Work and family
Work and family
On March 29, 2010, IPK was awarded its first "Beruf und Familie" / “Work and Family” audit certificate, a recognition that family friendliness has been a high priority at IPK for many years. Audits are conducted at regular intervals in order to monitor adherence to the certification criteria. What follows is information regarding the measures and regulations aimed to improve the compatibility of work and family life at IPK, including those which are already in place and those which are planned for the future.
Family-conscious working time arrangements:
- Flexible and individual arrangements include part-time work, parental leave, leave of absences and relocation of work.
- With respect to flexitime, it is feasible to take up to 12 flexitime days per calendar year.
- The granting of time off/special leave is also possible, as is the conversion of annual special payments into time off.
- There is a service agreement regarding company integration management (BEM).
- Working from home for family reasons can be arranged, as can the provision of a family room attached to an employee’s office.
Health management:
- The Institute runs a health day every year
- It provides a weekly mobile massage facility
- It organises for staff to be given an influenza vaccination annually
- The Casino is certified according to the standard of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V.
Work organisation taking into account family concerns:
- Microsoft Outlook calendars document vacation times and holidays
- Vacation arrangements are made taking into account family concerns
- IPK co-operates with the child day care centre and primary school in Gatersleben
- Checklists for special life situations (pregnancy, parental leave etc.) are provided
- The Institute organises various family-friendly events and meetings
- A member of the Human Resources department acts as a contact person for "care" - checklists are provided on the intranet
Family-conscious institute culture:
- IPK's mission statement explicitly recognises BuF (“Work and Family)
- BuF is a standing item in staff meetings
- Relevant training courses are provided to all group leaders
- Information regarding BuF is presented on the IPK intranet’s homepage
Personnel development:
- Comprehensive information is provided in the "Welcome" pack given to new employees
- Equal opportunities are promoted
- Advice regarding academic careers is given
- Young researchers are supported
- Periodic internship opportunities (leading to a BSc or an MSc thesis) are available
Get Active: Sports facilities for kids and employees
- Participating in sports not only promotes physical health but also improves mental wellbeing and fosters a sense of community.
- Gatersleben has many sports facilities, including a soccer field, volleyball and basketball courts, badminton courts, table tennis and a gym.
- Gatersleben sports clubs host several local sports events throughout the year, including soccer tournaments, acrobatics, functional gymnastics, running races and also a sports festival every year.
- The various also offer opportunities for individuals to participate in team sports or individual activities like yoga, gym or badminton.
Monetary benefits:
- Reduced prices are offered by the Casino to IPK employees and children
- Membership of the IPK Club on campus is available
- Allowances are given to both male and female scientists with regard to project work
Information and communication:
- Information is disseminated through the IPK internet and intranet pages, the IPK Newsletter, the IPK journal, the PhD Student Board, the Postdoc Board, staff meetings and an Open Day
- Postings on the notice board in front of the Casino inform staff re BuF (“Work and Family”) issues
- An annual staff retreat is included in staff contracts, where training needs are identified and career development is supported
- The group leaders use an annual retreat to discuss scientific policy and to run leadership training sessions
- Sprint groups are organised to discuss the topics "Internal communication & corporate culture" and "Recruitment & junior staff development”
You can find out more about the topic of career and family
by calling +49 (0)39482-5326 or
by e-mailing ipk.buf[at]