
Die Gräser (Poaceae) der Triticeae umfassen drei der wichtigsten Kulturpflanzenarten Europas und der Welt: Weizen, Gerste und Roggen. Die AG GGR interessiert sich für die Dynamik und die Diversität der Genome dieser drei Arten und dafür, wie die genomischen Merkmale die agronomische Leistung dieser Nutzpflanzen beeinflussen. Unsere Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Sequenzierung der Genome von Gerste, Weizen und Roggen. Dies zielte zunächst auf die Erstellung erster hochwertiger Referenzgenomsequenzen. Erleichtert durch die Fortschritte in der DNA-Sequenziertechnologie und damit einhergehender Kostendegression, wurde diese Aktivität nun auf die Erforschung der Triticeae-Pan-Genome ausgeweitet. Basierend auf Fortschritten in der Genomik verbessern wir Methoden und Strategien zur Nutzung der weltweit verfügbaren allelischen Diversität pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen in Triticeaen und anderen Nutzpflanzenarten, die für die Bundeszentrale Ex-situ-Genbank am IPK von Bedeutung sind. Diese Informationen werden genutzt, um die genetische Kontrolle von agronomisch wichtigen Merkmalen wie Pflanzenarchitektur, Chloroplastenentwicklung und Resistenz gegen Pflanzenviren aufzuklären.

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Ausgewählte Projekte:

SHAPE II - Strukturelle Genom-Variation, Haplotyp-Diversität und das Gersten-Pan-Genom - Erschließung der strukturellen Genom-Diversität für die Gerstenzüchtung (BMBF)

Genebank 2.0 - Genomik-basierte Nutzung der genetischen Ressourcen von Weizen für die Pflanzenzüchtung (BMBF)

AGENT - Aktiviertes GEnebank NeTwork (EU H2020)

BARN - BARley yield associated Network (DFG, ERA-CAPS 3. Ausschreibung)

SMOOTH - Genetische Kontrolle der Trichombildung an Gerstengrannen und Narben - oder, warum braucht Kulturgerste raue Grannen? (DFG)

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Wissenschaftliches Personal
Technisches Personal
Jaroschinsky, Pascal
Knauft, Manuela
Pohl, Jacqueline
Svoboda, Dagmar
Swetik, Sylvia
Trnka, Katrin
Ziems, Mary

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Cheng L, Wang N, Bao Z, Zhou Q, Guarracino A, Yang Y, Wang P, Zhang Z, Tang D, Zhang P, Wu Y, Zhou Y, Zheng Y, Hu Y, Lian Q, Ma Z, Lassois L, Zhang C, Lucas W J, Garrison E, Stein N, Städler T, Zhou Y, Huang S:

Leveraging a phased pangenome for haplotype design of hybrid potato. Nature (2025) Epub ahead of print. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08476-9

Cho W, Feng J, Knauft M, Albrecht S, Himmelbach A, Otto L-G, Mascher M:

An annotated haplotype-resolved genome sequence assembly of diploid German chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla. Sci. Data 12 (2025) 358. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-025-04688-4

Goritschnig S, Weise S, Guzzon F, Maggioni L, van Hintum T, Steffensen L L, Stein N, Giuliano G:

Strengthening European research cooperation on plant genetic resources conservation and use. Genetic Resources S2 (2025) 119-134. https://dx.doi.org/10.46265/genresj.LUZJ7324

Guo W, Schreiber M, Marosi V B, Bagnaresi P, Jørgensen M E, Braune K B, Chalmers K, Chapman B, Dang V, Dockter C, Fiebig A, Fincher G B, Fricano A, Fuller J, Haaning A, Haberer G, Himmelbach A, Jayakodi M, Jia Y, Kamal N, Langridge P, Li C, Lu Q, Lux T, Mascher M, Mayer K F X, McCallum N, Milne L, Muehlbauer G J, Nielsen M T S, Padmarasu S, Pedas P R, Pillen K, Pozniak C, Rasmussen M W, Sato K, Schmutzer T, Scholz U, Schüler D, Šimková H, Skadhauge B, Stein N, Thomsen N W, Voss C, Wang P, Wonneberger R, Zhang X-Q, Zhang G, Cattivelli L, Spannagl M, Bayer M, Simpson C, Zhang R, Waugh R:

A barley pan-transcriptome reveals layers of genotype-dependent transcriptional complexity. Nat. Genet. 57 (2025) 441-450. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-02069-y

Jiang C, Kan J, Gao G, Dockter C, Li C, Wu W, Yang P, Stein N:

Barley2035: A decade vision on barley research and breeding. Mol. Plant 18 (2025) 195-218. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2024.12.009

Weise S, Blattner F R, Börner A, Dehmer K J, Grübe M, Harpke D, Lohwasser U, Oppermann M, Stein N, Willner E, Nagel M:

The German Federal Ex Situ Genebank for Agricultural and Horticultural Crops – Conservation, exploitation and steps towards a bio-digital resource centre. Genetic Resources S2 (2025) 91-105. https://dx.doi.org/10.46265/genresj.GYDY5145

Yuan Z, Rembe M, Mascher M, Stein N, Himmelbach A, Jayakodi M, Börner A, Oldach K, Jahoor A, Jensen J D, Rudloff J, Dohrendorf V-E, Kuhfus L P, Dyrszka E, Conte M, Hinz F, Trouchaud S, Reif J C, El Hanafi S:

High-quality phenotypic and genotypic dataset of barley genebank core collection to unlock untapped genetic diversity. GigaScience 14 (2025) giae121. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giae121


Adam-Blondon A-F, Alaux M, Brouwer M, Kersey P, Lange M, Le Floch E, Pommier C, Schüler D, Stein N, Weise S:

AGENT Guidelines for dataflow. AGENT – Activated GEnebank NeTwork, Horizon Europe project no. 862613, European Commission. (2024) 18 pp. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12625359

Awais M:

Genetic control of awn roughness in barley. (PhD Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (2024) 78 pp.

Bjerg C S B, Poehlein A, Bömeke M, Himmelbach A, Schramm A, Brüggemann H:

Increased biofilm formation in dual-strain compared to single-strain communities of Cutibacterium acnes. Sci. Rep. 14 (2024) 14547. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-65348-y

Boyny Z Z F:

Genetic mapping of a chemically induced pendant awn mutant in barley (Hordeum vulgare). (Master Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (2024) 56 pp.

Cavalet-Giorsa E, González-Muñoz A, Athiyannan N, Holden S, Salhi A, Gardener C, Quiroz-Chávez J, Rustamova S M, Elkot A F, Patpour M, Rasheed A, Mao L, Lagudah E S, Periyannan S K, Sharon A, Himmelbach A, Reif J C, Knauft M, Mascher M, Stein N, Chayut N, Ghosh S, Perovic D, Putra A, Perera A B, Hu C-Y, Yu G, Ahmed H I, Laquai K D, Rivera L F, Chen R, Wang Y, Gao X, Liu S, Raupp W J, Olson E L, Lee J-Y, Chhuneja P, Kaur S, Zhang P, Park R F, Ding Y, Liu D-C, Li W, Nasyrova F Y, Dvorak J, Abbasi M, Li M, Kumar N, Meyer W B, Boshoff W H P, Steffenson B J, Matny O, Sharma P K, Tiwari V K, Grewal S, Pozniak C J, Chawla H S, Ens J, Dunning L T, Kolmer J A, Lazo G R, Xu S S, Gu Y Q, Xu X, Uauy C, Abrouk M, Bougouffa S, Brar G S, Wulff B B H, Krattinger S G:

Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome. Nature 633 (2024) 848-855. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07808-z

Chen J, Bartoš J, Boudichevskaia A, Voigt A, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Dreissig S, Tulpová Z, Šimková H, Macas J, Kim G, Buhl J, Bürstenbinder K, Blattner F R, Fuchs J, Schmutzer T, Himmelbach A, Schubert V, Houben A:

The genetic mechanism of B chromosome drive in rye illuminated by chromosome-scale assembly. Nat. Commun. 15 (2024) 9686. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53799-w

Chen Y, Kölliker R, Mascher M, Copetti D, Himmelbach A, Stein N, Studer B:

An improved chromosome-level genome assembly of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). GigaByte 2024 (2024) gigabyte112. https://dx.doi.org/10.46471/gigabyte.112

Fusi R, Milner S G, Rosignoli S, Bovina R, De Jesus Vieira Teixeira C, Lou H, Atkinson B S, Borkar A N, York L M, Jones D H, Sturrock C J, Stein N, Mascher M, Tuberosa R, OConnor D, Bennett M J, Bishopp A, Salvi S, Bhosale R:

The auxin efflux carrier PIN1a regulates vascular patterning in cereal roots. New Phytol. 244 (2024) 104-115. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.19777

Göbel A-M, Zhou S, Wang Z, Tzourtzou S, Himmelbach A, Zheng S, Pradillo M, Liu C, Jiang H:

Mutations of PDS5 genes enhance TAD-like domain formation Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat. Commun. 15 (2024) 9308. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53760-x

Güngör E, Savary J, Adema K, Dijkhuizen L W, Keilwagen J, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Koppers N, Bräutigam A, Van Hove C, Riant O, Nierzwicki-Bauer S, Schluepmann H:

The crane fly glycosylated triketide δ-lactone cornicinine elicits akinete differentiation of the cyanobiont in aquatic Azolla fern symbioses. Plant Cell Environ. 47 (2024) 2675-2692. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pce.14907

Hansson M, Youssef H M, Zakhrabekova S, Stuart D, Svensson J T, Dockter C, Stein N, Waugh R, Lundqvist U, Franckowiak J:

A guide to barley mutants. Hereditas 161 (2024) 11. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41065-023-00304-w

Huang Y, Maurer A, Giehl R F H, Zhao S, Golan G, Thirulogachandar V, Li G, Zhao Y, Trautewig C, Himmelbach A, Börner A, Jayakodi M, Stein N, Mascher M, Pillen K, Schnurbusch T:

Dynamic phytomeric growth contributes to local adaptation in barley. Mol. Biol. Evol. 41 (2024) msae011. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msae011

Janitza P, Zhu Z, Anwer M U, van Zanten M, Delker C:

A guide to quantify Arabidopsis seedling thermomorphogenesis at single timepoints and by interval monitoring. In: Garcia S, Nualart N (Eds.): Thermomorphogenesis: methods and protocols. (Series: Methods in molecular biology, Vol. 2795) New York: Humana (2024) 978-1-0716-3813-2, 3-16. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3814-9_1

Jayakodi M, Lu Q, Pidon H, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Bayer M, Lux T, Guo Y, Jaegle B, Badea A, Bekele W, Brar G S, Braune K, Bunk B, Chalmers K J, Chapman B, Jørgensen M E, Feng J-W, Feser M, Fiebig A, Gundlach H, Guo W, Haberer G, Hansson M, Himmelbach A, Hoffie I, Hoffie R E, Hu H, Isobe S, König P, Kale S M, Kamal N, Keeble-Gagnère G, Keller B, Knauft M, Koppolu R, Krattinger S G, Kumlehn J, Langridge P, Li C, Marone M P, Maurer A, Mayer K F X, Melzer M, Muehlbauer G J, Murozuka E, Padmarasu S, Perovic D, Pillen K, Pin P A, Pozniak C J, Ramsay L, Pedas P R, Rutten T, Sakuma S, Sato K, Schüler D, Schmutzer T, Scholz U, Schreiber M, Shirasawa K, Simpson C, Skadhauge B, Spannagl M, Steffenson B J, Thomsen H C, Tibbits J F, Nielsen M T S, Trautewig C, Vequaud D, Voss C, Wang P, Waugh R, Westcott S, Rasmussen M W, Zhang R, Zhang X-Q, Wicker T, Dockter C, Mascher M, Stein N:

Structural variation in the pangenome of wild and domesticated barley. Nature 636 (2024) 654-662. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08187-1

Mascher M, Jayakodi M, Shim H, Stein N:

Promises and challenges of crop translational genomics. Nature 636 (2024) 585-593. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07713-5

Mascher M, Marone M P, Schreiber M, Stein N:

Are cereal grasses a single genetic system? rdcu.be/dErP0. Nat. Plants 10 (2024) 719-731. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01674-3

Pidon H, Ruge-Wehling B, Will T, Habekuß A, Wendler N, Oldach K, Maasberg-Prelle A, Korzun V, Stein N:

High-resolution mapping of Ryd4Hb, a major resistance gene to Barley yellow dwarf virus from Hordeum bulbosum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 137 (2024) 60. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-024-04542-y

Regalado L, Appelhans M S, Poehlein A, Himmelbach A, Schmidt A R:

Plastome phylogenomics and new fossil evidence from Dominican amber shed light on the evolutionary history of the Neotropical fern genus Pecluma. Am. J. Bot. 111 (2024) e16410. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16410

Satterlee J W, Alonso D, Gramazio P, Jenike K M, He J, Arrones A, Villanueva G, Plazas M, Ramakrishnan S, Benoit M, Gentile I, Hendelman A, Shohat H, Fitzgerald B, Robitaille G M, Green Y, Swartwood K, Passalacqua M J, Gagnon E, Hilgenhof R, Huggins T D, Eizenga G C, Gur A, Rutten T, Stein N, Yao S, Poncet A, Bellot C, Frary A, Knapp S, Bendahmane M, Sarkinen T, Gillis J, Van Eck J, Schatz M C, Eshed Y, Prohens J, Vilanova S, Lippman Z B:

Convergent evolution of plant prickles by repeated gene co-option over deep time. Science 385 (2024) eado1663. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.ado1663

Schreiber M, Jayakodi M, Stein N, Mascher M:

Plant pangenomes for crop improvement, biodiversity and evolution. Nat. Rev. Genet. 25 (2024) 563-577. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41576-024-00691-4

Schreiber M, Wonneberger R, Haaning A M, Coulter M, Russell J, Himmelbach A, Fiebig A, Muehlbauer G J, Stein N, Waugh R:

Genomic resources for a historical collection of cultivated two-row European spring barley genotypes. Sci. Data 11 (2024) 66. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02850-4

Singh K, Gulyás Z, Athmer B, Kovács B, Mednyánszky Z, Galiba G, Stein N, Simon-Sarkadi L, Kocsy G:

Comparative study of free amino acids at metabolite and gene expression levels in Triticeae during cold acclimation. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. 33 (2024) 558-569. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13562-024-00912-1

Szőke-Pázsi K, Kruppa K, Tulpová Z, Kalapos B, Türkösi E, Gaál E, Darkó É, Said M, Farkas A, Kovács P, Ivanizs L, Doležel J, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Molnár I, Szakács É:

DArTseq genotyping facilitates the transfer of exotic" chromatin from a Secale cereale x S. strictum hybrid into wheat." Front. Plant Sci. 15 (2024) 1407840. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1407840

Tikhenko N, Haupt M, Fuchs J, Perovic D, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Houben A, Rutten T, Nagel M, Tsvetkova N V, Sehmisch S, Börner A:

Major chromosome rearrangements in intergeneric wheat × rye hybrids in compatible and incompatible crosses detected by GBS read coverage analysis. Sci. Rep. 14 (2024) 11010. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-61622-1

Yuan Z, Rembe M, Mascher M, Stein N, Jayakodi M, Börner A, Oldach K, Jahoor A, Jensen J D, Rudloff J, Dohrendorf V-E, Kuhfus L P, Dyrszka E, Conte M, Hinz F, Trouchaud S, Reif J C, El Hanafi S:

Capitalizing genebank core collections for rare and novel disease resistance loci to enhance barley resilience. J. Exp. Bot. 75 (2024) 5940-5954. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae283

Zhang H, Fechete Lavinia I, Himmelbach A, Poehlein A, Lohwasser U, Börner A, Maalouf F, Kumar S, Khazaei H, Stein N, Jayakodi M:

Optimization of Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) for germplasm fingerprinting and trait mapping in faba bean. Legume Sci. 6 (2024) e254. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/leg3.254

Zhu Z, Trenner J, Delker C, Quint M:

Tracing the evolutionary history of the temperature-sensing prion-like domain in EARLY FLOWERING 3 highlights the uniqueness of AtELF3. Mol. Biol. Evol. 41 (2024) msae205. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msae205


Barchi L, Aprea G, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Toppino L, Alonso D, Portis E, Lanteri S, Gaccione L, Omondi E, van Zonneveld M, Schafleitner R, Ferrante P, Börner A, Stein N, Díez M J, Lefebvre V, Salinier J, Boyaci H F, Finkers R, Brouwer M, Bovy A G, Rotino G L, Prohens J, Giuliano G:

Analysis of >3400 worldwide eggplant accessions reveals two independent domestication events and multiple migration-diversification routes. Plant J. 116 (2023) 1667-1680. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16455

El Hanafi S, Jiang Y, Kehel Z, Schulthess A W, Zhao Y, Mascher M, Haupt M, Himmelbach A, Stein N, Amri A, Reif J C:

Genomic predictions to leverage phenotypic data across genebanks. Front. Plant Sci. 14 (2023) 1227656. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1227656

Hollensteiner J, Schneider D, Poehlein A, Himmelbach A, Daniel R:

Metagenome-assembled genomes from particle-associated microbial communities in the mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Microbiol. Resour. Announc. 12 (2023) e0061423. https://dx.doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00614-23

Huang Y, Kamal R, Shanmugaraj N, Rutten T, Thirulogachandar V, Zhao S, Hoffie I, Hensel G, Rajaraman J, Moya Y A T, Hajirezaei M-R, Himmelbach A, Poursarebani N, Lundqvist U, Kumlehn J, Stein N, von Wirén N, Mascher M, Melzer M, Schnurbusch T:

A molecular framework for grain number determination in barley. Sci. Adv. 9 (2023) eadd0324. https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.add0324

Jayakodi M, Golicz A A, Kreplak J, Fechete L I, Angra D, Bednář P, Bornhofen E, Zhang H, Boussageon R, Kaur S, Cheung K, Čížková J, Gundlach H, Hallab A, Imbert B, Keeble-Gagnère G, Koblížková A, Kobrlová L, Krejčí P, Mouritzen T W, Neumann P, Nadzieja M, Nielsen L K, Novák P, Orabi J, Padmarasu S, Robertson-Shersby-Harvie T, Robledillo L Á, Schiemann A, Tanskanen J, Törönen P, Warsame A O, Wittenberg A H J, Himmelbach A, Aubert G, Courty P-E, Doležel J, Holm L U, Janss L L, Khazaei H, Macas J, Mascher M, Smýkal P, Snowdon R J, Stein N, Stoddard F L, Stougaard J, Tayeh N, Torres A M, Usadel B, Schubert I, OSullivan D M, Schulman A H, Andersen S U:

The giant diploid faba genome unlocks variation in a global protein crop. Nature 615 (2023) 652-659. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05791-5

König P, Beier S, Mascher M, Stein N, Lange M, Scholz U:

DivBrowse—interactive visualization and exploratory data analysis of variant call matrices. GigaScience 12 (2023) giad025. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad025

Kubalová I, Câmara A S, Cápal P, Beseda T, Rouillard J-M, Krause Gina M, Holušová K, Toegelová H, Himmelbach A, Stein N, Houben A, Doležel J, Mascher M, Šimková H, Schubert V:

Helical coiling of metaphase chromatids. Nucleic Acids Res. 51 (2023) 2641-2654. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkad028

Kuo Y-T, Câmara A S, Schubert V, Neumann P, Macas J, Melzer M, Chen J, Fuchs J, Abel S, Klocke E, Huettel B, Himmelbach A, Demidov D, Dunemann F, Mascher M, Ishii T, Marques A, Houben A:

Holocentromeres can consist of merely a few megabase-sized satellite arrays. Nat. Commun. 14 (2023) 3502. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38922-7

Kurra V:

Impact of resistance genes on cereal dwarf virus key epidemiological parameters in barley. (Master Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (2023) 45 pp.

McLeod L, Barchi L, Tumino G, Tripodi P, Salinier J, Gros C, Boyaci H F, Ozalp R, Borovsky Y, Schafleitner R, Barchenger D, Finkers R, Brouwer M, Stein N, Rabanus-Wallace M T, Giuliano G, Voorrips R, Paran I, Lefebvre V:

Multi-environment association study highlights candidate genes for robust agronomic quantitative trait loci in a novel worldwide Capsicum core collection. Plant J. 116 (2023) 1508-1528. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16425

Narisetti N, Awais M, Khan M, Stolzenburg F, Stein N, Gladilin E:

Awn image analysis and phenotyping using BarbNet. Plant Phenomics 5 (2023) 0081. https://dx.doi.org/10.34133/plantphenomics.0081

Ost C, Cao H X, Nguyen T L, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Stein N, Humbeck K:

Drought-stress-related reprogramming of gene expression in barley involves differential histone modifications at ABA-related genes. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24 (2023) 12065. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms241512065

Ponraj D S, Lund M, Lange J, Poehlein A, Himmelbach A, Falstie-Jensen T, Jorgensen N P, Ravn C, Brüggemann H:

Shotgun sequencing of sonication fluid for the diagnosis of orthopaedic implant-associated infections with Cutibacterium acnes as suspected causative agent. Front. Cell Infect. Microbiol. 13 (2023) 1165017. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1165017

Rabanus-Wallace M T, Stein N:

Accurate, automated taxonomic assignment of genebank accessions: a new method demonstrated using high-throughput marker data from 10,000 Capsicum spp. accessions. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136 (2023) 208. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-023-04441-8

Strittmatter C S, Poehlein A, Himmelbach A, Daniel R, Steinbüchel A:

Medium-chain-length fatty acid catabolism in Cupriavidus necator H16: Transcriptome sequencing reveals differences from long-chain-length fatty acid beta-oxidation and involvement of several homologous genes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 89 (2023) e0142822. https://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.01428-22

Varshney R K, Stein N, Reif J:

Professor Andreas Graner: driven by the quest to unlock crop plant genomes for conservation and utilization of germplasm for breeding. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21 (2023) 2426-2432. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pbi.14143

Wonneberger R, Schreiber M, Haaning A, Muehlbauer G J, Waugh R, Stein N:

Major chromosome 5H haplotype switch structures the European two-rowed spring barley germplasm of the past 190 years. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136 (2023) 174. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00122-023-04418-7


Abdollahi Sisi N, Stein N, Himmelbach A, Mohammadi S A:

High-density linkage mapping of agronomic trait QTLs in wheat under water deficit condition using genotyping by sequencing (GBS). Plants 11 (2022) 2533. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants11192533

Acevedo-Garcia J, Walden K, Leissing F, Baumgarten K, Drwiega K, Kwaaitaal M, Reinstädler A, Freh M, Dong X, James G V, Baus L C, Mascher M, Stein N, Schneeberger K, Brocke-Ahmadinejad N, Kollmar M, Schulze-Lefert P, Panstruga R:

Barley Ror1 encodes a class XI myosin required for mlo-based broad-spectrum resistance to the fungal powdery mildew pathogen. Plant J. 112 (2022) 84-103. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15930

Afshar M, Møllebjerg A, Minero G A, Hollensteiner J, Poehlein A, Himmelbach A, Lange J, Meyer R L, Brüggemann H:

Biofilm formation and inflammatory potential of Staphylococcus saccharolyticus: A possible cause of orthopedic implant-associated infections. Front. Microbiol. 13 (2022) 1070201. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1070201

Aiyesa L V:

Unravelling the genetics of pod stringiness and agronomic traits of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using genome-wide association studies and genotyping-by-sequencing. (Master Thesis) Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (2022) 55 pp.

Avni R, Lux T, Minz-Dub A, Millet E, Sela H, Distelfeld A, Deek J, Yu G, Steuernagel B, Pozniak C, Ens J, Gundlach H, Mayer K F X, Himmelbach A, Stein N, Mascher M, Spannagl M, Wulff B B H, Sharon A:

Genome sequences of three Aegilops species of the section Sitopsis reveal phylogenetic relationships and provide resources for wheat improvement. Plant J. 110 (2022) 179-192. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15664

Boudichevskaia A, Fiebig A, Kumke K, Himmelbach A, Houben A:

Rye B chromosomes differently influence the expression of A chromosome-encoded genes depending on the host species. Chromosome Res. 30 (2022) 335-349. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10577-022-09704-6

Chang C-W, Fridman E, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Schmid K:

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Wendler N, Mascher M, Himmelbach A, Bini F, Kumlehn J, Stein N:

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