide RNA-transgenic maize used as haploidy inducer. Plant Biotechnol. J. 18 (2020) 2376-2378.

Butardo Jr V M, Seiler C, Sreeenivasulu N, Kuhlmann M:

Obtaining high-quality transcriptome data from cereal seeds by a modified method for gene expression profiling. J. Vis. Exp. 159 (2020) e60602.

Cao H X, Vu G T H:

Cytogenetics, epigenetics and karyotype evolution of duckweeds. In: Cao X H, Fourounjian P, Wang W (Eds.): The duckweed genomes. (Series: Compendium of plant genomes) Cham: Springer (2020) 47-57.

Chen E C H, Mathieu S, Hoffrichter A, Ropars J, Dreissig S, Fuchs J, Brachmann A, Corradi N:

More filtering on SNP calling does not remove evidence of inter-nucleus recombination in dikaryotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 912.

Chizzola R, Lohwasser U:

Diversity of secondary metabolites in roots from Conium maculatum L. Plants 9 (2020) 939.

Chu J, Zhao Y, Beier S, Schulthess A W, Stein N, Philipp N, Röder M S, Reif J C:

Suitability of single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays versus genotyping-by-sequencing for genebank genomics in wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 42.

Ciftci A, Harpke D, Mollman R, Yildirim H, Erol O:

Notes on Crocus L. Series Flavi Mathew (Iridaceae) and a new species with unique corm structure. Phytotaxa 438 (2020) 65-79.

D’Auria J C (Ed.):

Special Issue: Advances in Plant Alkaloid Research; printed edition. (Series: Molecules, Vol. 25) (2020) ISBN 978-3-03943-172-4 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-03943-173-1 (PDF), 278 pp.

Dächert C, Gladilin E, Binder M:

Gene expression profiling of different Huh7 variants reveals novel Hepatitis C virus host Factors. Viruses 12 (2020) 36.

Daoud M N M:

Phage display-based screening for novel recombinant antibody fragments against effector proteins from Ustilago maydis. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2020) 72 pp.

Dassau F:

Entwicklung einer CRISPR/Cas9 basierten Methode zur chromogenen in-situ Markierung spezifischer DNS. (Bachelor Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida (2020) 62 pp.

Desjardins S D, Ogle D E, Ayoub M A, Heckmann S, Henderson I R, Edwards K J, Higgins J D:

MutS homologue 4 and MutS homologue 5 maintain the obligate crossover in wheat despite stepwise gene loss following polyploidization. Plant Physiol. 183 (2020) 1545-1558.

Devabhakthini N:

Impact of nitrogen nutrition on root architectural traits and phytohormone levels in roots of modern wheat cultivars. (Master Thesis) Stuttgart, Universität Hohenheim, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (2020) 45 pp.

Dolatyari A, Moazzeni H, Hosseini S, Blattner F R, Fritsch R M:

Allium schisticola, a new species with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position. Phytotaxa 450 (2020) 246-256.

Dreissig S, Fuchs J, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Houben A:

Quantification of recombination rate and segregation distortion by genotyping and sequencing of single pollen nuclei. In: Pradillo M, Heckmann S (Eds.): Plant Meiosis: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2061) New York, NY: Humana Press (2020) 978-1-4939-9817-3, 281-300.

Dubey R:

Targeted meiotic DNA Double strand break induction using the CRISPR/Cas9 system analyzed via single pollen genotyping. (Master Thesis) Zaragoza, Catalonia, Spain, Spain University of Lleida, Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM) (2020) 70 pp.

Dudziak K, Sozoniuk M, Szczerba H, Kuzdraliński A, Kowalczyk K, Börner A, Nowak M:

Identification of stable reference genes for qPCR studies in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings under short-term drought stress. Plant Methods 16 (2020) 58.

Dvořák Tomaštíková E, Rutten T, Dvořák P, Tugai A, Ptošková K, Petrovská B, van Damme D, Houben A, Doležel J, Demidov D:

Functional divergence of microtubule-associated TPX2 family members in Arabidopsis thaliana. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (2020) 2183.

Eichler-Löbermann B, Busch S, Jablonowski N D, Kavka M, Brandt C:

Mixed cropping as affected by phosphorus and water supply. Agronomy 10 (2020) 1506.

El Araiedh A:

Isolation and characterization of recombinant antibodies against an allergenic peptide of cereal seed proteins. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2020) 87 pp.

Esmaeili H, Karami A, Hadian J, Nejad Ebrahimi S, Otto L-G:

Genetic structure and variation in Iranian licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) populations based on morphological, phytochemical and simple sequence repeats markers. Ind. Crops Prod. 145 (2020) 112140.

Esquivel Pérez M Á, Castellanos Suarez J A, Hammer K, Knüpffer H:

Dime lo que siembras… ¡y te diré quién eres! [Sag mir, was du säst ... und ich sage dir, wer du bist!]. In: Pérez Soto F, Figueroa Hernández E, Godínez Montoya L, Salazar Moreno R (Eds.): Economía y crecimiento económico [Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswachstum]. México: Asociación Mexicana de Investigación Interdisciplinaria A.C. (ASMIIA, A.C.) (2020) ISBN 978-607-99027-4-2, 165-182.

Faehnrich B, Huber J, Wagner S, Franz C, Fraust B, Wehrle M, Ruzicka J, Novak J, Otto L-G:

Toward pollen sterility in German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) – Conventional breeding approaches of cytoplasmic/genic male sterility and chemical emasculation. Plant Breed. 139 (2020) 1299-1309.

Feiner A E:

Genetic and metabolic analysis of downy mildew resistance in hops (Humulus lupulus L.). (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2020) 140 pp.

Fetić S:

Genetische Transformation diverser Arabidopsis-Ökotypen mittels Adventivspross bildender Hypokotyl-Explantate. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2020) 81 pp.

Flügge C:

Phänotypisierung und QTL Kartierung von Bormangel Merkmalen bei Raps (Brassica napus L.). (Master Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (2020) 75 pp.

Forbang Peleke F:

Impact of genetic variation on the activity of gene promoters in Arabidopsis thaliana - Deep learning meets plant genomics. (Master Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida, Fakultät Angewandte Computer- und Biowissenschaften (2020)

Friesen N, Abbasi M, Murtazaliev R, Fritsch R M:

Allium matinae – new species from northwestern Iran. Phytotaxa 433 (2020) 181-189.

Funck D, Baumgarten L, Stift M, von Wirén N, Schönemann L:

Differential contribution of P5CS isoforms to stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 565134.

Ganther M, Yim B, Ibrahim Z, Bienert M D, Lippold E, Maccario L, Sørensen S J, Bienert G P, Vetterlein D, Heintz-Buschart A, Blagodatskaya E, Smalla K, Tarkka M T:

Compatibility of X-ray computed tomography with plant gene expression profiling, rhizosphere bacterial community composition and enzyme activity analyses. J. Exp. Bot. 71 (2020) 5603–5614.

Garavello M, Cuenca J, Dreissig S, Fuchs J, Navarro L, Houben A, Aleza P:

Analysis of crossover events and allele segregation distortion in interspecific citrus hybrids by single pollen genotyping. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 615.

García-Gómez P, Bahaji A, Gámez-Arcas S, Muñoz F J, Sánchez-López A M, Almagro G, Baroja-Fernández E, Ameztoy K, De Diego N, Ugena L, Spíchal L, Doležal K, Hajirezaei M R, Romero L C, García I, Pozueta-Romero J:

Volatiles from the fungal phytopathogen Penicillium aurantiogriseum modulate root metabolism and architecture through proteome resetting. Plant Cell Environ. 43 (2020) 2551-2570.

Gemmer M R, Richter C, Jiang Y, Schmutzer T, Raorane M L, Junker B, Pillen K, Maurer A:

Can metabolic prediction be an alternative to genomic prediction in barley? PLoS One 15 (2020) e0234052.

Gentsch N, Boy J, Batalla J D K, Heuermann D, von Wirén N, Schweneker D, Feuerstein U, Groß J, Bauer B, Reinhold-Hurek B, Hurek T, Céspedes F C, Guggenberger G:

Catch crop diversity increases rhizosphere carbon input and soil microbial biomass. Biol. Fertil. Soils 56 (2020) 943–957.

Gerasimova S V, Hertig C, Korotkova A M, Kolosovskaya E V, Otto I, Hiekel S, Kochetov A V, Khlestkina E K, Kumlehn J:

Conversion of hulled into naked barley by Cas endonuclease-mediated knockout of the NUD gene. BMC Plant Biol. 20 (2020) 255.

Gladilin E, Hierl T, Sterker I, Huempfner-Hierl H, Hemprich A, Krause M:

Retrospective cohort study of three-wall orbital resection for treatment of endocrine orbitopathy using 3D tomographic data and biomechanical modeling. Clin. Biomech. 71 (2020) 86-91.

Glöckner F O, Diepenbroek M, Felden J, Güntsch A, Stoye J, Overmann J, Wimmers K, Kostadinov I, Yahyapour R, Müller W, Scholz U, Triebel D, Frenzel M, Gemeinholzer B, Goesmann A, König-Ries B, Bonn A, Seeger B:

NFDI4BioDiversity - A Consortium for the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Zenodo July 14 (2020)

Gómez R, Figueroa N, Melzer M, Hajirezaei M R, Carrillo N, Lodeyro A F:

Photosynthetic characterization of flavodoxin-expressing tobacco plants reveals a high light acclimation-like phenotype. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Bioenerg. 1861 (2020) 148211.

Grieco M, Roustan V, Dermendjiev G, Rantala S, Jain A, Leonardelli M, Neumann K, Berger V, Engelmeier D, Bachmann G, Ebersberger I, Aro E-M, Weckwerth W, Teige M:

Adjustment of photosynthetic activity to drought and fluctuating light in wheat. Plant Cell Environ. 43 (2020) 1484-1500.

Gulaeva N V, Syukov V V, Shevchenko S N, Zueva A A, Chernov S E, Lohwasser U, Börner A, Kocherina N V, Chesnokov Y V:

Evaluation of ITMI mapping population lines and QTL mapping in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Middle Volga region environment (catalogue, in Russian). Bezenchuk, Samara: Samara Agricultural Research Institute (2020) ISBN 978-5-6044585-5-6, 57 pp.

Guo J, Zhang X, Ye D, Huang H, Wang Y, Zheng Z, Li T, Yu H:

Crucial roles of cadmium retention in node for restraining cadmium transport from straw to ear at reproductive period in a grain low-cadmium rice line (Oryza sativa L.). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 205 (2020) 111323.

Haas M, Himmelbach A, Mascher M:

The contribution of cis- and trans-acting variants to gene regulation in wild and domesticated barley under cold stress and control conditions. J. Exp. Bot. 71 (2020) 2573-2584.

Haase M:

Biolistic DNA transfer to embryogenic pollen of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2020) 59 pp.

Haberer G, Kamal N, Bauer E, Gundlach H, Fischer I, Seidel M A, Spannagl M, Marcon C, Ruban A, Urbany C, Nemri A, Hochholdinger F, Ouzunova M, Houben A, Schön C-C, Mayer K F X:

European maize genomes highlight intraspecies variation in repeat and gene content. Nat. Genet. 52 (2020) 950–957.

Henke M, Junker A, Neumann K, Altmann T, Gladilin E:

A two-step registration-classification approach to automated segmentation of multimodal images for high-throughput greenhouse plant phenotyping. Plant Methods 16 (2020) 95.

Hensel G:

Genetic transformation of Triticeae cereals – summary of almost three-decades development. Biotechnol. Adv. 40 (2020) 107484.

Herkner J R:

Auswahl und Anwendung geeigneter Metriken zur Messung der Qualität von Passportdaten im MCPD-Format zu pflanzengenetischen Ressourcen in Genbanken am Beispiel des European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources (EURISCO). (Bachelor Thesis) Merseburg, Hochschule Merseburg (FH), Fachbereich Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften (2020) 94 pp.

Hertig C, Melzer M, Rutten T, Erbe S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Weschke W, Weber H, Thiel J:

Barley HISTIDINE KINASE 1 (HvHK1) coordinates transfer cell specification in the young endosperm. Plant J. 103 (2020) 1869-1884.

Hesse S:

Cyto-molecular investigations to analyse the synaptonemal complex of rye standard and B chromosomes during meiosis and to evaluate the potential of a new FISH probe labelling system. (PhD Thesis, kumulativ) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2020) 121 pp.

Heuermann M:

Gene discovery using high-throughput phenotyping under fluctuating growth conditions and rapid identification of mutated genes. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I Biowissenschaften (2020) 141 pp.

Ho T T, Nguyen G T, Pham N B, Le V P, Trinh T B N, Vu T H, Phan H T, Conrad U, Chu H H:

Plant-derived trimeric CO-26K-equivalent epitope induced neutralizing antibodies against Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Front. Immunol. 11 (2020) 2152.

Hoang P T N, Fiebig A, Novák P, Macas J, Cao H X, Stepanenko A, Chen G, Borisjuk N, Scholz U, Schubert I:

Chromosome-scale genome assembly for the duckweed Spirodela intermedia, integrating cytogenetic maps, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore libraries. Sci. Rep. 10 (2020) 19230.

Hoseinzadeh P, Ruge-Wehling B, Schweizer P, Stein N, Pidon H:

High resolution mapping of a Hordeum bulbosum-derived powdery mildew resistance locus in barley using distinct homologous introgression lines. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 225.

Houben A (Ed.):

Plant Cytogenetics 2020. 3th Edition. Gatersleben, Germany: IPK (2020) 28 pp.

Houben A, Ishii T:

RNA-guided endonuclease labeling. (Patent), Veröffentlichung: 03.04.2020, IPK-Nr. 2017/05. EP3617325A1. (2020).

Hufnagel B, Marques A, Soriano A, Marques L, Divol F, Doumas P, Sallet E, Mancinotti D, Carrere S, Marande W, Arribat S, Keller J, Huneau C, Blein T, Aime D, Laguerre M, Taylor J, Schubert V, Nelson M, Geu-Flores F, Crespi M, Gallardo K, Delaux P M, Salse J, Berges H, Guyot R, Gouzy J, Peret B:

High-quality genome sequence of white lupin provides insight into soil exploration and seed quality. Nat. Commun. 11 (2020) 492.

Impe D, Reitz J, Köpnick C, Rolletschek H, Börner A, Senula A, Nagel M:

Assessment of pollen viability for wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 10 (2020) 1588.

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