Overview of events


On our page we give you an overview of events organised by the IPK or in cooperation with it.

Would you like to organise an event or workshop together with us or would you like to ask our staff to be a speaker? We look forward to hearing from you at info[at]ipk-gatersleben.de

Prof. Dr. Gwyneth Ingram (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, France)

Title: "Embryo-Endosperm dialogues in developing seeds: Distinguishing in from out, and up from down"

Link: https://ipk-gatersleben-de.zoom-x.de/j/64461069570?pwd=zkilCYbbDnBkSE0qzRjuCviHm7VKaN.1 (Meeting-ID: 644 6106 9570 / Kenncode: 845617)



The Meeting is jointly organised by “Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung“ (GPZ), “Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften“ (GPW) and “Fachgruppe Saatgut“ im Verband Deutscher Landwirtschaftlicher Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten (VDLUFA).

The joint scientific seed symposium will emphasise on “One Century of ISTA – A Milestone for Seed Technology and Research”.


Speaker: Prof. Piotr A. Ziolkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland)

Title: "Anti-crossover functions of MMR and ZMM in plant meiosis"

The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the conference room of the acting director (Genetic building, 0.93). 

Our previous work demonstrated that MSH2 heterodimers, a critical component of the Mismatch Repair (MMR) system, stimulate…


Double Lecture

First Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andrew Leitch (Professor of Plant Genetics and Co-director of MSc Plant and Fungal Taxonomy Diversity, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Title: ”Ecological filtering through genome size and potential mechanisms driving genome downsizing after polyploidy”

Second Speaker: Dr. Ilia Leitch (Trait…


Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassenstufen 5 bis 12 sind am Zukunftstag 2025 herzlich dazu eingeladen, Einblicke in das Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung in Gatersleben zu erhalten.

Lerne einen modernen Wissenschaftsstandort kennen und finde heraus, welche Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten es am ForschungsCampus Gatersleben für Dich gibt.

© Leibniz-Institut (IPK)