
Head: Dr. Michael F. Mette



Amiteye S, Corral J M, Vogel H, Kuhlmann M, Mette M F, Sharbel T F:

Novel microRNAs and microsatellite-like small RNAs in sexual and apomictic Boechera species. MicroRNA 2 (2013) 45-62. https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2211536611302010006

Finke A:

Genetic and functional characterization of RNA-directed transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I Biowissenschaften (2013) 131 pp.

Houben A, Mette M F, Teo C H, Lermontova I, Schubert I:

Engineered plant minichromosomes. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 57 (2013) 651-657. https://dx.doi.org/10.1387/ijdb.130144ah

Lermontova I, Kuhlmann M, Friedel S, Rutten T, Heckmann S, Sandmann M, Demidov D, Schubert V, Schubert I:

Arabidopsis KINETOCHORE NULL2 is an upstream component for cenH3 deposition at centromeres. Plant Cell 25 (2013) 3389-3404. https://dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.113.114736

Teo C H, Lermontova I, Houben A, Mette M F, Schubert I:

De novo generation of plant centromeres at tandem repeats. Chromosoma 122 (2013) 233-241. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-013-0406-0


Bruchmüller A:

Untersuchungen zur post-transkriptionellen Gen-Inaktivierung in (monokotylen und dikotylen) Pflanzen und deren Beeinflussung zur Erhöhung der Transgen-Expression. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät III (2012) 120 pp.

Finke A, Kuhlmann M, Mette M F:

IDN2 has a role downstream of siRNA formation in RNA-directed DNA methylation. Epigenetics 7 (2012) 950-960. https://dx.doi.org/10.4161/epi.21237

Finke A, Mette F M, Kuhlmann M:

Genetic analysis of RNA-mediated gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Verbr. Lebensm. 7 (2012) 27-33. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00003-011-0754-8

Kapusi E, Ma L, Teo C H, Hensel G, Himmelbach A, Schubert I, Mette M F, Kumlehn J, Houben A:

Telomere-mediated truncation of barley chromosomes. Chromosoma 121 (2012) 181-190. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-011-0351-8

Kuhlmann M, Mette M F:

Developmentally non-redundant SET domain proteins SUVH2 and SUVH9 are required for transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 79 (2012) 623-633. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11103-012-9934-x


Banaei Moghaddam A M, Roudier F, Seifert M, Berard C, Magniette M L, Karimi Ashtiyani R, Houben A, Colot V, Mette M F:

Additive inheritance of histone modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana intra-specific hybrids. Plant J. 67 (2011) 691-700. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04628.x

Jovtchev G, Borisova B E, Kuhlmann M, Fuchs J, Watanabe K, Schubert I, Mette M F:

Pairing of lacO tandem repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana nuclei requires the presence of hypermethylated, large arrays at two chromosomal positions, but does not depend on H3-lysine-9-dimethylation. Chromosoma 120 (2011) 609-619. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-011-0335-8

Teo C H, Ma L, Kapusi E, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Schubert I, Houben A, Mette M F:

Induction of telomere-mediated chromosomal truncation and stability of truncated chromosomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 68 (2011) 28-39. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04662.x


Banaei Moghaddam A M:

Dynamics of chromatin modifications and other nuclear features in response to intraspecific hybridization in Arabidopsis thaliana. (PhD Thesis) Halle/S., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I (2010) 143 pp.

Banaei Moghaddam A M, Fuchs J, Czauderna T, Houben A, Mette M F:

Intraspecific hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed no gross alterations in endopolyploidy, DNA methylation, histone modifications and transcript levels. Theor. Appl. Genet. 120 (2010) 215-226. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-009-1127-x

Kaczmarczyk A, Houben A, Keller E R, Mette M F:

Influence of cryopreservation on the cytosine methylation state of potato genomic NDA. Cryo Lett. 31 (2010) 380-391.


Seifert M, Banaei A, Keilwagen J, Mette M F, Houben A, Roudier F, Colot V, Grosse I, Strickert M:

Array-based genome comparison of Arabidopsis ecotypes using hidden Markov Models. In: Encarnação P, Veloso A (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing: Porto, Portugal, January 14 - 17, 2009 [Setúbal]: INSTICC Press (2009) ISBN 978-989-8111-65-4, 3-11.


Fischer U, Kuhlmann M, Pecinka A, Schmidt R, Mette M F:

Local DNA features affect RNA-directed transcriptional gene silencing and DNA methylation. Plant J. 53 (2008) 1-10. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03311.x

Jovtchev G, Watanabe K, Pecinka A, Rosin F M, Mette M F, Lam E, Schubert I:

Size and number of tandem repeat arrays can determine somatic homologous pairing of transgene loci mediated by epigenetic modifications in Arabidopsis thaliana nuclei. Chromosoma 117 (2008) 267-276. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-007-0146-0