Biotrophy and Immunity
Automatically detected microcolonies of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei (causative of powdery mildew) on barley leaf, 48 hours post-inoculation.
The Biotrophy and Immunity research group aims to expand the knowledge about the genes and mechanisms underlying the plants' basal and broad-spectrum disease resistance and enable it as a versatile and sustainable plant protection approach. Our research is based on the established model pathosystems of powdery mildews of wheat and barley to study the plant-pathogen interactions in broad genetic backgrounds. Our key technology is Microphenomics, developed and established by our research group at IPK-Leibniz Institute.
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Broad-spectrum disease resistance
Broad-spectrum disease resistance (BSR) protects the host from infection by more than one pathogen species or the majority of the races of a specific pathogen. This definition emphasizes the difference to race-specific resistance, which is typically based on a single gene and provides nearly absolute protection but only against one or a few pathogen races. Although the BSR typically delivers partial protection, this resistance is usually considered more durable on the field than the race-specific resistance. Therefore, we believe that stacking multiple BSR genes is a promising approach for achieving a strong and durable disease resistance, which will complement and reinforce the existing race-specific resistance genes. However, so far, only very few BSR genes are known. Therefore, we aim to discover novel BSR genes and make them available for research and breeding applications.
Microphenomics is a new approach that enables microscopic phenotyping on a large scale. It combines high-throughput automated micro- and macroscopy and Deep learning image analysis tools for achieving the very high throughput and preciseness required for phenomics applications. Our research group is developing Microphenomics tools for studying plant-pathogen interactions since 2002.
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Lück S, Bourras S, Douchkov D:
Deep phenotyping platform for microscopic plant-pathogen interactions. Front. Plant Sci. 16 (2025) 1462694.
Frank S, Saeid Nia M, Schäfer A, Desel C, Mulisch M, Voigt U, Nowara D, Tandron Moya Y A, von Wirén N, Bilger W, Hensel G, Krupinska K:
Over-accumulation of chloroplast-nucleus located WHIRLY1 in barley leads to a decrease in growth and an enhanced stress resistance. Plant J. 119 (2024) 1210-1225.
Lück S, Scholz U, Douchkov D:
Introducing GWAStic: A user-friendly, cross-platform solution for genome-wide association studies and genomic prediction. Bioinform. Adv. 4 (2024) vbae177.
Suraweera I U:
Subtilisin-like protease as a potential modulator of barley’s defense response. (Master Thesis) Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Fakultät für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2024) 57 pp.
Bapela T, Shimelis H, Terefe T, Bourras S, Sánchez-Martin J, Douchkov D, Desiderio F, Tsilo T J:
Breeding wheat for powdery mildew resistance: genetic resources and methodologies - a review. Agronomy 13 (2023) 1173.
Dracatos P M, Lück S, Douchkov D K:
Diversifying resistance mechanisms in cereal crops using microphenomics. Plant Phenomics 5 (2023) 0023.
Garbaden C:
Funktionale Validierung von Non-Host-Resistenz-Kandidatengenen der Gerste mittels transient-induzierter Gen-Silencing. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2023) 72 pp.
Hinterberger V, Douchkov D, Lueck S, Reif J C, Schulthess A W:
High-throughput imaging of powdery mildew resistance of the winter wheat collection hosted at the German Federal ex situ Genebank for Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. GigaScience 12 (2023) giad007.
Kloppe T, Whetten R B, Kim S-B, Powell O R, Lück S, Douchkov D, Whetten R W, Hulse-Kemp A M, Balint-Kurti P, Cowger C:
Two pathogen loci determine Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici virulence to wheat resistance gene Pm1a. New Phytol. 238 (2023) 1546-1561.
Słomińska-Durdasiak K M:
Host-induced gene silencing as resistance strategy against pathogens. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2023) 135 pp.
Al Mamun M D:
The characterization of a peptidase gene (MTA1) strongly associated with powdery mildew resistance in winter wheat. (Master Thesis) Kassel, Universität Kassel (2022) 48 pp.
Bindics J, Khan M, Uhse S, Kogelmann B, Baggely L, Reumann D, Ingole K D, Stirnberg A, Rybecky A, Darino M, Navarrete F, Doehlemann G, Djamei A:
Many ways to TOPLESS - manipulation of plant auxin signalling by a cluster of fungal effectors. New Phytol. 236 (2022) 1455-1470.
Hinterberger V, Douchkov D, Lück S, Kale S, Mascher M, Stein N, Reif J C, Schulthess A W:
Mining for new sources of resistance to powdery mildew in genetic resources of winter wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 13 (2022) 836723.
Navarrete F, Gallei M, Kornienko A E, Saado I, Khan M, Chia K-S, Darino M A, Bindics J, Djamei A:
TOPLESS promotes plant immunity by repressing auxin signaling and is targeted by the fungal effector Naked1. Plant Commun. 3 (2022) 100269.
Saado I:
Deciphering effector protein functions of Ustilago maydis involved in suppressing plant immunity. (PhD Thesis) Bonn, Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz (2022)
Saado I, Chia K-S, Betz R, Alcântara A, Pettkó-Szandtner A, Navarrete F, DAuria J C, Kolomiets M V, Melzer M, Feussner I, Djamei A:
Effector-mediated relocalization of a maize lipoxygenase protein triggers susceptibility to Ustilago maydis. Plant Cell 34 (2022) 2785–2805.
Bziuk N, Maccario L, Douchkov D, Lueck S, Babin D, Sørensen S J, Schikora A, Smalla K:
Tillage shapes the soil and rhizosphere microbiome of barley – but not its susceptibility towards Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 97 (2021) fiab018.
Darino M, Chia K-S, Marques J, Aleksza D, Soto-Jiménez L M, Saado I, Uhse S, Borg M, Betz R, Bindics J, Zienkiewicz K, Feussner I, Petit-Houdenot Y, Djamei A:
Ustilago maydis effector Jsi1 interacts with Topless corepressor, hijacking plant jasmonate/ethylene signaling. New Phytol. 229 (2021) 3393-3407.
Karki S J, Reilly A, Zhou B, Mascarello M, Burke J, Doohan F, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Feechan A:
A small secreted protein from Zymoseptoria tritici interacts with a wheat E3 ubiquitin to promote disease. J. Exp. Bot. 72 (2021) 733–746.
Navarrete F, Grujic N, Stirnberg A, Saado I, Aleksza D, Gallei M, Adi H, Alcântara A, Khan M, Bindics J, Trujillo M, Djamei A:
The Pleiades are a cluster of fungal effectors that inhibit host defenses. PLoS Pathog. 17 (2021) e1009641.
Alcântara A, Seitner D, Navarrete F, Djamei A:
A high-throughput screening method to identify proteins involved in unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum in plants. Plant Methods 16 (2020) 4.
Hoseinzadeh P, Ruge-Wehling B, Schweizer P, Stein N, Pidon H:
High resolution mapping of a Hordeum bulbosum-derived powdery mildew resistance locus in barley using distinct homologous introgression lines. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 225.
Kretschmer M, Damoo D, Djamei A, Kronstad J:
Chloroplasts and plant immunity: where are the fungal effectors? Pathogens 9 (2020) 19.
Lueck S, Beukert U, Douchkov D:
BluVision Macro – a software for automated powdery mildew and rust disease quantification on detached leaves. JOSS 5 (2020) 2259.
Lueck S, M. S, Lorbeer M, Melchert F, Backhaus A, Kilias D, Seiffert U, Douchkov D:
Macrobot" – an automated segmentation-based system for powdery mildew disease quantification." Plant Phenomics 2020 (2020) 5839856.
Pathi K M, Rink P, Budhagatapalli N, Betz R, Saado I, Hiekel S, Becker M, Djamei A, Kumlehn J:
Engineering smut resistance in maize by site-directed mutagenesis of LIPOXYGENASE 3. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 543895.
Pogoda M, Liu F, Douchkov D, Djamei A, Reif J C, Schweizer P, Schulthess A W:
Identification of novel genetic factors underlying the host-pathogen interaction between barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei). PLoS One 15 (2020) e0235565.
Rink P, Djamei A:
Genfunktionen effizient identifizieren mit iPool-seq. BIOspektrum 26 (2020) 504–507.
Słomińska-Durdasiak K M, Kollers S, Korzun V, Nowara D, Schweizer P, Djamei A, Reif J C:
Association mapping of wheat Fusarium head blight resistance-related regions using a candidate-gene approach and their verification in a biparental population. Theor. Appl. Genet. 133 (2020) 341–351.
Alcântara A, Bosch J, Nazari F, Hoffmann G, Gallei M, Uhse S, Darino M A, Olukayode T, Reumann D, Baggaley L, Djamei A:
Systematic Y2H screening reveals extensive effector-complex formation. Front. Plant Sci. 10 (2019) 1437.
Bosch J, Czedik-Eysenberg A, Hastreiter M, Khan M, Guldener U, Djamei A:
Two is better than one: Studying Ustilago bromivora-Brachypodium compatibility by using a hybrid pathogen. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 32 (2019) 1623-1634.
Hoseinzadeh H, Zhou R, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Niks R E, Schweizer P, Stein N:
High resolution genetic and physical mapping of a major powdery mildew resistance locus in barley. Front. Plant Sci. 10 (2019) 146.
Llabata P, Richter J, Faus I, Słomiňska-Durdasiak K, Zeh L H, Gadea J, Hauser M T:
Involvement of the eIF2α kinase GCN2 in UV-B responses. Front. Plant Sci. 10 (2019) 1492.
Lück S, Kreszies T, Strickert M, Schweizer P, Kuhlmann M, Douchkov D:
siRNA-Finder (si-Fi) software for RNAi-target design and off-target prediction. Front. Plant Sci. 10 (2019) 1023.
Schweizer P:
Gene-based approaches to durable disease resistance in Triticeae Cereals. In: Miedaner T, Korzun V (Eds.): Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition) Duxford, UK u.a.: Elsevier Ltd. (2019) ISBN 978-0-08-102163-7, 165-182.
Uhse S, Pflug F G, von Haeseler A, Djamei A:
Insertion pool sequencing for insertional mutant analysis in complex host-microbe interactions. Curr. Protoc. Plant Biol. 4 (2019) e20097.
Elmore J M, Perovic D, Ordon F, Schweizer P, Wise R P:
A genomic view of biotic stress resistance. In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 233-257.
Li B, Förster C, Robert C A M, Zust T, Hu L, Machado R A R, Berset J D, Handrick V, Knauer T, Hensel G, Chen W, Kumlehn J, Yang P, Keller B, Gershenzon J, Jander G, Köllner T G, Erb M:
Convergent evolution of a metabolic switch between aphid and caterpillar resistance in cereals. Sci. Adv. 4 (2018) eaat6797.
Rajaraman J, Douchkov D, Lück S, Hensel G, Nowara D, Pogoda M, Rutten T, Meitzel T, Brassac J, Höfle C, Hückelhoven R, Klinkenberg J, Trujillo M, Bauer E, Schmutzer T, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Lazzari B, Stein N, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:
Evolutionarily conserved partial gene duplication in the Triticeae tribe of grasses confers pathogen resistance. Genome Biol. 19 (2018) 116.
Wang H, Chen W, Eggert K, Charnikhova T, Bouwmeester H, Schweizer P, Hajirezaei M R, Seiler C, Sreenivasulu N, von Wirén N, Kuhlmann M:
Abscisic acid influences tillering by modulation of strigolactones in barley. J. Exp. Bot. 69 (2018) 3883-3898.
Chowdhury J, Lück S, Rajaraman J, Douchkov D, Shirley N J, Schwerdt J G, Schweizer P, Fincher G B, Burton R A, Little A:
Altered expression of genes implicated in xylan biosynthesis affects penetration resistance against powdery mildew. Front. Plant Sci. 8 (2017) 445.
Delventhal R, Rajaraman J, Stefanato F L, Rehman S, Aghnoum R, McGrann G R D, Bolger M, Usadel B, Hedley P E, Boyd L, Niks R E, Schweizer P, Schaffrath U:
A comparative analysis of nonhost resistance across the two Triticeae crop species wheat and barley. BMC Plant Biol. 17 (2017) 232.
Chen W, Kastner C, Nowara D, Oliveira-Garcia E, Rutten T, Zhao Y, Deising H B, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:
Host-induced silencing of Fusarium culmorum genes protects wheat from infection. J. Exp. Bot. 67 (2016) 4979-4991.
Chowdhury J, Schober M S, Shirley N J, Singh R R, Jacobs A K, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Fincher G B, Burton R A, Little A:
Down-regulation of the glucan synthase-like 6 gene (HvGsl6) in barley leads to decreased callose accumulation and increased cell wall penetration by Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. New Phytol. 212 (2016) 434-443.
Douchkov D, Lueck S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Rajaraman J, Johrde A, Doblin M S, Beahan C T, Kopischke M, Fuchs R, Lipka V, Niks R E, Bulone V, Chowdhury J, Little A, Burton R A, Bacic A, Fincher G B, Schweizer P:
The barley (Hordeum vulgare) cellulose synthase-like D2 gene (HvCslD2) mediates penetration resistance to host-adapted and nonhost isolates of the powdery mildew fungus. New Phytol. 212 (2016) 421-433.
Ge X, Deng W, Lee Z Z, Lopez-Ruiz F J, Schweizer P, Ellwood S R:
Tempered mlo broad-spectrum resistance to barley powdery mildew in an Ethiopian landrace. Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 29558.
Ghaffari M R, Ghabooli M, Khatabi B, Hajirezaei M-R, Schweizer P, Salekdeh G H:
Metabolic and transcriptional response of central metabolism affected by root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica under salinity in barley. Plant Mol. Biol. 90 (2016) 699-717.
Rajaraman J:
Discovery and validation of genes for quantitative host- and nonhost-resistance in barley and wheat to powdery mildew attack. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät III (2016) 193 pp.
Rajaraman J, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Stefanato F, Gordon A, Ereful N, Caldararu O, Petrescu A-J, Kumlehn J, Boyd L, Schweizer P:
An LRR/malectin receptor-like kinase mediates resistance to non-adapted and adapted powdery mildew fungi in barley and wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 7 (2016) 1836.
Schweizer P:
Die Waffen der Pflanzen. Ackerbautag Frankfurter Landw. Verein e.V. 42 (2016) 26-29.
Chowdhury J, Henderson M, Schweizer P, Burton R A, Fincher G B, Little A:
Differential accumulation of callose, arabinoxylan and cellulose in nonpenetrated versus penetrated papillae on leaves of barley infected with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. New Phytol. 204 (2014) 650-660.
Douchkov D, Lück S, Baum T, Seiffert U, Schweizer P:
Microphenomics for interactions of barley with fungal pathogens. In: Tuberosa R, Graner A, Frison E (Eds.): Genomics of plant genetic resources. Vol. 2: Crop productivity, food security and nutritional quality. Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-94-007-7574-9, 123-148.
Douchkov D, Lück S, Johrde A, Nowara D, Himmelbach A, Rajaraman J, Stein N, Sharma R, Kilian B, Schweizer P:
Discovery of genes affecting resistance of barley to adapted and non-adapted powdery mildew fungi. Genome Biol. 15 (2014) 518.
Schweizer P:
Host and nonhost response to attack fungal pathogens. In: Kumlehn J, Stein N (Eds.): Biotechnological approaches to barley improvement. (Series: Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 69) Berlin: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-662-44405-4, 197-235.
Schweizer P, Himmelbach A, Douchkov D:
Method of producing plants having increased resistance to pathogens (RLK_compl3 Hcluster_2). (Industrieanmeldung), Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2014, IPK-Nr. 2012/05. WO2014/076659 (2014).
Schweizer P, Himmelbach A, Douchkov D:
Method of producing plants having increased resistance to pathogens (RLK_7). (Industrieanmeldung), Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2014, IPK-Nr. 2012/07. GB2515206 (2014).
Sharda N:
High-throughput candidate gene identification for a resistance QTL against powdery mildew on barley chromosome 2HL. (Master Thesis) Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (2014) 63 pp.
Youssef H M, Koppolu R, Rutten T, Korzun V, Schweizer P, Schnurbusch T:
Genetic mapping of the labile (lab) gene: a recessive locus causing irregular spikelet fertility in labile-barley (Hordeum vulgare convar. labile). Theor. Appl. Genet. 127 (2014) 1123-1131.
Florschütz K, Schröter A, Schmieder S, Chen W, Schweizer P, Sonntag F, Danz N, Baronian K, Kunze G:
Phytochip: on-chip detection of phytopathogenic RNA viruses by a new surface plasmon resonance platform. J. Virol. Methods 189 (2013) 80-86.
Kreszies T:
Experimental validation of RNA interference efficiency and off-target prediction in barley. (Bachelor Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida, Fakultät für Mathematik/ Naturwissenschaften/ Informatik (2013) 65 pp.
Ostertag M, Stammler J, Douchkov D, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R:
The conserved oligomeric Golgi complex is involved in penetration resistance of barley to the barley powdery mildew fungus. Mol. Plant Pathol. 14 (2013) 230-240.
Pliego C, Nowara D, Bonciani G, Gheorghe D M, Xu R, Surana P, Whigham E, Nettleton D, Bogdanove A J, Wise R P, Schweizer P, Bindschedler L V, Spanu P D:
Host-induced gene silencing in barley powdery mildew reveals a class of ribonuclease-like effectors. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 26 (2013) 633-642.
Poursarebani N, Ariyadasa R, Zhou R, Schulte D, Steuernagel B, Martis M M, Graner A, Schweizer P, Scholz U, Mayer K, Stein N:
Conserved synteny-based anchoring of the barley genome physical map. Funct. Integr. Genomics 13 (2013) 339-350.
Neue Perspektiven für den Pflanzenschutz mit HIGS. Interview mit Dr. habil. Patrick Schweizer über das Projekt dsRNAguard"." (2013).
Projektporträt dsRNAguard". Kulturpflanzen schalten die Gene ihrer Feinde ab." (2013).
Gowda Rayapuram C, Jensen M K, Maiser F, Shanir J V, Hornshoj H, Rung J H, Gregersen P L, Schweizer P, Collinge D B, Lyngkjaer M F:
Regulation of basal resistance by a powdery mildew-induced cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase in barley. Mol. Plant Pathol. 13 (2012) 135-147.
Guerra D, Mastrangelo A M, Lopez-Torrejon G, Marzin S, Schweizer P, Stanca A M, del Pozo J C, Cattivelli L, Mazzucotelli E:
Identification of a protein network interacting with TdRF1, a wheat RING ubiquitin ligase with a protective role against cellular dehydration. Plant Physiol. 158 (2012) 777-789.
Metzner E M:
Barley infected by powdery mildew – Host transcriptome and proteome changes and the integration of both data sets. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I Biowissenschaften (2012) 219 pp.
Schweizer P, Douchkov D, Lück S:
Method for producing transgenic plants having increased resistance to pathogens (Patent). WO 2012/172498, Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2012, IPK-Nr. 2011/03-04 (2012).
Spies A, Korzun V, Bayles R, Rajaraman J, Himmelbach A, Hedley P E, Schweizer P:
Allele mining in barley genetic resources reveals genes of race-non-specific powdery mildew resistance. Front. Plant Sci. 2 (2012) 113.
Baum T, Navarro-Quezada A, Knogge W, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Seiffert U:
HyphArea-Automated analysis of spatiotemporal fungal patterns. J. Plant Physiol. 168 (2011) 72-78.
Douchkov D, Johrde A, Nowara D, Himmelbach A, Lueck S, Niks R, Schweizer P:
Convergent evidence for a role of WIR1 proteins during the interaction of barley with the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis. J. Plant Physiol. 168 (2011) 20-29.
Hensel G, Himmelbach A, Chen W, Douchkov D K, Kumlehn J:
Transgene expression systems in the Triticeae cereals. J. Plant Physiol. 168 (2011) 30-44.
Hückelhoven R, Schweizer P:
Quantitative disease resistance and fungal pathogenicity in Triticeae. J. Plant Physiol. 168 (2011) 1-2.
Schweizer P, Stein N:
Large-scale data integration reveals co-localization of gene functional groups with meta-QTL for multiple disease resistance in barley. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 24 (2011) 1492-1501.
Aghnoum R, Marcel T C, Johrde A, Pecchioni N, Schweizer P, Niks R E:
Basal host resistance of barley to powdery mildew: connecting quantitative trait loci and candidate genes. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 23 (2010) 91-102.
Eichmann R, Bischof M, Weis C, Shaw J, Lacomme C, Schweizer P, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R:
BAX INHIBITOR-1 is required for full susceptibility of barley to powdery mildew. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 23 (2010) 1217-1227.
Himmelbach A, Liu L, Zierold U, Altschmied L, Maucher H, Beier F, Müller D, Hensel G, Heise A, Schützendübel A, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:
Promoters of the barley germin-Like GER4 gene cluster enable strong transgene expression in response to pathogen attack. Plant Cell 22 (2010) 937-952.
Johrde A:
Assoziationsstudie zur Resistenz gegen den echten Gerstenmehltau (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) in einer genetisch diversen Gerstenpopulation (Hordeum vulgare L.). (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III (2010) 165 pp.
Kocsy G, Athmer B, Perovic D, Himmelbach A, Szücs A, Vashegyi I, Schweizer P, Galiba G, Stein N:
Regulation of gene expression by chromosome 5A during cold hardening in wheat. Mol. Genet. Genomics 283 (2010) 351-363.
Marzin S:
Entwicklung einer RNAi basierten Screeningmethode zur Charakterisierung der Trockenstressantwort bei Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.). (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I (2010) 150 pp.
Nowara D, Gay A, Lacomme C, Shaw J, Ridout C, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:
HIGS: host-induced gene silencing in the obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis. Plant Cell 22 (2010) 3130-3141.
Schweizer P, Hückelhoven R, Knogge W, Seiffert U:
Mit Phänomanalyse den Pilz-Pflanzen-Interaktionen auf der Spur. GenomXPress 4 (2010) 7-9.
Sečenji M, Lendvai Á, Miskolczi P, Kocsy G, Gallé Á, Szucs A, Hoffmann B, Sárvári É, Schweizer P, Stein N, Dudits D, Györgyey J:
Differences in root functions during long-term drought adaptation: comparison of active gene sets of two wheat genotypes. Plant Biol. 12 (2010) 871-882.
Zellerhoff N, Himmelbach A, Dong W B, Bieri S, Schaffrath U, Schweizer P:
Nonhost resistance of barley to different fungal pathogens is associated with largely distinct, quantitative transcriptional responses. Plant Physiol. 152 (2010) 2053-2066.
Wise R, Lauter N, Szabo L, Schweizer P:
Genomics of biotic interactions in the Triticeae. In: Feuillet C, Muehlbauer G (Eds.): Genetics and genomics of the Triticeae, 1st ed. (Series: Plant genetics and genomics: crops and models, Vol. 7) New York, NY: Springer (2009) ISBN 978-0-387-77488-6, 559-589.
Beier F:
Regulationsmechanismen des pathogeninduzierbaren HvGER4c Promotors der Gerste. (Diploma Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt (FH) (2008) 73 pp.
Göllner K, Schweizer P, Bai Y, Panstruga R:
Natural genetic resources of Arabidopsis thaliana reveal a high prevalence and unexpected phenotypic plasticity of RPW8-mediated powdery mildew resistance. New Phytol. 177 (2008) 725-742.
Ihlow A, Schweizer P, Seiffert U:
A high-throughput screening system for barley/powdery mildew interactions based on automated analysis of light micrographs. BMC Plant Biol. 8 (2008) 6.
Johrde A, Schweizer P:
A class III peroxidase specifically expressed in pathogen-attacked barley epidermis contributes to basal resistance. Mol. Plant Pathol. 9 (2008) 687-696.
Krijger J J, Horbach R, Behr M, Schweizer P, Deising H B, Wirsel S G R:
The yeast signal sequence trap identifies secreted proteins of the hemibiotrophic corn pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 21 (2008) 1325-1336.
Marzin S, Mihaly R, Pauk J, Schweizer P:
A transient assay system for the assessment of cell-autonomous gene function in dehydration-stressed barley. J. Exp. Bot. 59 (2008) 3359-3369.
Nowara D:
Pflanzenvermittelte Unterdrückung der Genexpression in Blumeria graminis – eine neuartige Methode zur Erzeugung von Resistenz. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2008) 178 pp.
Schweizer P:
Tissue-specific expression of a defence-related peroxidase in transgenic wheat potentiates cell death in pathogen-attacked leaf epidermis. Mol. Plant Pathol. 9 (2008) 45-57.
Zimmermann G:
Germin-ähnliche Proteine der Gerste: Expression und Funktion in der Basalresistenz gegen den Mehltaupilz Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2008) 154 pp.
Fischer A, Lenhard A, Tronecker H, Lorat Y, Kraenzle M, Sorgenfrei O, Zeppenfeld T, Haushalter M, Vogt G, Gruene U, Meyer A, Handlbichler U, Schweizer P, Gaelweiler L:
iGentifier: indexing and large-scale profiling of unknown transcriptomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 35 (2007) 4640-4648.
Gjetting T, Hagedorn P H, Schweizer P, Thordal-Christensen H, Carver T L W, Lyngkjaer M F:
Single-cell transcript profiling of barley attacked by the powdery mildew fungus. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 20 (2007) 235-246.
Himmelbach A, Zierold U, Hensel G, Riechen J, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Kumlehn J:
A set of modular binary vectors for transformation of cereals. Plant Physiol. 145 (2007) 1192-1200.
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