Vorträge 2023

Curtis Pozniak, Ph.D, P. Ag, Professor (CDC) and Director (Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Saskatchewan, Canada

Title: "Feed the future:  Integration of next generation technologies to wheat breeding."



Unfortunately, the Gatersleben Lecture for today has to be cancelled due to illness. We will make every effort to find a rescheduled date as soon as possible.

Prof. Dr. Gloria Coruzzi (Carroll & Milton Petrie Professor, NYU Center for Genomics & Systems Biology, New York, USA)

Title: A model-to-crop Machine-Learning approach Identifies Gene Networks controlling Nutrient Use Efficiency…


Prof. Dr. Yves van de Peer (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Zwijnaarde, Belgium)

Title: "Life with more than one genome."

VCS Zoom: https://ipk-gatersleben-de.zoom.us/j/61965910022?pwd=aENjUWlCQzFGbzFaYTZlV1B4K3lpUT09

Meeting-ID: 619 6591 0022  /  Kenncode: 122729



Prof. Dr. iv. Liesje Mommer (Wageningen University & Research, Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Title: "Digging deeper: Belowground disease risk in diverse plant communities"


The Plant species diversity is often associated with reduced disease risk. Yet, the scientific literature on diversity-disease relationships is unclear, showing…
