The Gross Luesewitz Potato Collections of the IPK Gene Bank (GLKS)
IPK’s collections of potato germplasm are based at the Groß Lüsewitz site, which until 1992 was administered by the Institute for Potato Research (IfK), founded in 1949. After the reunification of Germany, the GLKS became a part of the IPK Federal Ex situ Gene Bank. The collections currently number more than 6,300 accessions, of which >2,800 are named cultivars (the KKS), 500 are short-day adapted materials, spanning seven species, collected from the Andean region or around the Equator (the AKS), and >2,950 are accessions from >130 wild and cultivated Solanum species collected in South and Central America.
Most of the AKS and KKS accessions are propagated in vitro, although some accessions are also grown in the field for the purpose of phenotypic evaluation, to control genetic purity and to generate tubers. In addition, clonal accessions are subjected to cryopreservation, conducted by the Cryo and Stress Biology Research Group based at IPK Gatersleben. The WKS accessions are seed-propagated from greenhouse-grown plants, and the resulting seed is divided between IPK Gene Bank’s 4°C storage facility or the Malchow/Poel site and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Spitzbergen.
In cooperation with the Julius Kühn Institute in Groß Lüsewitz and Kleinmachnow and BTL Bio-Test Labor GmbH, screens for resistance are conducted against the pathogens Phytophthora infestans and Synchytrium endobioticum, and the nematode Globodera pallida. These data are available on the internet or by request.
With the help of the responsible Plant Protection Office, the entire potato germplasm is tested systematically and on a regular basis for the presence of quarantine diseases. Special measures are applied to in vitro grown plantlets in order to eradicate viral infections. At field cultivation, the occurrence of latent potato viruses (PVS, partly PVX) is tolerated, which should be considered when requesting tubers from the field.
Private requests for cultivated germplasm will be accommodated exclusively with tubers (neither in vitro grown plantlets nor cryo cultures can be supplied). A list of all of the available tuber samples is provided in ourTuber List. Every material request must be accompanied by a standard material transfer agreement, which can be completed online, but a hard copy version is also accepted. Please note that since July 2016, all germplasm requests from the IPK Gene Bank attract a handling fee.
Detailed passport and evaluation data are recorded and can be partially accessed on the internet through the GBIS homepage.