
Vortragsreihen und Seminare

Unsere Vortrags- und Seminarreihen bilden ein umfangreiches Themenspektrum aus der Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung ab. Formate wie die „Gatersleben Lecture“  zu übergreifenden Themen, das „Vavilov-Seminar“ zu speziellen Fragen pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen, das „Watermann-Seminar“ zu Themen der Bioinformatik und Modellierung oder auch das „Zellbiologische Seminar“ sind etablierte Formate mit Vortragenden aus der ganzen Welt. Neben den Mitarbeitenden am IPK stehen diese Formate auch Gasthörern unserer Partnereinrichtungen offen.

Prof. Dr. Gwyneth Ingram (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, France)

Title: "Embryo-Endosperm dialogues in developing seeds: Distinguishing in from out, and up from down"

Link: https://ipk-gatersleben-de.zoom-x.de/j/64461069570?pwd=zkilCYbbDnBkSE0qzRjuCviHm7VKaN.1 (Meeting-ID: 644 6106 9570 / Kenncode: 845617)



Double Lecture

First Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andrew Leitch (Professor of Plant Genetics and Co-director of MSc Plant and Fungal Taxonomy Diversity, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Title: ”Ecological filtering through genome size and potential mechanisms driving genome downsizing after polyploidy”

Second Speaker: Dr. Ilia Leitch (Trait…


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jane Langdale (Dept. of Biology, University of Oxford, UK)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr (Director of Dept. Root Biology and Symbiosis, Mycorrhiza and Root Biology, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm, Germany)

Title:Form and function of arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis”

The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Soyk (Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne, Swizerland)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Stig Uggerhøj Andersen (Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Plant Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof.Dr. Zoran Nikoloski (Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, Bioinformatics, University of Potsdam, Germany)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Malcolm Bennett (Faculty of Science, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire, UK)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sarah E. O’Connor (Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany)


The seminar will start at 14:00 am in the lecture hall.

The lecture will take place at IPK Lecture Hall plus Video stream via Zoom. Link: Tba.
