© Leibniz Institut (IPK)
A wide variety of infrastructure is available at IPK for plant cultivation. This includes a suite of large and small glasshouses, a number of experimental fields, a set of phytochambers, the Institute’s recently established plant culture hall, a rain-out shelter and numerous cultivation rooms, controlled environment chambers, heat-insulated transparent plastic tunnels and cold frames. The Federal Ex situ Gene Bank is a major user, since every year, approximately 7,000 entries need to be grown out to rejuvenate the seed. The diversity of these materials demands a wide variety of cultivation conditions. Similarly, the research activity carried out across IPK covers a range of both crop and non-crop species, which also demands a variety of experimental infrastructure to cultivate plant materials.
Peter Schreiber
Phone: +49 39482 5-469
E-Mail: schreibr[at]ipk-gatersleben.de