Genetics and Physiology of Root Development
The group focuses on understanding the genetic and physiological basis of plant root adaptations to drought and low soil fertility. Natural variation for root anatomical and architectural phenotypes can have significant effects on soil resource acquisition by modifying the placement of roots in soil domains where limiting resources are most available, improving the metabolic efficiency of soil exploration, altering the radial and axial transport of resources, influencing rhizodeposition, and impacting interactions with soil biota including mycorrhizal fungi, pathogens, and the rhizosphere microbiome.
The group investigates how individual and combinations of root traits affect root function and physiology, for example how they affect symplastic and apoplastic transport of nutrients and water, and how they influence the carbon and nutrient costs of root tissue construction and maintenance. These and other functions of root traits in soil resource acquisition and plant stress tolerance are highly dependent on the environment and interaction with other root traits.
The group is also interested in root phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity has many potential ecological and physiological benefits, and the group’s objective is to understand the trade-offs and benefits of plastic responses and identify the abiotic and biotic signals that influence phenotypes. Using greenhouse and field experimentation and functional-structural plant models, the group aims to understand and evaluate phenotypic plasticity so it can be systematically leveraged for plant stress tolerance.
Additionally, it is of interest to elucidate the genetic control of root anatomical and architectural traits. Adaptive root traits are phenotyped and used in quantitative genetic analyses to identify candidate genes. Molecular biology approaches, including mutants and transgenics which have altered expression levels of target genes, are used to confirm and validate the genetic control and function of individual root phenotypes. We aim to discover and validate functional markers that improve stress tolerance to be used in crop improvement programs.
We leverage high-throughput phenotyping to create knowledge about gene functions at the physiological level and use forward genetics approaches to unravel the genetic architecture of root traits. The overall goal is to understand the function and genetic control of root traits in specific environments with the aim of enhancing soil resource capture and plant performance to secure food production in a changing climate.
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Discover the function of root anatomical and architecture phenotypes
Many root traits contribute to crop performance, particularly in edaphic stress. We aim to understand the benefits and tradeoffs of root anatomical and architectural traits for soil foraging, nutrient and water capture, and ultimately stress tolerance and plant performance. In both field and greenhouse experimentation we use detailed physiological methods to measure nutrient and water uptake and transport and plant nutrient and water status coupled with comprehensive root anatomical and architectural phenotyping. We aim to understand the benefits and trade-offs of (combinations of) root traits for improved crop productivity.
Develop root and rhizosphere phenotyping methods
Understanding the function and genetic control of root traits is constrained by the limitation in the throughput of phenotyping root system architecture and anatomy. Our research aims to create advanced tools and techniques that enable precise characterization of roots and their interactions with the surrounding soil environment. We aim to increase the ability to perform research on root traits in agronomically realistic growth conditions and provide tools for breeders enabling screening of large germplasm collections for selected root traits.
Identify genes underlying natural variation in root traits
When compared to above-ground traits, few genetic loci have been identified to be associated with root architectural and anatomical traits. We use genetic mapping approaches, transcriptomics, haplotype analyses, and mutant lines to identify and validate genes controlling root anatomical and architectural traits. Ultimately, the characterization of the molecular mechanisms controlling root traits may provide tools and novel opportunities for breeders to develop crops better adapted to a wide range of environments and management practices.
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Arenas S, Djabali Y, Rincent R, Cubry P, Martin M-L, Blein-Nicolas M, Laplaze L, Schneider H, Grondin A:
Modeling plant phenotypic plasticity and its underlying genetic architecture: a comparative study. J. Exp. Bot. (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Kacheyo O C, Schneider H M, de Vries M E, Struik P C:
Growing vigorous potato seedlings in plug trays. Potato Res. (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Phalempin M, Schneider H, Han E, Cheng L, Vetterlein D:
Designing future roots with the power of databases. Trends Plant Sci. (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Sidhu J S, Schneider H M:
Root anatomy: preparing, imaging, and analyzing maize root cross-sections. Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Sidhu J S, Schneider H M:
Root anatomical imaging and phenotyping in maize. Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Wang J L, Evers J B, Anten N P R, Li Y, Yang X, Douma J C, Schneider H M:
Far-red light perception by the shoot influences root growth and development in cereal-legume crop mixtures. Plant Soil (2025) Epub ahead of print.
Grondin A, Li M, Bhosale R, Sawers R, Schneider H M:
Interplay between developmental cues and rhizosphere signals from mycorrhizal fungi shape root anatomy, impacting crop productivity. Plant Soil 503 (2024) 587-594.
Kacheyo O C, Mhango K J, de Vries M E, Schneider H M, Struik P C:
Bed, ridge and planting configurations influence crop performance in field-transplanted hybrid potato crops. Field Crops Res. 317 (2024) 109556.
McLaughlin C M, Li M, Perryman M, Heymans A, Schneider H, Lasky J R, Sawers R J H:
Evidence that variation in root anatomy contributes to local adaptation in Mexican native maize. Evol. Appl. 17 (2024) e13673.
Sidhu J S, Lopez-Valdivia I, Strock C F, Schneider H M, Lynch J P:
Cortical parenchyma wall width regulates root metabolic cost and maize performance under suboptimal water availability. J. Exp. Bot. 75 (2024) 5750–5767.
Sorourmofrad M:
Understanding the contribution of plant genetic resources (PGRs) to disease resistance traits in wheat. (Master Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2024)
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