
© Leibniz Institut (IPK)

The Plant Reproductive Biology research group has a strong focus on the establishment of principles and methods of transgenesis and genome editing as well as on the dissection of live plant cells and their manipu­lation, e.g. for the generation of true-breeding plants originating from haploid cells.

While being involved in fundamental research to some extent using such biotechnologies, our major efforts are devoted to the improvement of crop plant performance. Biological processes of our interest include plant sexual and asexual reproduction, domestication, plant-pathogen interaction and the formation of yield components.

The Plant Reproductive Biology group has established IPK's Genome Editing Platform and is responsible for its further development and operation. Illustrations of principles and methods established and utilized in this context are illustrated here.

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CasCADE: Development of a versatile modular vector system for Cas endonuclease-mediated genome modifications in mono- and dicotyledonous plants

Iris Hoffie, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Irene M. Fontana, Robert E. Hoffie, Cornelia Marthe, Sabine Sommerfeld, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn  

Click here for more information about IPK's genome-editing infrastructure.


Establishment of site-directed mutagenesis in rye using customized Cas endonucleases

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Cornelia Marthe, Jochen Kumlehn   


Establishment of biotechnologies in the oilseed crop camelina (Camelina sativa)

Barno Rezaeva, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Carola Bollmann, Ingrid Otto, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with IPK research group SZB)


A novel approach to genetic engineering in rapeseed

Barno Rezaeva, Alexandra Geutebrück, Carola Bollmann, Ingrid Otto, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with IPK research group SZB)


Establishment of adventitious shoot formation and genetic engineering in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)

Ekaterina Kolosovskaya, Barno Rezaeva, Ingrid Otto, Carola Bollmann, Jochen Kumlehn  


Establishment of genetic engineering in St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) 

Nicole Schäfer, Ingrid Otto, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with IPK research group MD)


A novel approach to genetic engineering in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Martin Becker, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn     


Establishment of genetic engineering in the apomixis model genus Boechera

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn


Decreasing the genotype dependency of genetic engineering in cereals and their wild relatives

Diego Hojsgaard, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Iris Hoffie, Robert E. Hoffie, Pooja Satpathy, Sabine Sommerfeld, Andrea Knospe, Cornelia Marthe, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn  


Optimization of guide RNA features for improved efficiency of Cas endonucleases

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Christian Hertig, Ahmed Sallam, Robert E. Hoffie, Irene M. Fontana, Iris Hoffie, Ingrid Otto, Sabine Sommerfeld, Carola Bollmann, Jochen Kumlehn  

Click here for more information about IPK's genome-editing infrastructure.


Generation of haploidy inducer lines in cereals by Cas endonuclease-directed genome modification

Pooja Satpathy, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Alaa Sobeih, Mohammad Arslan, Twinkal Lapasiya, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn   


Targeted mutagenesis in barley using cas9/gRNA-transgenic, haploidy-inducing lines as pollen parent  

Pooja Satpathy, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn   


Accelerated vernalization in winter cereals 

Christian Hertig, Diaa E.S. Daghma, Carola Bollmann, Jochen Kumlehn 


Investigating the role of strigolactones in response to drought in barley

Irene M. Fontana, Sabine Sommerfeld, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with IPK research groups SZB and MPE, and with colleagues from Universities of Düsseldorf and Katowice)


Establishment of parthenogenetic embryo and endosperm development in barley

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Sabine Sommerfeld, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from MPI-MPP in Potsdam/Golm)   


Modification and deployment of genetic factors controlling barley resistance to pathogenic viruses

Robert E. Hoffie, Iris Hoffie, Sabine Sommerfeld, Carola Bollmann, Ingrid Otto, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from Julius Kühn Instititute in Quedlinburg)


Decreasing cadmium accumulation in barley and durum wheat grains by genome editing

Diaa E.S. Daghma, Cornelia Marthe, Sabine Sommerfeld, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from University of Halle) 


Establishment of barley and wheat resistance against rust diseases using Cas endonuclease-triggered mutagenesis

Iris Hoffie, Cornelia Marthe, Sabine Sommerfeld, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with IPK research group BIM)


Modification of spike architecture in barley and wheat by Cas endonuclease-triggered mutagenesis

Christian Hertig, Cornelia Marthe, Sabine Sommerfeld, Jochen Kumlehn(cooperation with IPK research group PBP)


Modification of plant architecture by Cas9-triggered mutagenesis of plant height-related genes of barley, durum wheat and common wheat

Nagaveni Budhagatapalli, Cornelia Marthe, Sabine Sommerfeld, Heike Büchner, Jochen Kumlehn   


Investigating the effect of naked barley grains on plant performance using isogenic Nud1 wild-type vs. nud1 knockout lines

Christian Hertig, Ekaterina Kolosovskaya, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from the RAS Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk)   


Investigating the effect of barley row type on plant performance using isogenic Vrs1 wild-type vs. vrs1 knockout lines

Robert E. Hoffie,Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from University of Düsseldorf)


Feasibility study on detection and identification methods for genome-edited plants and plant products

Iris Hoffie, Martin Becker, Claudia Baumann, Jochen Kumlehn (cooperation with colleagues from University of Kiel)

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Datta, Shrimoyee
Hasan, Md Mahmudul
Hecht, Hannes
Mirzakhmedov, Mukhammadjon
Rezaeva, Barno Ruzimurodovna
Swaran, Maya
Scientific guests / Fellowship
Amini Neisiani, Atefeh
Reber, Lucas
Shrestha, Shruti
Lab Technicians
Bollmann, Carola
Buechner, Heike
Knuepffer, Susanne
Marthe, Cornelia
Otto, Ingrid
Pullamplavil Rajendran, Megha
Schaefer, Nicole
Sommerfeld, Sabine

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Casatejada-Anchel R, Torres-Moncho A, Anoman A D, Budhagatapalli N, Pérez-Lorences E, Alcántara-Enguídanos A, Rosa-Téllez S, de Souza L P, Kumlehn J, Fernie A R, Muñoz-Bertomeu J, Ros R:

Metabolic engineering of the serine/glycine network as a means to improve the nitrogen content of crops. Plant Biotechnol. J. 23 (2025) 268-280. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.14495

Egorova A A, Zykova T E, Kostina N E, Saboiev I A, Koloshina K A, Filipenko E A, Hoffie I, Hertig C, Hiekel S, Kumlehn J, Kochetov A V, Gerasimova S V:

Reduction in cold-Induced sweetening by Cas9 endonuclease-mediated knockout of the POTATO VACUOLAR INVERTASE 1 gene in the cultivar ‘symfonia’. Potato Res. (2025) Epub ahead of print. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11540-024-09800-6

Hertig C W, Devunuri P, Rutten T, Hensel G, Schippers J H M, Müller B, Thiel J:

Genome-wide characterization of two-component system elements in barley enables the identification of grain-specific phosphorelay genes. BMC Plant Biol. 25 (2025) 209. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12870-025-06161-1

Hörandl E, Hojsgaard D, Caperta A, Conceição S I R, Róis A S, Dickinson T, Mandáková T, Windham M D, Appelhans M S, Mráz P, Chrtek J:

Apomixis in systematics, evolution and phylogenetics of Angiosperms: current developments and prospects. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. (2025) Epub ahead of print. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2024.2396259

Reutemann A V, Schedler M, Hojsgaard D H, Brugnoli E A, Zilli A L, Acuña C A, Honfi A I, Martínez E J:

The role of reproductive modes in shaping genetic diversity in polyploids: a comparative study of selfing, outcrossing, and apomictic Paspalum species. Plants 14 (2025) 476. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants14030476

Rezaeva B R, Otto I, Hensel G, Pouramini P, Peterson A, Kumlehn J:

Genetic transformation of the oilseed crop camelina using immature zygotic embryos. Plant Methods 21 (2025) 35. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13007-025-01351-2


Egorova A A, Zykova T E, Hertig C W, Hoffie I, Morozov S V, Chernyak E I, Rogachev A D, Korotkova A M, Vikhorev A V, Vasiliev G V, Shoeva O Y, Kumlehn J, Gerasimova S V, Khlestkina E K:

Accumulation of anthocyanin in the aleurone of barley grains by targeted restoration of the MYC2 gene. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (2024) 12705. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms252312705

Frank S, Saeid Nia M, Schäfer A, Desel C, Mulisch M, Voigt U, Nowara D, Tandron Moya Y A, von Wirén N, Bilger W, Hensel G, Krupinska K:

Over-accumulation of chloroplast-nucleus located WHIRLY1 in barley leads to a decrease in growth and an enhanced stress resistance. Plant J. 119 (2024) 1210-1225. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16819

Gerasimova S V, Korotkova A M, Rodrigues T d S, Vikhorev A, Kolosovskaya E V, Vasiliev G V, Melzer M, Hertig C W, Kumlehn J, Khlestkina E K:

Shedding new light on the hull-pericarp adhesion mechanisms of barley grains by transcriptomics analysis of isogenic NUD1 and nud1 lines. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (2024) 13108. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms252313108

Hisano H, Hoffie R E, Kumlehn J, Sato K:

Targeted modification of grain dormancy genes in barley. In: Kawakami N, Sato K (Eds.): Seed dormancy: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2830) New York: Humana (2024) 978-1-0716-3965-8, 149-161. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3965-8_14

Hojsgaard D, Nagel M, Feingold S E, Massa G A, Bradshaw J E:

New frontiers in potato breeding: tinkering with reproductive genes and apomixis. Biomolecules 14 (2024) 614. https://dx.doi.org//10.3390/biom14060614

Jayakodi M, Lu Q, Pidon H, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Bayer M, Lux T, Guo Y, Jaegle B, Badea A, Bekele W, Brar G S, Braune K, Bunk B, Chalmers K J, Chapman B, Jørgensen M E, Feng J-W, Feser M, Fiebig A, Gundlach H, Guo W, Haberer G, Hansson M, Himmelbach A, Hoffie I, Hoffie R E, Hu H, Isobe S, König P, Kale S M, Kamal N, Keeble-Gagnère G, Keller B, Knauft M, Koppolu R, Krattinger S G, Kumlehn J, Langridge P, Li C, Marone M P, Maurer A, Mayer K F X, Melzer M, Muehlbauer G J, Murozuka E, Padmarasu S, Perovic D, Pillen K, Pin P A, Pozniak C J, Ramsay L, Pedas P R, Rutten T, Sakuma S, Sato K, Schüler D, Schmutzer T, Scholz U, Schreiber M, Shirasawa K, Simpson C, Skadhauge B, Spannagl M, Steffenson B J, Thomsen H C, Tibbits J F, Nielsen M T S, Trautewig C, Vequaud D, Voss C, Wang P, Waugh R, Westcott S, Rasmussen M W, Zhang R, Zhang X-Q, Wicker T, Dockter C, Mascher M, Stein N:

Structural variation in the pangenome of wild and domesticated barley. Nature 636 (2024) 654-662. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08187-1

Jiang G, Koppolu R, Rutten T, Hensel G, Lundqvist U, Tandron Moya Y A, Huang Y, Rajaraman J, Poursarebani N, von Wirén N, Kumlehn J, Mascher M, Schnurbusch T:

Non-cell-autonomous signaling associated with barley ALOG1 specifies spikelet meristem determinacy. Curr. Biol. 34 (2024) 2344-2358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.083

Kumlehn J:

Neue gentechnische Methoden der Pflanzenzüchtung und Perspektiven ihrer Anwendung. Wertermittlungsforum - Sachverständigen-Kuratorium für Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft, Gartenbau, Landespflege, Weinbau, Binnenfischerei, Pferde, Agrarrecht 42 (2024) 1-5.

Leite Dias S, Chuang L, Liu S, Seligmann B, Brendel F L, Chavez B G, Hoffie R E, Hoffie I, Kumlehn J, Bültemeier A, Wolf J, Herde M, Witte C-P, DAuria J C, Franke J:

Biosynthesis of the allelopathic alkaloid gramine in barley by a cryptic oxidative rearrangement. Science 383 (2024) 1448-1454. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.adk6112

Negroni Y L, Doro I, Tamborrino A, Luzzi I, Fortunato S, Hensel G, Khosravi S, Maretto L, Stevanato P, Schiavo F L, Concettade Pinto M, Krupinska K, Zottini M:

The Arabidopsis mitochondrial nucleoid-associated protein WHIRLY2 is required for a proper response to salt stress. Plant Cell Physiol. 65 (2024) 576-589. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcae025

Nowicka A, Kovacik M, Maksylewicz A, Kopeć P, Dubas E, Krzewska M, Springer A, Hoffie R E, Daghma D S, Milec Z, Pecinka A, Kumlehn J, Żur I:

The transcriptional landscape of the developmental switch from regular pollen maturation towards microspore-derived plant regeneration in barley. Crop J. 12 (2024) 1064-1080. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2024.07.003

Reutemann A V, Honfi A I, Karunarathne P, Eckers F, Hojsgaard D H, Martínez E J:

Comparative analysis of molecular and morphological diversity in two diploid Paspalum species (Poaceae) with contrasting mating systems. Plant Reprod. 37 (2024) 15-32. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00497-023-00478-3

Rezaeva B R, Rutten T, Bollmann C, Ortleb S, Melzer M, Kumlehn J:

Plant regeneration via adventitious shoot formation from immature zygotic embryo explants of Camelina. Plants 13 (2024) 465. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants13040465

Rutten T, Thirulogachandar V, Huang Y, Shanmugaraj N, Koppolu R, Ortleb S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Melzer M, Schnurbusch T:

Anatomical insights into the vascular lay-out of the barley rachis: implications for transport and spikelet connection. Ann. Bot. 133 (2024) 983-996. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcae025

Soltani O, Jöst M, Hoffie I, Hensel G, Kappel C, Prag G, McKim S, Kumlehn J, Lenhard M:

RING/U-box E3 protein BIR1 interacts with and ubiquitinates barley growth repressor BROAD LEAF1. Plant Physiol. 196 (2024) 228-243. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae315

Spieß J M:

Die Cas9-Endonuklease von Staphylococcus aureus als alternatives Werkzeug für die Genom-Editierung von Gerste. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2024) 100 pp.

Thirulogachandar V, Govind G, Hensel G, Kale S M, Kuhlmann M, Eschen-Lippold L, Rutten T, Koppolu R, Rajaraman J, Palakolanu S R, Seiler C, Sakuma S, Jayakodi M, Lee J, Kumlehn J, Komatsuda T, Schnurbusch T, Sreenivasulu N:

HOMEOBOX2, the paralog of SIX-ROWED SPIKE1/HOMEOBOX1, is dispensable for barley spikelet development. J. Exp. Bot. 75 (2024) 2900-2916. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae044


Becker M, Hensel G:

Ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-mediated allele replacement in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. In: Yang B, Harwood W, Que Q (Eds.): Plant genome engineering. vol. 1: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2653) New York: Humana (2023) ISBN 978-1-0716-3131-7, 199-205. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3131-7_13

Becker M, Hensel G:

Ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-mediated targeted mutagenesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). In: Yang B, Harwood W, Que Q (Eds.): Plant genome engineering. vol. 1: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2653) New York: Humana (2023) ISBN 978-1-0716-3131-7, 187-197. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3131-7_12

Bethke G, Huang Y, Hensel G, Heinen S, Liu C, Wyant S R, Li X, Quin M B, McCormick S, Morrell P L, Dong Y, Kumlehn J, Salvi S, Berthiller F, Muehlbauer G J:

UDP-glucosyltransferase HvUGT13248 confers type II resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley. Plant Physiol. 193 (2023) 2691–2710. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiad467

Chojnacka A, Smoczynska A, Bielewicz D, Pacak A, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Karlowski Wojciech M, Grabsztunowicz M, Sobieszczuk-Nowicka E, Jarmolowski A, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z:

PEP444c encoded within the MIR444c gene regulates microRNA444c accumulation in barley. Physiol. Plant. 175 (2023) e14018. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.14018

Daszkowska-Golec A, Mehta D, Uhrig R G, Brąszewska A, Novak O, Fontana I M, Melzer M, Płociniczak T, Marzec M:

Multi-omics insights into the positive role of strigolactone perception in barley drought response. BMC Plant Biol. 23 (2023) 445. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04450-1

Gerasimova S V, Kolosovskaya E V, Vikhorev A V, Korotkova A M, Hertig C W, Genaev M A, Domrachev D V, Morozov S V, Chernyak E I, Shmakov N A, Vasiliev G V, Kochetov A V, Kumlehn J, Khlestkina E K:

WAX INDUCER 1 regulates β-diketone biosynthesis by mediating expression of the Cer-cqu gene cluster in barley. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24 (2023) 6762. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms24076762

Geutebrück A:

Etablierung der Regeneration von Raps mittels multipler Adventivsprossbildung vom Hypokotyl unreifer Embryonen. (Master Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2023) 59 pp.

Hertig C W:

Beeinflussung des Ertragspotentials von Gerste und Weizen durch Modifikation ährenarchitektonischer Eigenschaften mittels Cas-Endonuklease-vermittelter Mutagenese. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2023) 217 pp.

Hertig C W:

Genom-Editierung von Branched head in Weizen – Erweiterung der genetischen Diversität mit Potential für Ertragssteigerung durch veränderte Ährenarchitektur. Vortr. Pflanzenzücht. 89 (2023) 11-16.

Hertig C W, Rutten T, Melzer M, Schippers J H M, Thiel J:

Dissection of developmental programs and regulatory modules directing endosperm transfer cell and aleurone identity in the syncytial endosperm of barley. Plants 12 (2023) 1594. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants12081594

Hoffie I:

Generierung neuer allelischer Diversität für universelle und dauerhafte Rostresistenz von Weizen und Gerste durch Editierung von SUGAR TRANSPORT PROTEIN 13. Vortr. Pflanzenzücht. 89 (2023) 41-46.

Hoffie R E, Perovic D, Habekuss A, Ordon F, Kumlehn J:

Novel resistance to the Bymovirus BaMMV established by targeted mutagenesis of the PDIL5-1 susceptibility gene in barley. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21 (2023) 331-341. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13948

Hölzl G, Rezaeva B, Kumlehn J, Dörmann P:

Ablation of glucosinolate accumulation in the oil crop Camelina sativa by targeted mutagenesis of genes encoding the transporters GTR1 and GTR2 and regulators of biosynthesis MYB28 and MYB29. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21 (2023) 189-201. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13936

Huang Y, Kamal R, Shanmugaraj N, Rutten T, Thirulogachandar V, Zhao S, Hoffie I, Hensel G, Rajaraman J, Moya Y A T, Hajirezaei M-R, Himmelbach A, Poursarebani N, Lundqvist U, Kumlehn J, Stein N, von Wirén N, Mascher M, Melzer M, Schnurbusch T:

A molecular framework for grain number determination in barley. Sci. Adv. 9 (2023) eadd0324. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.add0324

Radchuk V, Belew Z M, Gündel A, Mayer S, Hilo A, Hensel G, Sharma R, Neumann K, Ortleb S, Wagner S, Muszynska A, Crocoll C, Xu D, Hoffie I, Kumlehn J, Fuchs J, Peleke F F, Szymanski J J, Rolletschek H, Nour-Eldin H H, Borisjuk L:

SWEET11b transports both sugar and cytokinin in developing barley grains. Plant Cell 35 (2023) 2186-2207. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koad055

Schedler M, Reutemann A V, Hojsgaard D H, Zilli A L, Brugnoli E A, Galdeano F, Acuña C A, Honfi A I, Martínez E J:

Alternative evolutionary pathways in Paspalum involving allotetraploidy, sexuality, and varied mating systems. Genes 14 (2023) 1137. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/genes14061137

Shanmugaraj N, Rajaraman J, Kale S, Kamal R, Huang Y, Thirulogachandar V, Garibay-Hernandez A, Budhagatapalli N, Tandron Moya Y A, Hajirezaei M R, Rutten T, Hensel G, Melzer M, Kumlehn J, von Wirén N, Mock H-P, Schnurbusch T:

Multilayered regulation of developmentally programmed pre-anthesis tip degeneration of the barley inflorescence. Plant Cell 35 (2023) 3973-4001. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koad164

Šingliarová B, Hojsgaard D, Müller-Schärer H, Mráz P:

The novel expression of clonality following whole-genome multiplication compensates for reduced fertility in natural autopolyploids. Proc. R. Soc. B. 290 (2023) 20230389. https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.0389

Steckenborn S, Cuacos M, Ayoub M A, Feng C, Schubert V, Hoffie I, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Heckmann S:

The meiotic topoisomerase VI B subunit (MTOPVIB) is essential for meiotic DNA double-strand break formation in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant Reprod. 36 (2023) 1-15. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00497-022-00444-5

Tamilselvan-Nattar-Amutha S, Hiekel S, Hartmann F, Lorenz J, Dabhi R V, Dreissig S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Heckmann S:

Barley stripe mosaic virus-mediated somatic and heritable gene editing in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Front. Plant Sci. 14 (2023) 1201446. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1201446


Arslan M:

Establishment of Cas9 endonuclease technology in rye. (Master Thesis) Izmir, Turkey, EGE University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Science, Department of Seed Science and Technology (2022) 100 pp.

Dinh H X, Singh D, Gomez de la Cruz D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Mascher M, Stein N, Perovic D, Ayliffe M, Moscou M J, Park R F, Pourkheirandish M:

The barley leaf rust resistance gene Rph3 encodes a predicted membrane protein and is induced upon infection by avirulent pathotypes of Puccinia hordei. Nat. Commun. 13 (2022) 2386. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29840-1

Hisano H, Hoffie R E, Abe F, Munemori H, Matsuura T, Endo M, Mikami M, Nakamura S, Kumlehn J, Sato K:

Regulation of germination by targeted mutagenesis of grain dormancy genes in barley. Plant Biotechnol. J. 20 (2022) 37-46. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13692

Hoffie I:

Entwicklung des modularen CasCADE-Vektorsystems und dessen Verwendung zur gezielten Mutagenese der Stp13-Orthologe von Weizen und Gerste für die Etablierung dauerhafter Resistenz gegen Rost- und Mehltaupilze. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2022) 154 pp.

Hoffie R E:

Gezielte Mutagenese mit Cas-Endonukleasen zur Etablierung von Bymovirus-Resistenzen in Gerste. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2022) 179 pp.

Jalil J:

Histological analysis of early cellular events in immature zygotic rapeseed embryos cultivated in vitro. (Bachelor Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I Biowissenschaften, Institut für Biologie (2022) 78 pp.

Kořínková N, Fontana I M, Nguyen T D, Pouramini P, Bergougnoux V, Hensel G:

Enhancing cereal productivity by genetic modification of root architecture. Biotechnol. J. 17 (2022) e2100505. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/biot.202100505

Weiss L, Gaelings L, Reiner T, Mergner J, Kuster B, Fehér A, Hensel G, Gahrtz M, Kumlehn J, Engelhardt S, Hückelhoven R:

Posttranslational modification of the RHO of plants protein RACB by phosphorylation and cross-kingdom conserved ubiquitination. PLoS One 17 (2022) e0258924. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258924


Becker M, Hensel G:

Genome editing of barley. In: Willmann M R (Ed.): Genome editing for precision crop breeding. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, Vol. 97) Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds (2021) ISBN 9781786764478, 325-340. https://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2020.0082.18

Ganie S A, Wani S H, Henry R, Hensel G:

Improving rice salt tolerance by precision breeding in a new era. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 60 (2021) 101996. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pbi.2020.101996

Hisano H, Abe F, Hoffie R E, Kumlehn J:

Targeted genome modifications in cereal crops. Breed. Sci. 71 (2021) 405-416. https://dx.doi.org/10.1270/jsbbs.21019

Hoffie R E, Otto I, Hisano H, Kumlehn J:

Site-directed mutagenesis in barley using RNA-guided Cas endonucleases during microspore-derived generation of doubled haploids. In: Segui-Simarro J M (Ed.): Doubled haploid technology. vol. 1: general topics, Alliaceae, cereals. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2287) : Springer US (2021) ISBN 978-1-0716-1314-6, 199-214. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1315-3

Hoffie R E, Otto I, Perovic D, Budhagatapalli N, Habekuß A, Ordon F, Kumlehn J:

Targeted knockout of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4E confers bymovirus resistance in winter barley. Front. Genome Edit. 3 (2021) 784233. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fgeed.2021.784233

Kicherer L:

Gezielte Mutagenese in Gersten-Protoplasten (Hordeum vulgare L.): Temperatureinfluss und simultane Adressierung von zwei Zielgenen. (Bachelor Thesis) Bernburg, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Landwirtschaft, Ökotophologie und Landschaftsentwicklung (2021) 69 pp.

Li M, Hensel G, Melzer M, Junker A, Tschiersch H, Ruwe H, Arend D, Kumlehn J, Börner T, Stein N:

Mutation of the ALBOSTRIANS ohnologous gene HvCMF3 impairs chloroplast development and thylakoid architecture in barley. Front. Plant Sci. 12 (2021) 732608. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.732608

Li M, Ruwe H, Melzer M, Junker A, Hensel G, Tschiersch H, Schwenkert S, Chamas S, Schmitz-Linneweber C, Börner T, Stein N:

The Arabidopsis AAC proteins CIL and CIA2 are sub-functionalized paralogs involved in chloroplast development. Front. Plant Sci. 12 (2021) 681375. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.681375

Michalski K, Hertig C, Mańkowski D R, Kumlehn J, Zimny J, Linkiewicz A M:

Functional validation of cas9/GuideRNA constructs for site-directed mutagenesis of Triticale ABA8′OH1 loci. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (2021) 7038. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms22137038

Pathi K M:

Establishment of maize resistance to fungal diseases by host-induced gene silencing and site-directed mutagenesis. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2021) 125 pp.

Radchuk V, Tran V, Hilo A, Muszynska A, Gündel A, Wagner S, Fuchs J, Hensel G, Ortleb S, Munz E, Rolletschek H, Borisjuk L:

Grain filling in barley relies on developmentally controlled programmed cell death. Commun. Biol. 4 (2021) 428. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-01953-1

Reich J:

Experimental validation of candidate genes associated with the threshability of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by targeted, Cas endonuclease-triggered mutagenesis. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2021) 46 pp.

Satpathy P, Audije de la Fuente S, Ott V, Müller A, Büchner H, Daghma D E S, Kumlehn J:

Generation of doubled-haploid barley by interspecific pollination with Hordeum bulbosum. In: Segui-Simarro J M (Ed.): Doubled haploid technology. vol. 1: general topics, Alliaceae, cereals. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2287) : Springer US (2021) ISBN 978-1-0716-1314-6, 215-226. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1315-3

Shahinnia F, Tula S, Hensel G, Reiahisamani N, Nasr N, Kumlehn J, Gómez R, Lodeyro A F, Carrillo N, Hajirezaei M R:

Plastid-targeted cyanobacterial flavodiiron proteins maintain carbohydrate turnover and enhance drought stress tolerance in barley. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2021) 613731. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.613731

Thiel J, Koppolu R, Trautewig C, Hertig C, Kale S M, Erbe S, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Rutten T, Esteban E, Pasha A, Kumlehn J, Provart N J, Vanderauwera S, Frohberg C, Schnurbusch T:

Transcriptional landscapes of floral meristems in barley. Sci. Adv. 7 (2021) eabf0832. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf0832


Beier S, Ulpinnis C, Schwalbe M, Münch T, Hoffie R, Koeppel I, Hertig C, Budhagatapalli N, Hiekel S, Pathi K M, Hensel G, Grosse M, Chamas S, Gerasimova S, Kumlehn J, Scholz U, Schmutzer T:

Kmasker plants – a tool for assessing complex sequence space in plant species. Plant J. 102 (2020) 631-642. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14645

Budhagatapalli N, Halbach T, Hiekel S, Büchner H, Müller A E, Kumlehn J:

Site-directed mutagenesis in bread and durum wheat via pollination by cas9/guide RNA-transgenic maize used as haploidy inducer. Plant Biotechnol. J. 18 (2020) 2376-2378. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13415

Fetić S:

Genetische Transformation diverser Arabidopsis-Ökotypen mittels Adventivspross bildender Hypokotyl-Explantate. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2020) 81 pp.

Gerasimova S V, Hertig C, Korotkova A M, Kolosovskaya E V, Otto I, Hiekel S, Kochetov A V, Khlestkina E K, Kumlehn J:

Conversion of hulled into naked barley by Cas endonuclease-mediated knockout of the NUD gene. BMC Plant Biol. 20 (2020) 255. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-02454-9

Haase M:

Biolistic DNA transfer to embryogenic pollen of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2020) 59 pp.

Hensel G:

Genetic transformation of Triticeae cereals – summary of almost three-decades development. Biotechnol. Adv. 40 (2020) 107484. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biotechadv.2019.107484

Hertig C, Melzer M, Rutten T, Erbe S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Weschke W, Weber H, Thiel J:

Barley HISTIDINE KINASE 1 (HvHK1) coordinates transfer cell specification in the young endosperm. Plant J. 103 (2020) 1869-1884. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14875

Kostina N E, Spaselnikova A V, Egorova A A, Kolosovskaya E V, Domrachev D V, Romanova A V, Tumanyan S R, Chamas S, Kumlehn J, Dubovskiy I M, Gerasimova S V:

Creating a tobacco line with a weaker antifeedant property against colorado potato beetle. (in Russian). Plant Biotechnol. Breed. 3 (2020) 24-30. https://doi.org/10.30901/2658-6266-2020-1-o5

Lorenz L:

Etablierung von in-vitro-Regenerationsmethoden für Roggen und Triticale und deren Validierung für die gentechnische Transformation. (Bachelor Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida, Fakultät Biotechnologie und Chemie (2020) 115 pp.

Marzec M, Brąszewska-Zalewska A, Hensel G:

Prime editing: a new way for genome editing. Trends Cell Biol. 30 (2020) 257-259. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcb.2020.01.004

Marzec M, Hensel G:

Prime editing: game changer for modifying plant genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 25 (2020) 722-724. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2020.05.008

Pathi K M, Rink P, Budhagatapalli N, Betz R, Saado I, Hiekel S, Becker M, Djamei A, Kumlehn J:

Engineering smut resistance in maize by site-directed mutagenesis of LIPOXYGENASE 3. Front. Plant Sci. 11 (2020) 543895. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.543895


Frank S, Hollmann J, Mulisch M, Matros A, Carrión C C, Mock H P, Hensel G, Krupinska K:

Barley cysteine protease PAP14 plays a role in degradation of chloroplast proteins. J. Exp. Bot. 70 (2019) 6057-6069. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz356

Gomez-Sanchez A, Gonzalez-Melendi P, Santamaria M E, Arbona V, Lopez-Gonzalvez A, Garcia A, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Martinez M, Diaz I:

Repression of drought-induced cysteine-protease genes alters barley leaf structure and responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. J. Exp. Bot. 70 (2019) 2143-2155. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery410

Hensel G, Kumlehn J:

Genome engineering using TALENs. In: Harwood W A (Ed.): Barley: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1900) New York, NY: Humana Press (2019) 978-1-4939-8944-7, 195-215. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8944-7_13

Kalinowska K, Chamas S, Unkel K, Demidov D, Lermontova I, Dresselhaus T, Kumlehn J, Dunemann F, Houben A:

State-of-the-art and novel developments of in vivo haploid technologies. Theor. Appl. Genet. 132 (2019) 593–605. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-018-3261-9

Koeppel I, Hertig C, Hoffie R, Kumlehn J:

Cas endonuclease technology - a quantum leap in the advancement of barley and wheat genetic engineering. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (2019) 2647. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms20112647

Koeppel I, Hertig C, Hoffie R, Kumlehn J:

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Krattinger S G, Kang J, Bräunlich S, Boni R, Chauhan H, Selter L L, Robinson M D, Schmid M W, Wiederhold E, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Sucher J, Martinoia E, Keller B:

Abscisic acid is a substrate of the ABC transporter encoded by the durable wheat disease resistance gene Lr34. New Phytol. 223 (2019) 853-866. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.15815

Krupinska K, Braun S, Nia M S, Schäfer A, Hensel G, Bilger W:

The nucleoid-associated protein WHIRLY1 is required for the coordinate assembly of plastid and nucleus-encoded proteins during chloroplast development. Planta 249 (2019) 1337-1347. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00425-018-03085-z

Kumlehn J:

Site-directed genome modification in Triticeae cereals mediated by Cas endonucleases. In: Miedaner T, Korzun V (Eds.): Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition) Duxford, UK u.a.: Elsevier Ltd. (2019) ISBN 978-0-08-102163-7, 121-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102163-7.00006-5

Kumlehn J, Hiekel S, Budhagatapalli N:

Site-directed genome modification in barley and wheat. In: Ordon F, Friedt W (Eds.): Advances in breeding techniques for cereal crops. (Series: Burleigh dodds series in agricultural science, Vol. 60) Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Pub LTD (2019) ISBN 978-1-78676-244-3, 559-576. https://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2019.0051.30

Li M, Hensel G, Mascher M, Melzer M, Budhagatapalli N, Rutten T, Himmelbach A, Beier S, Korzun V, Kumlehn J, Boerner T, Stein N:

Leaf variegation and impaired chloroplast development caused by a truncated CCT domain gene in albostrians barley. Plant Cell 31 (2019) 1430-1445. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00132

Marzec M, Hensel G:

More precise, more universal and more specific – the next generation of RNA-guided endonucleases for genome editing. FEBS J. 286 (2019) 4657–4660. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/febs.15079

Pouramini P, Fotokian M H, Dehghan H, Hensel G:

Effect of Thiobacillus and superabsorbent on essential oil components in Thyme species. J. Essent. Oil Bearing Plants 22 (2019) 799-810. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2019.1623086

Sakuma S, Golan G, Guo Z, Ogawa T, Tagiri A, Sugimoto K, Bernhardt N, Brassac J, Mascher M, Hensel G, Ohnishi S, Jinno H, Yamashita Y, Ayalon I, Peleg Z, Schnurbusch T, Komatsuda T:

Unleashing floret fertility in wheat through the mutation of a homeobox gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116 (2019) 5182-5187. https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1815465116

Wang Y, Subedi S, de Vries H, Doornenbal P, Vels A, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Johnston P A, Qi X, Blilou I, Niks R E, Krattinger S G:

Orthologous receptor kinases quantitatively affect the host status of barley to leaf rust fungi. Nat. Plants 5 (2019) 1129-1135. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0545-2


Boni R, Chauhan H, Hensel G, Roulin A, Sucher J, Kumlehn J, Brunner S, Krattinger S G, Keller B:

Pathogen-inducible Ta-Lr34res expression in heterologous barley confers disease resistance without negative pleiotropic effects. Plant Biotechnol. J. 16 (2018) 245-253. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12765

Gerasimova S V, Korotkova A M, Hertig C, Hiekel S, Hoffie R, Budhagatapalli N, Otto I, Hensel G, Shumny V K, Kochetov A V, Kumlehn J, Khlestkina E K:

Targeted genome modification in protoplasts of a highly regenerable Siberian barley cultivar using RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease. Vavilov J. Genet. Breed. 22 (2018) 1033-1039. https://dx.doi.org/10.18699/VJ18.447

Holubová K, Hensel G, Vojta P, Tarkowski P, Bergougnoux V, Galuszka P:

Modification of barley plant productivity through regulation of cytokinin content by reverse-genetics approaches. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 1676. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01676

Käsbauer C L, Pathuri I P, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R, Proels R K:

Barley ADH-1 modulates susceptibility to Bgh and is involved in chitin-induced systemic resistance. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 123 (2018) 281-287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2017.12.029

Kumlehn J, Pietralla J, Hensel G, Pacher M, Puchta H:

The CRISPR/Cas revolution continues: From efficient gene editing for crop breeding to plant synthetic biology. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 60 (2018) 1127-1153. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jipb.12734

Li B, Förster C, Robert C A M, Zust T, Hu L, Machado R A R, Berset J D, Handrick V, Knauer T, Hensel G, Chen W, Kumlehn J, Yang P, Keller B, Gershenzon J, Jander G, Köllner T G, Erb M:

Convergent evolution of a metabolic switch between aphid and caterpillar resistance in cereals. Sci. Adv. 4 (2018) eaat6797. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aat6797

Marzec M, Hensel G:

Targeted base editing systems are available for plants. Trends Plant Sci. 23 (2018) 955-957. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2018.08.011

Pfrieme A-K:

Untersuchungen der Effizienz RNA-vermittelter Cas-Endonukleasen-induzierter Mutagenese in Abhängigkeit von Cas9 Codon-Optimierung, verwendetem Promotor und single guide RNA-Startmolekül. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät III (2018) 135 + XXV pp.

Radchuk V, Tran V, Radchuk R, Diaz-Mendoza M, Weier D, Fuchs J, Riewe D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Munz E, Heinzel N, Rolletschek H, Martinez M, Borisjuk L:

Vacuolar processing enzyme 4 contributes to maternal control of grain size in barley by executing programmed cell death in the pericarp. New Phytol. 218 (2018) 1127-1142. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.14729

Rajaraman J, Douchkov D, Lück S, Hensel G, Nowara D, Pogoda M, Rutten T, Meitzel T, Brassac J, Höfle C, Hückelhoven R, Klinkenberg J, Trujillo M, Bauer E, Schmutzer T, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Lazzari B, Stein N, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:

Evolutionarily conserved partial gene duplication in the Triticeae tribe of grasses confers pathogen resistance. Genome Biol. 19 (2018) 116. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1472-7

Santamaria M E, Diaz-Mendoza M, Perez-Herguedas D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Diaz I, Martinez M:

Overexpression of HvIcy6 in barley enhances resistance against Tetranychus urticae and entails partial transcriptomic reprogramming. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19 (2018) 697. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms19030697

Świda-Barteczka A, Krieger-Liszkay A, Bilger W, Voigt U, Hensel G, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Krupinska K:

The plastid-nucleus located DNA/RNA binding protein WHIRLY1 regulates microRNA-levels during stress in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). RNA Biol. 15 (2018) 886-891. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15476286.2018.1481695

Velasco-Arroyo B, Diaz-Mendoza M, Gomez-Sanchez A, Moreno-Garcia B, Santamaria M E, Torija-Bonilla M, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Martinez M, Diaz I:

Silencing barley cystatins HvCPI-2 and HvCPI-4 specifically modifies leaf responses to drought stress. Plant Cell Environ. 41 (2018) 1776-1790. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pce.13178


Audije de la Fuente S:

Production of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) doubled haploids via interspecific crosses. (Diploma Thesis) Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2017) 133 pp.

Dirks J:

Untersuchung des Einflusses der ATG-Kontext-Sequenz auf die Translationseffizienz. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2017) 47 pp.

Grosse M:

Gerichtete Mutagenese Methionin-Aminopeptidase-codierender Gene durch gRNA-vermittelte Cas9-Endonuklease. (Master Thesis) Greifswald, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität (2017) 123 pp.

Gurushidze M, Hiekel S, Otto I, Hensel G, Kumlehn J:

Site-directed mutagenesis in barley by expression of TALE nuclease in embryogenic pollen. In: Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Tai T, Kumlehn J, Till B J (Eds.): Biotechnologies for plant mutation breeding: protocols. Cham: Springer (2017) ISBN 978-3-319-45019-3, 113-128. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45021-6_7

Gurushidze M, Trautwein H, Hoffmeister P, Otto I, Müller A, Kumlehn J:

Doubled haploidy as a tool for chimera dissolution of TALEN induced mutations in barley. In: Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Tai T, Kumlehn J, Till B J (Eds.): Biotechnologies for plant mutation breeding: protocols. Cham: Springer (2017) ISBN 978-3-319-45019-3, 129-141. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45021-6_8

Hensel G, Marthe C, Kumlehn J:

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of wheat using immature embryos. In: Bhalla P L, Singh M B (Eds.): Wheat biotechnology: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1679) New York [u.a.]: Humana Press (2017) ISBN 978-1-4939-7335-4, 129-139. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7337-8_8

Hohmann J:

Die Anwendung der gRNA/Cas9-induzierten Mutagenese in nahrungsrelevanten Nutzpflanzenarten. (Bachelor Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2017) 53 pp.

Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Tai T, Kumlehn J, Till B J (Eds.):

Biotechnologies for plant mutation breeding: protocols. Cham: Springer International Publishing (2017) ISBN 978-3-319-45019-3, 339 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45021-6

Kucharewicz W, Distelfeld A, Bilger W, Müller M, Munné-Bosch S, Hensel G, Krupinska K:

Acceleration of leaf senescence is slowed down in transgenic barley plants deficient in the DNA/RNA-binding protein WHIRLY1. J. Exp. Bot. 68 (2017) 983-996. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw501

Lo Presti L, Zechmann B, Kumlehn J, Liang L, Lanver D, Tanaka S, Bock R, Kahmann R:

An assay for entry of secreted fungal effectors into plant cells. New Phytol. 213 (2017) 956-964. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.14188

Pandey P, Daghma D S, Houben A, Kumlehn J, Melzer M, Rutten T:

Dynamics of post-translationally modified histones during barley pollen embryogenesis in the presence or absence of the epi-drug trichostatin A. Plant Reprod. 30 (2017) 95-105. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00497-017-0302-5

Schedel S:

Genetische Veränderung von Tabak mittels Zielsequenz-spezifizierter Endonukleasen. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2017) 133 pp.

Schedel S, Pencs S, Hensel G, Müller A, Rutten T, Kumlehn J:

RNA-guided Cas9-induced mutagenesis in tobacco followed by efficient genetic fixation in doubled haploid plants. Front. Plant Sci. 7 (2017) 1995. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01995

Sucher J, Boni R, Yang P, Rogowsky P, Büchner H, Kastner C, Kumlehn J, Krattinger S G, Keller B:

The durable wheat disease resistance gene Lr34 confers common rust and northern corn leaf blight resistance in maize. Plant Biotechnol. J. 15 (2017) 489–496. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12647

Thirulogachandar V, Alqudah A M, Koppolu R, Rutten T, Graner A, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Bräutigam A, Sreenivasulu N, Schnurbusch T, Kuhlmann M:

Leaf primordium size specifies leaf width and vein number among row-type classes in barley. Plant J. 91 (2017) 601-612. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.13590

Till B J, Hofinger B J, Sen A, Huynh O A, Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Gugsa L, Kumlehn J:

A protocol for validation of doubled haploid plants by enzymatic mismatch cleavage. In: Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Tai T, Kumlehn J, Till B J (Eds.): Biotechnologies for plant mutation breeding: protocols. Cham: Springer (2017) ISBN 978-3-319-45019-3, 253-262. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45021-6_16

Wendler N, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Bini F, Kumlehn J, Stein N:

A high-density, sequence-enriched genetic map of Hordeum bulbosum and its collinearity to H. vulgare. Plant Genome 10 (2017) https://dx.doi.org/10.3835/plantgenome2017.06.0049


Budhagatapalli N, Schedel S, Gurushidze M, Pencs S, Hiekel S, Rutten T, Kusch S, Morbitzer R, Lahaye T, Panstruga R, Kumlehn J, Hensel G:

A simple test for the cleavage activity of customized endonucleases in plants. Plant Methods 12 (2016) 18. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13007-016-0118-6

Chen W, Kastner C, Nowara D, Oliveira-Garcia E, Rutten T, Zhao Y, Deising H B, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:

Host-induced silencing of Fusarium culmorum genes protects wheat from infection. J. Exp. Bot. 67 (2016) 4979-4991. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw263

Diaz-Mendoza M, Dominguez-Figueroa J D, Velasco-Arroyo B, Cambra I, Gonzalez-Melendi P, Lopez-Gonzalvez A, Garcia A, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Diaz I, Martinez M:

HvPap-1 C1A protease and HvCPI-2 cystatin contribute to barley grain filling and germination. Plant Physiol. 170 (2016) 2511-2524. https://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.15.01944

Douchkov D, Lueck S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Rajaraman J, Johrde A, Doblin M S, Beahan C T, Kopischke M, Fuchs R, Lipka V, Niks R E, Bulone V, Chowdhury J, Little A, Burton R A, Bacic A, Fincher G B, Schweizer P:

The barley (Hordeum vulgare) cellulose synthase-like D2 gene (HvCslD2) mediates penetration resistance to host-adapted and nonhost isolates of the powdery mildew fungus. New Phytol. 212 (2016) 421-433. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.14065

Ezura H, Ariizumi T, Garcia-Mas J, Rose J (Eds.):

Functional Genomics and Biotechnology in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Crops. (Series: Widholm J., J. Kumlehn & T. Nagata (Eds.): Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 70) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (2016) ISBN 978-3-662-48533-0, 265 pp.

Houben A, Karimi Ashtiyani R, Ishii T, Stein N, Kumlehn J:

Generation of haploid plants. (Industrieanmeldung), Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2016, IPK-Nr. 2014/01. EP 14182719.6 (2016).

Jöst M, Hensel G, Kappel C, Druka A, Sicard A, Hohmann U, Beier S, Himmelbach A, Waugh R, Kumlehn J, Stein N, Lenhard M:

The INDETERMINATE DOMAIN protein BROAD LEAF1 limits barley leaf width by restricting lateral proliferation. Curr. Biol. 26 (2016) 903-909. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.047

Kumlehn J:

Embryogenesis and plant regeneration from isolated wheat zygotes. In: Germanà M A, Lambardi M (Eds.): In vitro embryogenesis in higher plants. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1359) New York, NY [u.a.]: Humana Press (2016) ISBN 978-1-4939-3060-9, 503-514. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_29

Marzin S, Hanemann A, Sharma S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schweizer G, Röder M S:

Are PECTIN ESTERASE INHIBITOR genes involved in mediating resistance to Rhynchosporium commune in barley? PLoS One 11 (2016) e0150485. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0150485

Nakamura S, Pourkheirandish M, Morishige H, Kubo Y, Nakamura M, Ichimura K, Seo S, Kanamori H, Wu J, Ando T, Hensel G, Sameri M, Stein N, Sato K, Matsumoto T, Yano M, Komatsuda T:

Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3 regulates seed dormancy in barley. Curr. Biol. 26 (2016) 775-781. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.024

Rabe F, Bosch J, Stirnberg A, Guse T, Bauer L, Seitner D, Rabanal F A, Czedik-Eysenberg A, Uhse S, Bindics J, Genenncher B, Navarrete F, Kellner R, Ekker H, Kumlehn J, Vogel J P, Gordon S P, Marcel T C, Münsterkötter M, Walter M C, Sieber C M K, Mannhaupt G, Güldener U, Kahmann R, Djamei A:

A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem. eLife 5 (2016) e20522. https://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20522

Rajaraman J, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Stefanato F, Gordon A, Ereful N, Caldararu O, Petrescu A-J, Kumlehn J, Boyd L, Schweizer P:

An LRR/malectin receptor-like kinase mediates resistance to non-adapted and adapted powdery mildew fungi in barley and wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 7 (2016) 1836. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01836

Seifert F, Bössow S, Kumlehn J, Gnad H, Scholten S:

Analysis of wheat microspore embryogenesis induction by transcriptome and small RNA sequencing using the highly responsive cultivar Svilena"." BMC Plant Biol. 16 (2016) 97. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12870-016-0782-8

Staroske N, Conrad U, Kumlehn J, Hensel G, Radchuk R, Erban A, Kopka J, Weschke W, Weber H:

Increasing abscisic acid levels by immunomodulation in barley grains induces precocious maturation without changing grain composition. J. Exp. Bot. 67 (2016) 2675-2687. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw102

Trautwein H:

Etablierung eines in planta Funktionalitätstests für Zielsequenz-spezifisch programmierbare Endonukleasen. (Bachelor Thesis) Hamburg, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (2016) 94 pp.

Velasco-Arroyo B, Diaz-Mendoza M, Gandullo J, Gonzalez-Melendi P, Santamaria M E, Dominguez-Figueroa J D, Hensel G, Martinez M, Kumlehn J, Diaz I:

HvPap-1 C1A protease actively participates in barley proteolysis mediated by abiotic stresses. J. Exp. Bot. 67 (2016) 4267-4310. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw212

Watanabe K, Breier U, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schubert I, Reiss B:

Stable gene replacement in barley by targeted double-strand break induction. J. Exp. Bot. 67 (2016) 1433-1445. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erv537

Weidenbach D, Esch L, Möller C, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Höfle C, Hückelhoven R, Schaffrath U:

Polarized defence against fungal pathogens is mediated by the Jacalin-Lectin domain of modular Poaceae-specific proteins. Mol. Plant 9 (2016) 514-527. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2015.12.009


Budhagatapalli N, Rutten T, Gurushidze M, Kumlehn J, Hensel G:

Targeted modification of gene function exploiting homology-directed repair of TALEN-mediated double strand breaks in barley. G3: Genes Genomes Genetics 5 (2015) 1857-1863. https://dx.doi.org/10.1534/g3.115.018762

Chauhan H, Boni R, Bucher R, Kuhn B, Buchmann G, Sucher J, Selter L L, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Bigler L, Glauser G, Wicker T, Krattinger S G, Keller B:

The wheat resistance gene Lr34 results in the constitutive induction of multiple defense pathways in transgenic barley. Plant J. 84 (2015) 202-215. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.13001

Göhring F:

Beeinflussung der Adventivwurzelbildung an Blatt- und Sprossexplantaten von Nicotiana tabacum und N. attenuata. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt (FH), Fachbereich Angewandte Biowissenschaften und Prozesstechnik (2015) 52 pp.

Hemetsberger C, Mueller A N, Matei A, Herrberger C, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Mishra B, Sharma R, Thines M, Hückelhoven R, Doehlemann G:

The fungal core effector Pep1 is conserved across smuts of dicots and monocots. New Phytol. 206 (2015) 1116-1126. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.13304

Hensel G:

Süßkartoffel: Ein Beispiel für eine natürlich entstandene transgene Feldfrucht. Biol. Unserer Zeit 45 (2015) 355-355. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/biuz.201590094

Hensel G, Floss D M, Arcalis E, Sack M, Melnik S, Altmann F, Rutten T, Kumlehn J, Stoger E, Conrad U:

Transgenic production of an anti HIV antibody in the barley endosperm. PLoS One 10 (2015) e0140476. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0140476

Hiekel S, Schedel S, Hensel G, Gurushidze M, Budhagatapalli N, Kumlehn J:

Synthetic endonucleases: Novel tools for the site-directed genetic modification of plants. In: van Huylenbroeck J, Dhooghe E (Eds.): Proceedings of the XXV International EUCARPIA Symposium Section Ornamentals: Crossing Borders. (Series: Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 1087) Leuven: ISHS (2015) ISBN 978-94-62610-78-1, 71-81.

Karimi-Ashtiyani R, Ishii T, Niessen M, Stein N, Heckmann S, Gurushidze M, Banaei-Moghaddam A M, Fuchs J, Schubert V, Koch K, Weiss O, Demidov D, Schmidt K, Kumlehn J, Houben A:

Point mutation impairs centromeric CENH3 loading and induces haploid plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112 (2015) 11211-11216. https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1504333112

Kumlehn J:

Neue Werkzeuge der Pflanzenzüchtung im Fokus: Programmierbare Endonukleasen. In: Studer B, Kumlehn J, Spamer V, Ahl-Goy P, Schiemann J, Gaugitsch H, Errass C (Eds.): Neue Verfahren in der Pflanzenzüchtung - Nutzen und Herausforderung. Zusammenfassung einer Tagung des Forums Genforschung vom 27. Januar 2015 in Bern, Forum for Genetic Research. Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) (2015) 10-11.

Lippmann R, Friedel S, Mock H-P, Kumlehn J:

The low molecular weight fraction of compounds released from immature wheat pistils supports barley pollen embryogenesis. Front. Plant Sci. 6 (2015) 498. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2015.00498

Marthe C, Kumlehn J, Hensel G:

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) transformation using immature embryos. In: Wang K (Ed.): Agrobacterium protocols, Vol. 1, 3rd edition. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1223) New York, NY: Springer (2015) ISBN 978-1-4939-1694-8, 71-83. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1695-5_6

Otto I, Müller A, Kumlehn J:

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) transformation using embryogenic pollen cultures. In: Wang K (Ed.): Agrobacterium protocols, Vol. 1, 3rd edition. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1223) New York, NY: Springer (2015) ISBN 978-1-4939-1694-8, 85-99. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1695-5_7

Pourkheirandish M, Hensel G, Kilian B, Senthil N, Chen G, Sameri M, Azhaguvel P, Sakuma S, Dhanagond S, Sharma R, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Gottwald S, Nair S K, Tagiri A, Yukuhiro F, Nagamura Y, Kanamori H, Matsumoto T, Willcox G, Middleton C P, Wicker T, Walther A, Waugh R, Fincher G B, Stein N, Kumlehn J, Sato K, Komatsuda T:

Evolution of the grain dispersal system in barley. Cell 162 (2015) 527-539. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.07.002

Studer B, Kumlehn J, Spamer V, Ahl-Goy P, Schiemann J, Gaugitsch H, Errass C (Eds.):

Neue Verfahren in der Pflanzenzüchtung - Nutzen und Herausforderung. Zusammenfassung einer Tagung des Forums Genforschung vom 27. Januar 2015 in Bern, Forum for Genetic Research. Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) (2015) 330 pp.

Tanaka S, Djamei A, Presti L L, Schipper K, Winterberg S, Amati S, Becker D, Büchner H, Kumlehn J, Reissmann S, Kahmann R:

Experimental approaches to investigate effector translocation into host cells in the Ustilago maydis/maize pathosystem. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 94 (2015) 349–358. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcb.2015.06.007


Daghma D E S, Hensel G, Rutten T, Melzer M, Kumlehn J:

Cellular dynamics during early barley pollen embryogenesis revealed by time-lapse imaging. Front. Plant Sci. 5 (2014) 675. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2014.00675

Ekhvaia J, Gurushidze M, Blattner F R, Akhalkatsi M:

Genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera in Georgia: relationships between local cultivars and wild grapevine, V. vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 61 (2014) 1507-1521. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-014-0125-2

Gawroński P, Ariyadasa R, Himmelbach A, Poursarebani N, Kilian B, Stein N, Steuernagel B, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Sehgal S K, Gill B S, Gould P, Hall A, Schnurbusch T:

A distorted circadian clock causes early flowering and temperature-dependent variation in spike development in the Eps-3Am mutant of einkorn wheat. Genetics 196 (2014) 1253-1261. https://dx.doi.org/10.1534/genetics.113.158444

Gurushidze M, Hensel G, Hiekel S, Schedel S, Valkov V, Kumlehn J:

True-breeding targeted gene knock-out in barley using designer TALE-nuclease in haploid cells. PLoS One 9 (2014) e92046. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0092046

Hensel G, Kumlehn J:

Domestikation im Zeitraffer: Wie die Gerste zu mehr Körnern kam. Biol. Unserer Zeit 44 (2014) 11-12.

Howard J A, Hood E E (Eds.):

Commercial Plant-Produced Recombinant Protein Products. (Series: Widholm J., J. Kumlehn & T. Nagata (Eds.): Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 68) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-662-43835-0, 281 pp.

Krijger J-J, Oliveira-Garcia E, Astolfi P, Sommerfeld K, Gase I, Kastner C, Kumlehn J, Deising H B:

Discovery of candidate genes for defeating fungal pathogens by host-induced gene silencing (HIGS). In: Dehne H W, Deising H B, Fraaije B, Gisi U, Hermann D, Mehl A, Oerke E C, Russell P E, Stammler G, Kuck K H, Lyr H (Eds.): Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds, Vol. VII: 17th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, Friedrichroda, Germany, April 21-25, 2013, proceedings. Braunschweig: Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft (2014) ISBN 978-3-941261-13-6, 35-45.

Krupinska K, Oetke S, Desel C, Mulisch M, Schäfer A, Hollmann J, Kumlehn J, Hensel G:

WHIRLY1 is a major organizer of chloroplast nucleoids. Front. Plant Sci. 5 (2014) 432. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2014.00432

Kumlehn J:

Haploid technology. In: Kumlehn J, Stein N (Eds.): Biotechnological approaches to barley improvement. (Series: Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 69) Berlin: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-662-44405-4, 379-392. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1_20

Kumlehn J, Gurushidze M, Hensel G:

Genetic engineering. In: Kumlehn J, Stein N (Eds.): Biotechnological approaches to barley improvement. (Series: Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 69) Berlin: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-662-44405-4, 393-407. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1_21

Kumlehn J, Stein N (Eds.):

Biotechnological approaches to barley improvement. (Series: Widholm J., J. Kumlehn & T. Nagata (Eds.): Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 69) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-662-44405-4, 433 pp.

Ngwenwo A:

Establishment and optimization of embryogenic pollen cultures in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) and maize (Zea mays L.). (Master Thesis) Hohenheim, Universität Hohenheim (2014) 40 pp.

Saalbach I, Mora-Ramírez I, Weichert N, Andersch F, Guild G, Wieser H, Koehler P, Stangoulis J, Kumlehn J, Weschke W, Weber H:

Increased grain yield and micronutrient concentration in transgenic winter wheat by ectopic expression of a barley sucrose transporter. J. Cereal Sci. 60 (2014) 75-81. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2014.01.017

Seiler C, Harshavardhan V T, Reddy P S, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Eschen-Lippold L, Rajesh K, Korzun V, Wobus U, Lee J, Selvaraj G, Sreenivasulu N:

Abscisic acid flux alterations result in differential ABA signalling responses and impact assimilation efficiency in barley under terminal drought stress. Plant Physiol. 164 (2014) 1677-1696. https://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.229062

Songstad D D, Hatfield J L, Tomes D T (Eds.):

Convergence of Food Security, Energy Security and Sustainable Agriculture. (Series: Widholm J., J. Kumlehn & T. Nagata (Eds.): Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 67) Berlin Heidelberg: Springer (2014) ISBN 978-3-642-55261-8, 384 pp.

Vu G T H, Cao H X, Watanabe K, Hensel G, Blattner F R, Kumlehn J, Schubert I:

Repair of site-specific DNA double-strand breaks in barley occurs via diverse pathways primarily involving the sister chromatid. Plant Cell 26 (2014) 2156-2167. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.114.126607

Weidenbach D, Jansen M, Franke R, Hensel G, Weissgerber W, Ulferts S, Jansen I, Schreiber L, Korzun V, Pontzen R, Kumlehn J, Pillen K, Schaffrath U:

Evolutionary conserved function of barley and Arabidopsis 3-KETOACYL-CoA SYNTHASES in providing wax signals for germination of powdery mildew fungi. Plant Physiol. 166 (2014) 1621-1633. https://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.114.246348

Yang P, Lüpken T, Habekuss A, Hensel G, Steuernagel B, Kilian B, Ariyadasa R, Himmelbach A, Kumlehn J, Scholz U, Ordon F, Stein N:

PROTEIN DISULFIDE ISOMERASE LIKE 5-1 is a susceptibility factor to plant viruses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 (2014) 2104-2109. https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1320362111

Yeo F K, Hensel G, Vozábová T, Martin-Sanz A, Marcel T C, Kumlehn J, Niks R E:

Golden SusPtrit: a genetically well transformable barley line for studies on the resistance to rust fungi. Theor. Appl. Genet. 127 (2014) 325-337. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-013-2221-7


Corral J M, Vogel H, Aliyu O M, Hensel G, Thiel T, Kumlehn J, Sharbel T F:

A conserved apomixis-specific polymorphism is correlated with exclusive exonuclease expression in premeiotic ovules of apomictic Boechera species. Plant Physiol. 163 (2013) 1660-1672. https://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.222430

Hofinger B J, Huynh O A, Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Müller A, Otto I, Kumlehn J, Till B J:

Validation of doubled haploid plants by enzymatic mismatch cleavage. Plant Methods 9 (2013) 43. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1746-4811-9-43

Kapusi E, Hensel G, Coronado M J, Broeders S, Marthe C, Otto I, Kumlehn J:

The elimination of a selectable marker gene in the doubled haploid progeny of co-transformed barley plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 81 (2013) 149-160. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11103-012-9988-9

Malik Z A, Hensel G, Qureshi J A, Mansoor S, Sreenivasulu N, Kumlehn J, Saeed N A:

Improved agronomic and physiological performance of cultivar “Punjab-11”-derived transgenic wheat under drought stress. Jokull 63 (2013) 136-156.

Pandey P, Houben A, Kumlehn J, Melzer M, Rutten T:

Chromatin alterations during pollen development in Hordeum vulgare. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 141 (2013) 50-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000351211

Pratzka V:

In silico analysis of genes involved in the initiation of barley pollen embryogenesis. (Bachelor Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida (FH) (2013) 54 pp.

Risk J M, Selter L L, Chauhan H, Krattinger S G, Kumlehn J, Hensel G, Viccars L A, Richardson T M, Buesing G, Troller A, Lagudah E S, Keller B:

The wheat Lr34 gene provides resistance against multiple fungal pathogens in barley. Plant Biotechnol. J. 11 (2013) 847-854. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.12077

Sakuma S, Pourkheirandish M, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Stein N, Tagiri A, Yamaji N, Ma J F, Sassa H, Koba T, Komatsuda T:

Divergence of expression pattern contributed to neofunctionalization of duplicated HD-Zip I transcription factor in barley. New Phytol. 197 (2013) 939-948. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.12068


Bruchmüller A:

Untersuchungen zur post-transkriptionellen Gen-Inaktivierung in (monokotylen und dikotylen) Pflanzen und deren Beeinflussung zur Erhöhung der Transgen-Expression. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät III (2012) 120 pp.

Daghma D S, Kumlehn J, Hensel G, Rutten T, Melzer M:

Time-lapse imaging of the initiation of pollen embryogenesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). J. Exp. Bot. 63 (2012) 6017-6021. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ers254

Gurushidze M, Fuchs J, Blattner F R:

The evolution of genome size variation in drumstick onions (Allium subgenus Melanocrommyum). Syst. Bot. 37 (2012) 96-104. https://dx.doi.org/10.1600/036364412x616675

Hensel G, Oleszczuk S, Daghma D E, Zimny J, Melzer M, Kumlehn J:

Analysis of T-DNA integration and generative segregation in transgenic winter triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack). BMC Plant Biol. 12 (2012) 171. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2229-12-171

Kapusi E, Kempe K, Rubtsova M, Kumlehn J, Gils M:

phiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific recombination in barley. PLoS One 7 (2012) e45353. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0045353

Kapusi E, Ma L, Teo C H, Hensel G, Himmelbach A, Schubert I, Mette M F, Kumlehn J, Houben A:

Telomere-mediated truncation of barley chromosomes. Chromosoma 121 (2012) 181-190. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-011-0351-8

Radchuk V, Kumlehn J, Rutten T, Sreenivasulu N, Radchuk R, Rolletschek H, Herrfurth C, Feussner I, Borisjuk L:

Fertility in barley flowers depends on Jekyll functions in male and female sporophytes. New Phytol. 194 (2012) 142-157. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.04032.x

Riechen J H:

Etablierung einer Mehltauresistenz in Weizen durch Suppression von MLO. (PhD Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (2012) 160 pp.

van der Linde K, Hemetsberger C, Kastner C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn R A, Kumlehn J, Doehlemann G:

A maize cystatin suppresses host immunity by inhibiting apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Cell 24 (2012) 1285-1300. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.111.093732


Abera B, Negash L, Kumlehn J, Feyissa T:

In vitro regeneration of Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich - a threatened medicinal plant. Ethiop. J. Educ. Sci. 6 (2011) 59-71.

Daghma D S, Kumlehn J, Melzer M:

The use of cyanobacteria as filler in nitrocellulose capillaries improves ultrastructural preservation of immature barley pollen upon high pressure freezing. J. Microsc. 244 (2011) 79-84. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2818.2011.03509.x

Gugsa L, Kumlehn J:

Somatic embryogenesis and massive shoot regeneration from immature embryo explants of tef. Biotechnol. Res. Int. 2011 (2011) Article ID 309731, 309737 pages. https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2011/309731

Hensel G:

Genetic transformation of Triticeae cereals for molecular farming. In: Alvarez M A (Ed.): Genetic transformation. InTech Open Access (2011) ISBN 978-953-307-364-4, 171-190. https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/22430

Hensel G, Himmelbach A, Chen W, Douchkov D K, Kumlehn J:

Transgene expression systems in the Triticeae cereals. J. Plant Physiol. 168 (2011) 30-44. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2010.07.007

Hoefle C, Huesmann C, Schultheiss H, Börnke F, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R:

A barley ROP GTPase ACTIVATING PROTEIN associates with microtubules and regulates entry of the barley powdery mildew fungus into leaf epidermal cells. Plant Cell 23 (2011) 2422-2439. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.110.082131

Kőszegi D, Johnston A J, Rutten T, Czihal A, Altschmied L, Kumlehn J, Wust S E, Kirioukhova O, Gheyselinck J, Grossniklaus U, Bäumlein H:

Members of the RKD transcription factor family induce an egg cell-like gene expression program. Plant J. 67 (2011) 280-291. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04592.x

Melzer B:

Transformation von Brachypodium distachyon durch den Agrobacterium-vermittelten Gentransfer in Sprosssegmentkallus. (Diploma Thesis) Mittweida, Hochschule Mittweida (FH) (2011) 166 pp.

Teo C H, Ma L, Kapusi E, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schubert I, Houben A, Mette M F:

Induction of telomere-mediated chromosomal truncation and stability of truncated chromosomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 68 (2011) 28-39. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04662.x

van der Linde K, Kastner C, Kumlehn J, Kahmann R, Doehlemann G:

Systemic virus-induced gene silencing allows functional characterization of maize genes during biotrophic interaction with Ustilago maydis. New Phytol. 189 (2011) 471-483. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03474.x


Eichmann R, Bischof M, Weis C, Shaw J, Lacomme C, Schweizer P, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R:

BAX INHIBITOR-1 is required for full susceptibility of barley to powdery mildew. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 23 (2010) 1217-1227. https://dx.doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-23-9-1217

Goedeke S:

Transgene Gerstenkaryopsen als Produktionssystem von pharmazeutisch relevanten Proteinen - Beeinflussung der Akkumulation durch regulatorische Elemente. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I (2010) 142 pp.

Himmelbach A, Liu L, Zierold U, Altschmied L, Maucher H, Beier F, Müller D, Hensel G, Heise A, Schützendübel A, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:

Promoters of the barley germin-Like GER4 gene cluster enable strong transgene expression in response to pathogen attack. Plant Cell 22 (2010) 937-952. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.109.067934

Kapusi E:

Elimination of selectable markers genes via segregation of uncoupled T-DNAs in populations of doubled haploid barley. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I (2010) 103 pp.

Kempe K, Rubtsova M, Berger C, Kumlehn J, Schollmeier C, Gils M:

Transgene excision from wheat chromosomes by phage phiC31 integrase. Plant Mol. Biol. 72 (2010) 673-687. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11103-010-9606-7

Kumlehn J, Zimmermann G, Berger C, Marthe C, Hensel G:

Triticeae cereals. In: Kempken F, Jung C (Eds.): Genetic modification of plants: agriculture, horticulture and forestry. (Series: Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 64) Berlin [u.a.]: Springer (2010) ISBN 978-3-642-02390-3, 287-306. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02391-0_16

Melonek J, Mulisch M, Schmitz-Linneweber C, Grabowski E, Hensel G, Krupinska K:

Whirly1 in chloroplasts associates with intron containing RNAs and rarely co-localizes with nucleoids. Planta 232 (2010) 471-481. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00425-010-1183-0

Nowara D, Gay A, Lacomme C, Shaw J, Ridout C, Douchkov D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schweizer P:

HIGS: host-induced gene silencing in the obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis. Plant Cell 22 (2010) 3130-3141. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.110.077040

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Radchuk R, Conrad U, Saalbach I, Giersberg M, Emery R J, Küster H, Nunes-Nesi A, Fernie A R, Weschke W, Weber H:

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Sharbel T F, Voigt M L, Corral J M, Galla G, Kumlehn J, Klukas C, Schreiber F, Vogel H, Rotter B:

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Weichert N, Saalbach I, Weichert H, Kohl S, Erban A, Kopka J, Hause B, Varshney A, Sreenivasulu N, Strickert M, Kumlehn J, Weschke W, Weber H:

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Gugsa L, Kumlehn J:

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Hensel G, Kastner C, Oleszczuk S, Riechen J, Kumlehn J:

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Embryogenic pollen culture: a promising target for genetic transformation. In: Touraev A, Forster B P, Jain M S (Eds.): Advances in haploid production in higher plants. Berlin: Springer (2009) ISBN 978-1-402-08853-7, 295-305. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8854-4_24

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Sharbel T F, Voigt M L, Corral J M, Thiel T, Varshney A, Kumlehn J, Vogel H, Rotter B:

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Weber H, Radchuk R, Weichert K, Saalbach I:

Changing metabolic pathways to manipulate legume seed maturation and composition. In: Krishnan H B (Ed.): Modification of seed composition to promote health and nutrition. Madison, WI, USA: American Society of Agronomy (2009) ISBN 978-0-89118-169-9, 55-78.

Weigelt K, Küster H, Rutten T, Fait A, Fernie A R, Miersch O, Wasternack C, Emery R J, Desel C, Hosein F, Müller M, Saalbach I, Weber H:

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Abera B, Negash L, Kumlehn J:

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Abera B, Negash L, Kumlehn J:

In vitro and ex vitro seed-based propagation methods of Echinops kebericho Mesfin: A threatened medicinal plant. J. Appl. Horticult. 10 (2008) 164-168.

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Konditionierung unreifer Getreide-Embryonen für die Agrobakterien-vermittelte Transformation. (Diploma Thesis) Hamburg, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft (HAW), Fachbereich Naturwissenschaftliche Technik (2008) 65 pp.

Hensel G, Valkov V, Middlefell-Williams J, Kumlehn J:

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Macek J:

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Pathuri I P, Zellerhoff N, Schaffrath U, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Kogel K H, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R:

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Goedeke S, Hensel G, Kapusi E, Gahrtz M, Kumlehn J:

Transgenic barley in fundamental research and biotechnology. Transgenic Plant J. 1 (2007) 104-117.

Hensel G, Valkov V, Marthe C, Kumlehn J:

Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of various barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes. In: Xu Z, Li J, Xue Y, Yang W (Eds.): Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture 2006 and beyond. proceedings of the 11th IAPTC&B congress, August 13-18, 2006 Beijing,China. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands (2007) ISBN 978-1-402-06634-4, 143-145. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-6635-1_19

Himmelbach A, Zierold U, Hensel G, Riechen J, Douchkov D, Schweizer P, Kumlehn J:

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Kumlehn J, Schweizer P, Langen G, Bieri S, Wetjen T:

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Genetic control of apomixis: preliminary lessons from Poa, Hypericum and wheat egg cells. In: Hörandl E, Grossniklaus U, van Dijk P J, Sharbel T F (Eds.): Apomixis: evolution, mechanisms and perspectives. (Series: Regnum vegetabile, Vol. 147) Rugell, Liechtenstein: Gantner (2007) ISBN 978-3-906166-60-5, 159-166.

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Untersuchungen zur Etablierung eines Selektionsmarkersystems auf der Grundlage der Phosphomannose-Isomerase aus E. coli für die Transformation von Gerste. (Master Thesis) Hannover, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2007) 57 pp.

Saalbach I, Riehl M, Giersberg M, Kumlehn J, Falkenburg D:

Production of recombinant antibodies in pea seeds and their oral application in piglets. In: Xu Z, Li J, Xue Y, Yang W (Eds.): Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture 2006 and beyond. proceedings of the 11th IAPTC&B congress, August 13-18, 2006, Beijing, China. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands (2007) ISBN 978-1-402-06634-4, 399-402. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-6635-1_64

Vorwieger A, Gryczka C, Czihal A, Douchkov D, Tiedemann J, Mock H-P, Jakoby M, Weisshaar B, Saalbach I, Bäumlein H:

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Weigelt K, Kuster H, Götz K P, Saalbach I, Weber H:

Manipulation of seed metabolism in transgenic pea plants to increase protein content. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 2 (2007) 107.


Gugsa L, Sarial A K, Lörz H, Kumlehn J:

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Kumlehn J, Serazetdinova L, Hensel G, Becker D, Loerz H:

Genetic transformation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) via infection of androgenetic pollen cultures with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Biotechnol. J. 4 (2006) 251-261. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-7652.2005.00178.x

Radchuk V, Borisjuk L, Radchuk R, Steinbiss H H, Rolletschek H, Broeders S, Wobus U:

Jekyll encodes a novel protein involved in the sexual reproduction of barley. Plant Cell 18 (2006) 1652-1666. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.106.041335

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