Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research


The Federal Ex situ Gene Bank is one of the world's largest plant germplasm collections, both in terms of the botanical diversity represented and the number of accessions held.

Foto: IPK

Pressemitteilung 25.04.2024

KI entschlüsselt neuen Genregulationscode in Pflanzen und macht genaue Vorhersagen für neu sequenzierte Genome

AI deciphers new gene regulatory code in plants and makes accurate predictions for newly sequenced genomes

IPK Leibniz-Institut

Pressemitteilung 28.03.2024

Forschungsteam entdeckt Schlüssel-Gen für giftiges Alkaloid in Gerste

Researchers discover key gene for toxic alkaloid in barley

IPK Leibniz-Institut

Pressemitteilung 21.03.2024

Forschungsteam identifiziert genetischen Anteil an der Zusammensetzung des Mikrobioms um die Mais-Wurzeln

Research team identifies genetic contribution to the composition of the microbiome around maize roots

Dr. Peng Yu, Universität Bonn

Gatersleben Lecture with Prof. Dr. Eske Willerslev

May 7, 2024 / 2 pm, Professor Eske Willerslev from University of Copenhagen will speak in frame of the Gatersleben Lecture Series. His lecture title is "Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability".

© Leibniz Institut (IPK)

Neue "Story" zur PhänoSphäre

Die PhänoSphäre am IPK ist weltweit einzigartig. Grund genug, die Forschungsinfrastruktur in einer neuen Multimedia-Geschichte einmal näher vorzustellen.

IPK Leibniz-Institut

New research on pea, lentil & co.

Legumes are at the centre of a new EU research project coordinated by the IPK Leibniz Institute. Ahead of the first working meeting on 8-9 November in Gatersleben, IPK scientist Lars-Gernot Otto explains the aims of the project, the great potential of legumes - and a special feature of the proposal.

Donal Murphy-Bokern