Taxonomie pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen

Leitung: Dr. R. Fritsch



Celep F, Koyuncu M, Fritsch R M, Kahraman A, Doğan M:

Taxonomic importance of seed morphology in Allium (Amaryllidaceae). Syst. Bot. 37 (2012) 893-912.

Fritsch R M:

Geographic relations and morphological variation inside molecular clades of Central Asian Allium species of subg. Melanocrommyum (Amaryllidaceae). Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 148/149 (2012) 245-263.

Fritsch R M:

Lectotypification of Allium haemanthoides, A. stenopetalum and A. reflexum (Allium L. subg. Melanocrommyum (Webb & Berthel.) Rouy, Amaryllidaceae). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B 113 (2012) 261-262.


Fragman-Sapir O, Fritsch R M:

New species of Allium sect. Melanocrommyum from the eastern Mediterranean. Herbertia 65 (2011) 31-50.

Gladis T, Pistrick K:

Chaerophyllum byzantinum Boiss. and Trachystemon orientalis (L.) G. Don – recently introduced from Turkish wild flora as new crop species among other interesting findings from immigrant gardens in western Germany. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 58 (2011) 165-174.

Hammer K, Filatenko A A, Pistrick K:

Taxonomic remarks on Triticum L. and x Triticosecale Wittm. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 58 (2011) 3-10.

Kusterer J, Fritsch R M, Keusgen M:

Allium species from Central and Southwest Asia are rich sources of marasmin. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59 (2011) 8289-8297.

Pistrick K:

Kulturpflanzen. In: Jäger E (Ed.): Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband, 20. neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. (Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Bd. 2) Heidelberg: Spektrum Akad. Verlag (2011) ISBN 978-3-8274-1606-3, 930 pp.

Pistrick K, Hammer K:

Peter Hanelt 80. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 58 (2011) 1-2.

Razyfard H, Zarre S, Fritsch R M, Maroofi H:

New species of Allium L. sect. Acanthoprason Wendelbo (Alliaceae) from Iran. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 48 (2011) 352-360.


Fritsch R M, Blattner F R, Gurushidze M:

New classification of Allium L. subg. Melanocrommyum (Webb & Berthel.) Rouy (Alliaceae) based on molecular and morphological characters. Phyton 49 (2010) 145-220.

Fritsch R M, Maroofi H:

New species and new records of Allium L. (Alliaceae) from Iran. Phyton 50 (2010) 1-26.

Gurushidze M, Fritsch R M, Blattner F R:

Species-level phylogeny of Allium subgenus Melanocrommyum: Incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization and trnF gene duplication. Taxon 59 (2010) 829-840.

Hoffman M H, Schmuths H, Koch C, Meister A, Fritsch R M:

Comparative analysis of growth, genome size, chromosome numbers and phylogeny of Arabidopsis thaliana and three cooccurring species of the Brassicaceae from Uzbekistan. J. Bot. 2010 (2010) Article ID 504613.

Kotseruba V, Pistrick K, Blattner F R, Kumke K, Weiss O, Rutten T, Fuchs J, Endo T, Nasuda S, Ghukasyan A, Houben A:

The evolution of the hexaploid grass Zingeria kochii (Mez) Tzvel. (2n=12) was accompanied by complex hybridization and uniparental loss of ribosomal DNA. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 56 (2010) 146-155.

Pistrick K, Akhalkatsi M, Girgvliani M, Shanshiashvili T:

Sammlung von Saat- und Pflanzgut pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen in Svanetien und Lečchumi (Georgien, Kaukasus) 2009. Ber. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss., Bd. 5 (2010) 123-127.


Fritsch R M:

New Allium L. taxa from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 127 (2009) 459-471.

Fritsch R M, Abbasi A R:

New taxa and other contributions to the taxonomy of Allium L. (Alliaceae) in Iran. Rostaniha 10 Suppl. 1 (2009) 1-72.

Fritsch R M, Friesen N:

Allium oreotadzhikorum and A. vallivanchense, two new species of Allium subg. Polyprason (Alliaceae) from the Central Asian republic Tajikistan. Feddes Repert. 120 (2009) 221-231.

Fritsch R M, Graichen M-L, Zanke C, Keller E R J:

Allium genetic resources in Germany: crop and wild species, maintenance and research projects. In: Astley D, Bas N, Branca F, Daunay M C, Diez M J, Keller E R J, van Dooijeweert W, van Treuren R, Maggioni L, Lipman E (compilers) (Eds.): Report of a Vegetables Network. 2nd Meeting, June 2007, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Rome, Italy: Bioversity International (2009) 50-54.

Fritsch R M, Gurushidze M:

Phylogenetic relationships of ornamental species in Allium L. subg. Melanocrommyum (Webb et Berthel.) Rouy (Alliaceae). Isr. J. Plant Sci. 57 (2009) 287-295.

Hammer K, Pistrick K:

Hanelt, Peter. Vortr. Pflanzenzücht. (Ergänzungsband 4; Röbbelen, G.: Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte der Pflanzenzüchtung) 79 (2009) 37-38.

Namin H H, Mehrvarz S S, Zarre S, Fritsch R:

Pollen morphology of selected species of Allium (Alliaceae) distributed in Iran. Nord. J. Bot. 27 (2009) 54-60.

Neshati F, Fritsch R M:

Seed characters and testa sculptures of some Iranian Allium L. species (Alliaceae). Feddes Repert. 120 (2009) 322-332.

Neshati F, Fritsch R M, Zarre S:

Pollen morphology of some Allium L. species (Alliaceae) from Iran. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 127 (2009) 433-451.

Neshati F, Zarre S, Fritsch R M, Joharchi M-R:

Allium oriento-iranicum (Alliaceae), a new species from Iran. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 46 (2009) 599-601.

Pistrick K, Akhalkatsi M, Girgvliani T, Shanshiashvili T:

Collecting plant genetic resources in Upper Svanetia (Georgia, Caucasus Mountains) 2008. J. Agric. Rural Dev. Trop. Suppl. 92 (2009) 127-135.

Pistrick K, Hanelt P:

Karl Hammer 65. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 56 (2009) 145-146.


Abbasi M, Fritsch R M, Keusgen M:

History of Allium taxonomy in Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 31-43.

Abbasi M, Fritsch R M, Keusgen M:

Wild Allium species used as food and folk medicine in Iran. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 25-30.

Akhalkatsi M, Fritsch R M, Maisaia I, Nakutsrishvili G, Pistrick K:

Habitats of Allium species in Georgia In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 45-52.

Fritsch R M:

List of Allium accessions present in all national living Allium collections. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 167-272.

Fritsch R M:

Research missions and national living Allium collections. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 3-11.

Fritsch R M:

The Allium Database created for the research project PharmAll. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 13-24.

Fritsch R M:

Taxonomical remarks on Allium species in Iran, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 53-84.

Fritsch R M, Gurushidze M, Jedelská J, Keusgen M:

More than a pretty face - ornamental drumstick onions" of Allium subg. Melanocrommyum are also potential medicinal plants." Herbertia 60 (2008) 26-59.

Fritsch R M, Khassanov F O:

New taxa of Allium L. subg. Allium (Alliaceae) from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Feddes Repert. 119 (2008) 625-633.

Gurushidze M:

Phylogenetic analysis reveals multiple independent origins of dithiodipyrrole containing species of Allium subgenus Melanocrommyum. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 85-91.

Gurushidze M, Fritsch R M, Blattner F R:

Phylogenetic analysis of Allium subg. Melanocrommyum infers cryptic species and demands a new sectional classification. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 49 (2008) 997-1007.

Hanelt P, Pistrick K:

Nutzpflanzen, die vor der Blüte geerntet werden. In: Jäger E J, Ebel F, Hanelt P, Müller G (Eds.): Krautige Zier- und Nutzpflanzen. (Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Bd. 5) Berlin [u.a.]: Spektrum Akad. Verl. (2008) ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8, 91-95.

Heistinger A, Pistrick K:

Die blaue Blume von Altrei. Innsbruck: Studienverl. (2008) ISBN: 978-3-7065-4619-5, 8 pp.

Heistinger A, Pistrick K:

Il fiore blu di Anterivo. Innsbruck: Studienverl. (2008) ISBN: 978-3-7065-4620-1, 8 pp.

Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.):

Proceedings of the 1st Kazbegi Workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Caucasus, Georgia. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 281 pp.

Keusgen M, Jedelská J, Fritsch R M:

Phytochemical analysis of Allium species from Central Asia. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 103-130.

Kurbonova P A, Hisoriev H, Fritsch R M, Keusgen M:

Five years of joint (GermanTajik) investigations of wild Allium L. species in Tajikistan and their collection in Dushanbe Botanical Garden. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 135-140.

Pistrick K:

Cruciferae, Resedaceae. In: Jäger E J, Hanelt P, Müller G (Eds.): Krautige Zier- und Nutzpflanzen. (Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Bd. 5) Berlin [u.a.]: Spektrum Akad. Verl. (2008) ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8, 236-254.

Pistrick K, Akhalkatsi M, Nakhutsrishvili G:

Collecting wild Allium species in Georgia. In: Keusgen M, Fritsch R M (Eds.): 1st Kazbegi workshop Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia, 04.-08.06.2007, Kazbegi, Georgia, proceedings. Marburg & Gatersleben: Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH, Halberstadt (2008) ISBN 978-3-9813096-0-7, 147-156.


Adoukonou-Sagbadja H, Schubert V, Dansi A, Jovtchev G, Meister A, Pistrick K, Akpagana K, Friedt W:

Flow cytometric analysis reveals different nuclear DNA contents in cultivated Fonio (Digitaria spp.) and some wild relatives from West-Africa. Plant Syst. Evol. 267 (2007) 163-176.

Filatenko A A, Hammer K:

A new gross morphological variation in the genus Triticum L. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 231-232.

Fritsch R M, Graichen M-L, Zanke C, Keller E R J:

Allium genetic resources in Germany: crop and wild species, maintenance and research projects. In: Astley, D. et al. (eds.) Report of a vegetative network, 2nd Meeting 26.-28.06. 2007 in Olomouc. (2007).

Gurushidze M, Mashayekhi S, Blattner F R, Friesen N, Fritsch R M:

Phylogenetic relationships of wild and cultivated species of Allium section Cepa inferred by nuclear rDNA ITS sequence analysis. Plant Syst. Evol. 269 (2007) 259-269.

Heistinger A, Pistrick K:

Altreier Kaffee: Lupinus pilosus L. cultivated as coffee substitute in Northern Italy (Alto Adige/Sudtirol). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1623-1630.

Khoshbakht K, Hammer K, Pistrick K:

Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 445-448.

Pistrick K, Hammer K:

Richard N. Lester (1937-2006). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 449.

Pistrick K, Hammer K:

John G. Hawkes (1915-2007) - Obituary. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54 (2007) 1635-1635.


Friesen N, Fritsch R M, Blattner F R:

Phylogeny and new intrageneric classification of Allium (Alliaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences. Aliso 22 (2006) 372-395.

Fritsch R M, Abbasi A R, Keusgen M:

Useful wild Allium species in northern Iran. Rostaniha 7 (2006) 189-206.

Fritsch R M, Keusgen M:

Occurrence and taxonomic significance of cysteine sulphoxides in the genus Allium L. (Alliaceae). Phytochemistry 67 (2006) 1127-1135.

Fritsch R M, Kruse J, Adler K, Rutten T:

Testa sculptures in Allium L. subg. Melanocrommyum (Webb & Berth.) Rouy (Alliaceae). Feddes Repert. 117 (2006) 250-263.

Fritsch R M, Ochsmann J:

IPK Allium Database. (2006).

Fritsch R M, Salmaki Y, Zarre S, Joharchi M:

The genus Allium (Alliaceae) in Iran: Current state, new taxa and new records. Rostaniha 7 (2006) 255-282.

Keusgen M, Fritsch R M, Hisoriev H, Kurbonova P A, Khassanov F O:

Wild Allium species (Alliaceae) used in folk medicine of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. J. Ethnobiol. Ethnomed. 2 (2006) 18.

Ochsmann J, Pistrick K, Biermann N:

IPK Genebank and Taxonomy Image Database. (2006).

Pistrick K:

Übersicht der in Deutschland im Freiland angebauten Kulturpflanzen der Familie Cruciferae. Vortr. Pflanzenzücht. 70 (2006) 93-98.

Pistrick K:

Overview of cultivated plant species in the family Labiatae. In: Cervelli C, Ruffoni B, Dalla Guda C (Eds.): Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Labiatae: Advances in Production, Biotechnology and Utilisation: Sanremo, Italy, February 22 - 25, 2006. (Series: Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 723) Leuven: ISHS (2006) ISBN 978-90-66056-69-5, 133-141.

Pistrick K, Ochsmann J:

Herbarium IPK Gatersleben (GAT). (2006).

Schmuths H, Bachmann K, Weber W E, Horres R, Hoffmann M H:

Effects of preconditioning and temperature during germination of 73 natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Ann. Bot. 97 (2006) 623-634.