Publications 2018


Al Habri Z:

Plant co-expression of StrepTactin/StrepTactin-TP with Hemagglutinin H5. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, Institut für Pharmazie (2018) 58 pp.

Alomari D Z, Eggert K, von Wirén N, Alqudah A M, Polley A, Plieske J, Ganal M, Pillen K, Röder M S:

Identifying candidate genes for enhancing grain Zn concentration in wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 1313.

Alqudah A M, Youssef H M, Graner A, Schnurbusch T:

Natural variation and genetic make-up of leaf blade area in spring barley. Theor. Appl. Genet. 131 (2018) 873–886.

Altmann S, Muino J M, Lortzing V, Brandt R, Himmelbach A, Altschmied L, Hilker M:

Transcriptomic basis for reinforcement of elm antiherbivore defence mediated by insect egg deposition. Mol. Ecol. 27 (2018) 4901-4915.

Appelhagen I, Wulff-Vester A K, Wendell M, Hvoslef-Eide A K, Russell J, Oertel A, Martens S, Mock H-P, Martin C, Matros A:

Colour bio-factories: towards scale-up production of anthocyanins in plant cell cultures. Metab. Eng. 48 (2018) 218-232.

Arend D:

Nachhaltige Infrastruktur zur Forschungsdatenpublikation am Beispiel von Hochdurchsatz-Pflanzenphänotypisierungsdaten. (PhD Thesis) Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik (2018) 146 pp.

Ariz I, Boeckstaens M, Gouveia C, Martins A P, Sanz-Luque E, Fernández E, Soveral G, von Wirén N, Marini A M, Aparicio-Tejo P M, Cruz C:

Nitrogen isotope signature evidences ammonium deprotonation as a common transport mechanism for the AMT-Mep-Rh protein superfamily. Sci. Adv. 4 (2018) eaar3599.

Ávila Robledillo L, Koblížková A, Novák P, Böttinger K, Vrbová I, Neumann P, Schubert I, Macas J:

Satellite DNA in Vicia faba is characterized by remarkable diversity in its sequence composition, association with centromeres, and replication timing. Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 5838.

Ayalew H, Liu H, Börner A, Kobiljski B, Liu C, Yan G:

Genome-wide association mapping of major root length QTLs under PEG induced water stress in wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 1759.

Babben S, Schliephake E, Janitza P, Berner T, Keilwagen J, Koch M, Arana-Ceballos F A, Templer S E, Chesnokov Y, Pshenichnikova T, Schondelmaier J, Börner A, Pillen K, Ordon F, Perovic D:

Association genetics studies on frost tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) reveal new highly conserved amino acid substitutions in CBF-A3, CBF-A15, VRN3 and PPD1 genes. BMC Genomics 19 (2018) 409.

Bachmann-Pfabe S, Willner E, Dehmer K J:

Ex-situ evaluations of Lolium perenne L. ecotypes collected in Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and Ireland reveal valuable breeding material. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 65 (2018) 1423-1439.

Bachmann-Pfabe S, Willner E, Oppermann M, Weise S, Dehmer K J:

Enhancing the sustainable use of Lolium perenne genetic resources from genebanks in plant breeding and research. In: Brazauskas G, Statkevičiūtė G, Jonavičienė K (Eds.): Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics. Cham: Springer (2018) 978-3-319-89578-9, 27-32.

Badaeva E D, Ruban A S, Shishkina A A, Sibikeev S N, Druzhin A E, Surzhikov S A, Dragovich A Y:

Genetic classification of Aegilops columnaris Zhuk. (2n=4x=28, UcUcXcXc) chromosomes based on FISH analysis and substitution patterns in common wheat x Ae. columnaris introgressive lines. Genome 61 (2018) 131-143.

Bajerski F, Stock J, Hanf B, Darienko T, Heine-Dobbernack E, Lorenz M, Naujox L, Keller E R J, Schumacher H M, Friedl T, Eberth S, Mock H P, Kniemeyer O, Overmann J:

ATP content and cell viability as indicators for cryostress across the diversity of life. Front. Physiol. 9 (2018) 921.

Barkla B J, Garibay-Hernández A, Melzer M, Rupasinghe T W T, Roessner U:

Single cell-type analysis of cellular lipid remodelling in response to salinity in the epidermal bladder cells of the model halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Cell Environ. 41 (2018) 2390-2403.

Baroux C, Schubert V:

Technical Review: Microscopy and image processing tools to analyse plant chromatin – practical considerations. In: Bemer M, Baroux C (Eds.): Plant Chromatin Dynamics: Methods and Protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1675) New York, NY: Humana Press (2018) ISBN 978-1-4939-7317-0, 537-589.

Baudisch B, Pfort I, Sorge E, Conrad U:

Nanobody-directed specific degradation of proteins by the 26S-proteasome in plants. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 130.

Beier S, Bolser D M, Scholz U, Spannagl M, Kersey P J:

Databases and tools for the analysis of the barley genome. In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 377-394.

Bestetti S, Medraño-Fernandez I, Galli M, Ghitti M, Bienert G P, Musco G, Orsi A, Rubartelli A, Sitia R:

A persulfidation-based mechanism controls aquaporin-8 conductance. Sci. Adv. 4 (2018) eaar5770.

Bhosale R, Giri J, Pandey B K, Giehl R F H, Hartmann A, Traini R, Truskina J, Leftley N, Hanlon M, Swarup K, Rashed A, Voss U, Alonso J, Stepanova A, Yun J, Ljung K, Brown K M, Lynch J P, Dolan L, Vernoux T, Bishopp A, Wells D, von Wirén N, Bennett M J, Swarup R:

A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate. Nat. Commun. 9 (2018) 1409.

Bienert G P, Medraño-Fernandez I, Sitia R:

Regulation of H2O2 transport across cell membranes. In: Vissers C M, Hampton M B, Kettle T J (Eds.): Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Health and Disease. (Series: Oxidative stress and disease, Vol. 44) Boca Raton: CRC Press (2018) ISBN 978-1-4987-7615-8, 365-386.

Bienert G P, Tamás M J:

Editorial: molecular mechanisms of metalloid transport, toxicity and tolerance. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 6 (2018) 99.

Bienert M D, Diehn T A, Richet N, Chaumont F, Bienert G P:

Heterotetramerization of plant PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins is an evolutionary ancient feature to guide PIP1 plasma membrane localization and function. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 382.

Blätke M-A, Rohr C:

BioModelKit: spatial modelling of complex multiscale molecular biosystems based on modular models. Fundamenta Informaticae 160 (2018) 221-254.

Blätke M A:

BioModelKit - an integrative framework for multi-scale biomodel-engineering. J. Integr. Bioinform. 15 (2018) 20180021.

Blattner F R:

Taxonomy of the genus Hordeum and barley (Hordeum vulgare). In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 11-23.

Bley J:

Assoziationsstudie zur Anfälligkeit eines Winterweizensortiments gegenüber Getreideblattläusen am Standort Gatersleben. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät III (2018) 73 pp.

Boni R, Chauhan H, Hensel G, Roulin A, Sucher J, Kumlehn J, Brunner S, Krattinger S G, Keller B:

Pathogen-inducible Ta-Lr34res expression in heterologous barley confers disease resistance without negative pleiotropic effects. Plant Biotechnol. J. 16 (2018) 245-253.

Börner A, Akram S, Alomari D, Cardelli M, Castro A, Dietz J, Eggert K, Fauzia, Gerard G, Giménez D, Golik S, Lohwasser U, Lori G, Malbrán I, Maryam, Muqaddasi Q, Nagel M, Nezhad K, Pardi M, Perelló A, Rehman Arif M, Röder M, Saldúa L, Schierenbeck M, Simón M, Tarawneh R, Ungaro Korn S, Uranga J, von Wirén N, Yanniccari M, Zhao Y:

Items from Germany. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 64 (2018) 13-20.

Börner A, Nagel M, Agacka-Mołdoch M, Börner M, Lohwasser U, Pshenichnikova T A, Khlestkina E K:

The importance of plant genetic resources for upcoming challenges in breeding and research. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Genetic Resources and Plant Breeding”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2018. (2018) 51-56.

Börner A, Nagel M, Agacka-Mołdoch M, Gierke P U, Oberforster M, Albrecht T, Mohler V:

QTL analysis of falling number and seed longevity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Appl. Genet. 59 (2018) 35–42.

Bothe A, Westermeier P, Wosnitza A, Willner E, Schum A, Dehmer K J, Hartmann S:

Drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as assessed by two contrasting phenotyping systems. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 204 (2018) 375-389.

Brandt R, Mascher M, Thiel J:

Laser-capture microdissection-based RNA-seq of barley grain tissues. In: Murray G I (Ed.): Laser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1723) New York, NY: Humana Press (2018) ISBN 978-1-4939-7557-0, 397-409.

Brauch D, Porzel A, Schumann E, Pillen K, Mock H-P:

Changes in isovitexin-O-glycosylation during the development of young barley plants. Phytochemistry 148 (2018) 11-20.

Braumann I, Dockter C, Beier S, Himmelbach A, Lok F, Lundqvist U, Skadhauge B, Stein N, Zakhrabekova S, Zhou R, Hansson M:

Mutations in the gene of the Gα subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein are the cause for the brachytic1 semi-dwarf phenotype in barley and applicable for practical breeding. Hereditas 155 (2018) 10.

Bräutigam A:

Zusammenhang zwischen Trockenstresstoleranz und Eignung zur Kryokonservierung bei Solanum tuberosum L. (Bachelor Thesis) Hannover, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Gartenbauwissenschaften (2018) 32 pp.

Brückner C, Oreb M, Kunze G, Boles E, Tripp J:

An expanded enzyme toolbox for production of cis, cis-muconic acid and other shikimate pathway derivatives in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Res. 18 (2018) foy017.

Casartelli A, Riewe D, Hubberten H M, Altmann T, Hoefgen R, Heuer S:

Exploring traditional aus-type rice for metabolites conferring drought tolerance. Rice 11 (2018) 9.

Casas A M, Contreras-Moreira B, Cantalapiedra C P, Sakuma S, Gracia M P, Moralejo M, Molina-Cano J L, Komatsuda T, Igartua E:

Resequencing the Vrs1 gene in Spanish barley landraces revealed reversion of six-rowed to two-rowed spike. Mol. Breed. 38 (2018) 51.

Chen D, Fu L Y, Hu D, Klukas C, Chen M, Kaufmann K:

The HTPmod Shiny application enables modeling and visualization of large-scale biological data. Commun. Biol. 1 (2018) 89.

Chen D, Shi R, Pape J-M, Neumann K, Arend D, Graner A, Chen M, Klukas C:

Predicting plant biomass accumulation from image-derived parameters. GigaScience 7 (2018) giy001.

Chen E C, Mathieu S, Hoffrichter A, Sedzielewska-Toro K, Peart M, Pelin A, Ndikumana S, Ropars J, Dreissig S, Fuchs J, Brachmann A, Corradi N:

Single nucleus sequencing reveals evidence of inter-nucleus recombination in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. eLife 7 (2018) e39813.

Chen J, Scholz U, Zhou R, Lange M:

LAILAPS-QSM: A RESTful API and JAVA library for semantic query suggestions. PLoS Comput. Biol. 14 (2018) e1006058.

Chen X, Yin G, Börner A, Xin X, He J, Nagel M, Liu X, Lu X:

Comparative physiology and proteomics of two wheat genotypes differing in seed storage tolerance. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 130 (2018) 455-463.

Chesnokov Y V, Mirskaya G V, Kanash E V, Kocherina N V, Rusakov D V, Lohwasser U, Börner A:

QTL identification and mapping in soft spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under controlled agroecological and biological testing area conditions with and without nitrogen fertilizer. Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 65 (2018) 123-135.

Chizzola R, Lohwasser U, Franz C:

Biodiversity within Melissa officinalis: variability of bioactive compounds in a cultivated collection. Molecules 23 (2018) 294.

Coussement J, Henke M, Lootens P, Roldán-Ruiz I, Steppe K, de Swaef T:

Modelling leaf spectral properties in a soybean functional-structural plant model by integrating the prospect radiative transfer model. Ann. Bot. 122 (2018) 669-676.

Dolatyari A, Saeidi Mehrvarz S, Shahzadeh Fazeli S A, Naghavi M R, Fritsch R M:

Karyological studies of Iranian Allium L. (Amaryllidaceae) species with focus on sect. Acanthoprason. 1. Mitotic chromosomes. Plant Syst. Evol. 304 (2018) 583-606.

Döll S, Kuhlmann M, Rutten T, Mette M F, Scharfenberg S, Petridis A, Berreth D C, Mock H-P:

Accumulation of the coumarin scopolin under abiotic stress conditions is mediated by the Arabidopsis thaliana THO/TREX complex. Plant J. 93 (2018) 431-444.

Dreissig S:

Development of single-cell analysis methodologies to investigate segregation and dynamics of defined genomic regions during meiosis and interphase. (PhD Thesis, kumulativ) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik (2018) 88 pp.

Duan F, Giehl R F H, Geldner N, Salt D E, von Wirén N:

Root zone-specific localization of AMTs determines ammonium transport pathways and nitrogen allocation to shoots. PLoS Biol. 16 (2018) e2006024.

Dvořáčková M, Raposo B, Matula P, Fuchs J, Schubert V, Peška V, Desvoyes B, Gutierrez C, Fajkus J:

Replication of ribosomal DNA in Arabidopsis occurs both inside and outside of the nucleolus during S-phase progression. J. Cell Sci. 131 (2018) jcs202416.

Elmore J M, Perovic D, Ordon F, Schweizer P, Wise R P:

A genomic view of biotic stress resistance. In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 233-257.

Fagbadebo F O:

Phage display-based selection and characterization of specific nanobodies against hyper interleukin-11. (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, Institut für Pharmazie (2018) 80 pp.

Fataftah N, Mohr C, Hajirezaei M-R, von Wirén N, Humbeck K:

Changes in nitrogen availability lead to a reprogramming of pyruvate metabolism. BMC Plant Biol. 18 (2018) 77.

Feindt P H, Bahrs E, Engels E M, Hamm U, Herdegen M, Isselstein J, Schröder S, Wätzold F, Wolters V, Backes G, Brandt H, Engels J, Graner A, Tholen E, Wagner S, Wedekind H, Wolf H, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Biodiversität und Genetische Ressourcen beim BMELV:

Für eine gemeinsame Agrarpolitik, die konsequent zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt beiträgt. Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats für Biodiversität und Genetische Ressourcen beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft. Bonn (2018) 36 pp.

Fernández-Bautista N, Fernández-Calvino L, Muñoz A, Toribio R, Mock H-P, Castellano M M:

HOP family plays a major role in long term acquired thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ. 41 (2018) 1852-1869.

Fritsch R M:

Allium monophyllum (Amaryllidaceae) is a diploid species. Phytotaxa 333 (2018) 298-300.

Gehrmann L, Bielak H, Behr M, Itzel F, Lyko S, Simon A, Kunze G, Dopp E, Wagner M, Tuerk J:

(Anti-)estrogenic and (anti-)androgenic effects in wastewater during advanced treatment: comparison of three in vitro bioassays. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 25 (2018) 4094-4104.

Gelová Z, ten Hoopen P, Novák O, Motyka V, Pernisová M, Dabravolski S, Didi V, Tillack I, Oklešťková J, Strnad M, Hause B, Haruštiaková D, Conrad U, Janda L, Hejátko J:

Antibody-mediated modulation of cytokinins in tobacco: organ-specific changes in cytokinin homeostasis. J. Exp. Bot. 69 (2018) 441-454.

Gerard G S, Kobiljski B, Lohwasser U, Börner A, Simón M R:

Genetic architecture of adult plant resistance to leaf rust in wheat association mapping panel. Plant Pathol. 67 (2018) 584-594.

Gerasimova S V, Korotkova A M, Hertig C, Hiekel S, Hoffie R, Budhagatapalli N, Otto I, Hensel G, Shumny V K, Kochetov A V, Kumlehn J, Khlestkina E K:

Targeted genome modification in protoplasts of a highly regenerable Siberian barley cultivar using RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease. Vavilov J. Genet. Breed. 22 (2018) 1033-1039.

Ghaffar M, Biere N, Jäger D, Klein K, Schreiber F, Kruse O, Sommer B:

3D modelling and visualisation of heterogeneous cell membranes in blender. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, August 13-15 2018, Växjö, Sweden. New York: ACM (2018) ISBN: 9781450365017, 64-71.

Giehl R F H, von Wirén N:

Hydropatterning-how roots test the waters. Science 362 (2018) 1358-1359.

Gómez R, Carrillo N, Morelli M P, Tula S, Shahinnia F, Hajirezaei M-R, Lodeyro A F:

Faster photosynthetic induction in tobacco by expressing cyanobacterial flavodiiron proteins in chloroplasts. Photosynth. Res. 136 (2018) 129-138.

González M Y, Philipp N, Schulthess A W, Weise S, Zhao Y, Börner A, Oppermann M, Graner A, Reif J C:

Unlocking historical phenotypic data from an ex situ collection to enhance the informed utilization of genetic resources of barley (Hordeum sp.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 131 (2018) 2009-2019.

González M Y, Weise S, Zhao Y, Philipp N, Arend D, Börner A, Oppermann M, Graner A, Reif J C, Schulthess A W:

Unbalanced historical phenotypic data from seed regeneration of a barley ex situ collection. Sci. Data 5 (2018) 180278.

Gorafi Y S A, Ishii T, Kim J-S, Elbashir A A E, Tsujimoto H:

Genetic variation and association mapping of grain iron and zinc contents in synthetic hexaploid wheat germplasm. Plant Genet. Resour. 16 (2018) 9-17.

Graner A:

Bewahren und Nutzen: Die Sammlungen von Kulturpflanzen am IPK Gatersleben. In: Karafyllis N C (Ed.): Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog 25: Theorien der Lebendsammlung. Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber (2018) 201-227.

Grehl C, Kuhlmann M, Becker C, Glaser B, Grosse I:

How to design a whole-genome bisulfite sequencing experiment. Epigenomes 2 (2018) 21.

Gündel A, Rolletschek H, Wagner S, Muszynska A, Borisjuk L:

Micro imaging displays the sucrose landscape within and along its allocation pathways. Plant Physiol. 178 (2018) 1448-1460.

Guo Z, Chen D, Röder M S, Ganal M W, Schnurbusch T:

Genetic dissection of pre-anthesis sub-phase durations during the reproductive spike development of wheat. Plant J. 95 (2018) 909-918.

Guo Z, Chen D, Schnurbusch T:

Plant and floret growth at distinct developmental stages during the stem elongation phase in wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 330.

Guo Z, Liu G, Röder M S, Reif J C, Ganal M W, Schnurbusch T:

Genome-wide association analyses of plant growth traits during the stem elongation phase in wheat. Plant Biotechnol. J. 16 (2018) 2042-2052.

Guo Z, Zhao Y, Röder M S, Reif J C, Ganal M W, Chen D, Schnurbusch T:

Manipulation and prediction of spike morphology traits for the improvement of grain yield in wheat. Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 14435.

Hamann A:

Genes and proteins involved in the boron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Studiengang Biotechnologie (2018) 88 pp.

Hansson M, Komatsuda T, Stein N, Muehlbauer G J:

Molecular mapping and cloning of genes and QTLs. In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 139-154.

Hardelt M:

Etablierung eines zellfreien Testsystems auf Basis von DNA-RNA Hybridisierung im Mikrotiterplattenformat. (Bachelor Thesis) Köthen, Hochschule Anhalt, Studiengang Biotechnologie (2018) 54 pp.

Hartmann A, Jozefowicz A M:

VANTED: a tool for integrative visualization and analysis of -omics data. In: Mock H P, Matros A, Witzel K (Eds.): Plant Membrane Proteomics: Methods and Protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1696) New York, NY: Humana Press (2018) ISBN 978-1-4939-7409-2, 261-278.

Hashemipetroudi S H, Nematzadeh G, Ahmadian G, Yamchi A, Kuhlmann M:

Assessment of DNA contamination in RNA samples based on ribosomal DNA. J. Vis. Exp. 131 (2018) e55451.

Hecht M:

Evaluierung des Winterweizensortiments „FroWheat“ zum Auftreten und Befall der Weizengallmücken Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) und Contarinia tritici (Kirby). (Master Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften (2018) 158 pp.

Henke M, Junker A, Neumann K, Altmann T, Gladilin E:

Automated alignment of multi-modal plant images using integrative phase correlation approach. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 1519.

Henneke A:

Quantitative genetic analysis of metabolite profiles in wheat inbred lines and hybrids. (Master Thesis) Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (2018) 66 pp.

Herbst J, Girke A, Hajirezaei M-R, Hanke G, Grimm B:

Potential roles of YCF54 and ferredoxin-NADPH reductase for magnesium protoporphyrin monomethylester cyclase. Plant J. 94 (2018) 485-496.

Hettwer K, Jähne M, Frost K, Giersberg M, Kunze G, Trimborn M, Reif M, Türk J, Gehrmann L, Dardenne F, De Croock F, Abraham M, Schoop A, Waniek J J, Bucher T, Simon E, Vermeirssen E, Werner A, Hellauer K, Wallentits U, Drewes J E, Dietzmann D, Routledge E, Beresford N, Zietek T, Siebler M, Simon A, Bielak H, Hollert H, Müller Y, Harff M, Schiwy S, Simon K, Uhlig S:

Validation of Arxula Yeast Estrogen Screen assay for detection of estrogenic activity in water samples: Results of an international interlaboratory study. Sci. Total. Environ. 621 (2018) 612-625.

Himmelbach A, Ruban A, Walde I, Šimková H, Doležel J, Hastie A, Stein N, Mascher M:

Discovery of multi-megabase polymorphic inversions by chromosome conformation capture sequencing in large-genome plant species. Plant J. 96 (2018) 1309-1316.

Himmelbach A, Walde I, Mascher M, Stein N:

Tethered chromosome conformation capture sequencing in Triticeae: a valuable tool for genome assembly. Bio-protocol 8 (2018) e2955.

Hoang P N T, Michael T P, Gilbert S, Chu P, Motley T S, Appenroth K J, Schubert I, Lam E:

Generating a high-confidence reference genome map of the Greater Duckweed by integration of cytogenomic, optical mapping and Oxford Nanopore technologies. Plant J. 96 (2018) 670-684.

Holubová K, Hensel G, Vojta P, Tarkowski P, Bergougnoux V, Galuszka P:

Modification of barley plant productivity through regulation of cytokinin content by reverse-genetics approaches. Front. Plant Sci. 9 (2018) 1676.

Hoseinzadeh P:

High resolution genetic and physical mapping of a major powdery mildew resistance locus in barley. (PhD Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität (2018) 134 pp.

Houben A, Aliyeva-Schnorr L, Joshi G P, Endo T R:

Cytogenetics and genetic stocks for physical mapping and sequencing. In: Stein N, Muehlbauer G J (Eds.): The Barley Genome, 1st ed. (Series: Kole, C (Ed.): Compendium of Plant Genomes) Cham: Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-92528-8, 25-44.

Houben A, Jones N, Martins C, Trifonov V (Eds.):

Genes, Special Issue “Evolution, composition and regulation of supernumerary B chromosomes, Vol. 9 " (2018) pp.

Jiang Y, Schmidt R H, Reif J C:

Haplotype-based genome-wide prediction models exploit local epistatic interactions among markers. G3 Genes Genom. Genet. 8 (2018) 1687-1699.

Johnson J M, Thürich J, Petutschnig E K, Altschmied L, Meichsner D, Sherameti I, Dindas J, Mrozinska A, Paetz C, Scholz S S, Furch A C U, Lipka V, Hedrich R, Schneider B, Svatoš A, Oelmüller R:

A poly(A) ribonuclease controls the cellotriose-based interaction between Piriformospora indica and its host Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 176 (2018) 2496-2514.

Jozefowicz A M, Matros A, Witzel K, Mock H-P:

Mini-scale isolation and preparation of plasma membrane proteins from potato roots for LC/MS Analysis. In: Mock H P, Matros A, Witzel K (Eds.): Plant Membrane Proteomics: Methods and Protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 1696) New York, NY: Humana Press (2018) ISBN 978-1-4939-7409-2, 195-204.

Julier B, Skøt L, Weise S, Karagić Ð, Roldán-Ruiz I, Barre P, Lloyd D:

Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU’s and China’s protein self-sufficiency. In: Brazauskas G, Statkevičiūtė G, Jonavičienė K (Eds.): Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics. Cham: Springer (2018) 978-3-319-89578-9, 103-108.

Jusovic M, Velitchkova M Y, Misheva S P, Börner A, Apostolova E L, Dobrikova A G:

Photosynthetic responses of a wheat mutant (Rht-B1c) with altered DELLA proteins to salt stress. J. Plant Growth Reg. 37 (2018) 645-656.

Kartseva T, Börner A, Misheva S:

Wheat semi-dwarfing genes affect plant response to drought-induced oxidative stress in a genotype dependent matter. Genet. Plant Physiol. 8 (2018) 38-50.

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